
in #introduceyourselflast year (edited)


Hola, gente hermosa de Hive, Soy Bitia Carolina López Vargas, venezolana, Ingeniero, músico, aficionada al tenis. Me identifico con la fé Cristiana, respetando siempre el credo de los demás, tengo 32 años de edad, actualmente estoy casada con un hombre espléndido y maravilloso desde hace 09 años, con el cual tengo dos hermosas hijas: Lucía Victoria y Bianca Isabella 5 y 2 años respectivamente.

Hello, beautiful people of Hive, I am Bitia Carolina López Vargas, Venezuelan, Engineer, musician, tennis fan. I identify with the Christian faith, always respecting the creed of others, I am 32 years old, I am currently married to a splendid and wonderful man for 09 years, with whom I have two beautiful daughters: Lucía Victoria and Bianca Isabella, 5 and 2 years old respectively.


Nací en Caracas en el año 1990, momento en el cual mi familia pasaba por una difícil situación económica, esto debido al contexto político de ese entonces en Venezuela, en el 1992 mis padres deciden mudarse al Estado Monagas, específicamente en la Ciudad Maturín, yo sólo tenía dos años de edad, así que toda mi vida se desenvolvió maravillosamente en esta bella ciudad. Crecí, estudié, me casé y vivo en Maturin junto a mi familia. Logré graduarme de Ingeniero en Gas, fui la mejor de mi matrícula y actualmente trabajo como analista de operaciones en la principal planta de llenado de GLP de la Ciudad.

I was born in Caracas in 1990, at which time my family was going through a difficult economic situation, this due to the political context of that time in Venezuela, in 1992 my parents decided to move to Monagas State, specifically in the Ciudad Maturín, I was only two years old, so my whole life unfolded wonderfully in this beautiful city. I grew up, studied, got married and live in Maturin with my family. I managed to graduate as Gas Engineer, I was the best in my class and I currently work as operations analyst in the main LPG filling plant in the City.


Fuente Juana La Avanzadora del Casco Central de Maturin

Dentro de mis habilidades, está el deporte y la música. Descubrí mi pasión por esta última, a los 8 años. comencé con un instrumento sencillo, pero muy especial para mí, llamado "cuatro" sí, "cuatro", comencé a asistir a una iglesia cercana a mi casa, fue donde recibí mis primeras clases de música, y se despertó mi gran pasión por ella. Fue algo increíble, tanto así, que le pedí a mis padres para navidad, adivinen qué?, sí, "un cuatro", qué emoción!; y al fin llegó ese momento!, en el que no paraba de tocar. Luego pude formalizar mis estudios de música, y así, aprendí a tocar el piano, la guitarra y la batería. Formé parte de la Orquesta Juvenil del Estado Monagas y también del coro Polifónico de la Escuela de Música Nuñez Romberg, sin duda etapa muy relevante de mi vida.

Within my skills, there is sports and music. I discovered my passion for the latter, at the age of 8. I started with a simple instrument, but very special to me, called "cuatro" yes, "cuatro", I began to attend a church near my house, it was where I received my first music classes, and my great passion for it awoke . It was something incredible, so much so, that I asked my parents for Christmas, guess what?, yes, "a four", what a thrill!; And finally that moment arrived!, in which he did not stop playing. Then I was able to formalize my music studies, and thus, I learned to play the piano, the guitar and the drums. I was part of the Monagas State Youth Orchestra and also of the Nuñez Romberg School of Music Polyphonic Choir, without a doubt a very important stage in my life.

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He desarrollado otras pasiones, cómo el tenis, la lectura, y recientemente el interés por la tecnología Blockchain y las cryptos, razón por la cual he decidido unirme a esta comunidad, ya que me encanta esta oportunidad de mostrar una parte de mí, de mi historia en este caso a través de este nuevo mundo, cuando me lo comentaron, me pareció interesante. Tengo experiencia como gamer y con las criptomomedas, (que a mí parecer es el futuro financiero del mundo), apreciaría toda tu ayuda, consejo y asesoría en esta nueva etapa, que en definitiva es un nuevo mundo por explorar.

I have developed other passions, such as tennis, reading, and recently an interest in Blockchain technology and cryptos, which is why I have decided to join this community, since I love this opportunity to show a part of me, of my history in this case through this new world, when they told me about it, I found it interesting. I have experience as a gamer and with cryptocurrencies, (which in my opinion is the financial future of the world), I would appreciate all your help, advice and advice in this new stage, which is definitely a new world to explore.

#Introduceyourself #Mylife #MyHiveIntro #Life #Photography #Venezuela #Venezolanos #Cuatro #CuatroVenezolano #Morphix19


Welcome aboard! I'll delegate some resource credits to help you comment and post more while you get started. The best way to build a good audience is to be a good audience for others, so create conversations!

Be sure to write down your keys and keep them somewhere safe. Click here for another writer's overview of which keys do what. Beware of scammers who promise quick riches or mystery airdrops, and don't enter your keys anywhere carelessly.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't have all the answers, but I'm glad to help if I can. @bertrayo is a Venezuelan luthier who makes cuatros, so you will enjoy his posts! I know little of the Spanish-speaking community in general on HIVE, but I know many other Venezuelans are here. Who knows? Maybe HIVE will supplant the Bolivar one day

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HIVE | PeakD | Ecency

Thanks @jacobtothe for your support to me. I really appreciate that.

Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it. it was very helpful. .

Hello @bitialopez! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome! You didn't mention how you happened to find our blockchain home - did an established Hive member tell you about it? If so, be sure to tag them so they know you're part of the Hive community now.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities

Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide should be helpful to you, as it is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works. For instance, there's a post in the collection called 3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive that you might find helpful.

Since you speak Spanish, I highly recommend you check out this excellent Hive Guide and Tutorial by amazing Hive community member, @victoriabsb (redone & expanded on April 7th, 2022) -

Hive Blockchain: La Guía Completa para Nuevos Usuarios || Tutorial

Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

If you have questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

Thank you very much @traciyork for the welcome and advice. That's right, I came to the community thanks to my brother @Morphix19. He told me about it a week ago and I thought it was really very interesting, and here I am!!!

Thanks a lot for you help, has been too especial for me.

Excelente te felicito por tú artículo. Bienvenida a hive

Gracias por la bienvenida @morphix19

Bienvenida al lugar ideal para la creatividad. Espero que tu andar por Hive traiga muchas cosas positivas y en especial crecimiento personal. Por ahí ya me presentaron.

Me encanta cuando más personas multifacéticas se unen a la Blockchain porque sumamos más valor a toda la plataforma.

Hola @bertrayo gracias por tu apoyo. Y si, eso espero, además de conocer personas con ese mismo pensamiento, de ser positivos y crecer.

Estás en el lugar indicado. ✨

Welcome to Hive Bitia 😊

You're a very driven and creative person. Clearly! I think you'll enjoy it around here.

Beautiful introduction post. 👏 It looks so clean and professional.

If this is how you start off I can't wait to see more of your stuff.

Have fun until then 🌷

Thanks @nickydee, i hop show more and share whit many people.

Bienvenida! Aquí encontrarás muchas posibilidades para expresarte.

Gracias 😁. Seguro que sí.
