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RE: Who am I really?

I'm to bad for heaven, god puts me back...Devil don't want me either because I'll dismantle his furnace and wobble.

Sorry bout that, didn't mean to worry anyone.

Also, remind me to EMA you to death if I ever hear you sing. You wont need a reminder, it will be a natural urge. 😂


Haha, I'll feel compelled to EMA once I hear you sing. Copy that. I'll keep my ears open for it and my EMA skills sharp.

You might be able to still hear me from across the ocean anyway, it's that annoying squeaking noise you thought was your car engine problem 🤣

Haha, oh dang it, I thought that was glazed rotors...I never thought it could be your screechy singing.

Bahahaha, yep I was trying to serenate you, I guess it didn't work...My bad