waaaaaay more minimalist please. just 2 or 3 objects would probably be enough. like a nice big leaf, somehow connected/combined with this podcast image:
aaaah there we go. that one in the bottom row middle. i love it. let's go with that one. maybe make the crack in the 2 leaves just a tad wider though so more whitespace shows thru them. just a couple pixels or so
The password is the same as for the last pack which I gave you in the chat. You can open chat and have a look. Otherwise, I can give you back in chat, no problem.
Many thanks in advance for your trust in my design abilities.
Can you please export each svg to a separate file and make sure they display correctly? the letters are exceeding the image size and the square image is not centering correctly. then zip them all up and send again?
waaaaaay more minimalist please. just 2 or 3 objects would probably be enough. like a nice big leaf, somehow connected/combined with this podcast image:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd'> <svg clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="m360.5-0.5h9c135.51 6.6457 239.34 66.979 311.5 181 29.892 52.168 46.725 108.17 50.5 168v39c-7.573 93.634-44.239 173.8-110 240.5-9.48 8.57-19.147 16.903-29 25-11.198 6.687-22.532 7.021-34 1-7.35-7.392-9.85-16.225-7.5-26.5 1.333-2.667 2.667-5.333 4-8 100.04-80.078 140.37-183.74 121-311-20.872-101.83-77.038-177-168.5-225.5-95.497-44.936-190.83-44.602-286 1-104.08 57.2-161.25 145.37-171.5 264.5-4.3151 100.11 30.185 183.94 103.5 251.5 7.795 6.127 15.295 12.627 22.5 19.5 6.624 11.766 5.791 22.932-2.5 33.5-11.219 7.862-22.886 8.529-35 2-68.779-57.544-112.95-130.38-132.5-218.5-2.9218-16.384-5.0885-32.717-6.5-49v-39c10.391-128.68 69.724-227.51 178-296.5 56.646-32.909 117.65-50.409 183-52.5z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m351.5 131.5c82.638-2.325 149.8 28.342 201.5 92 37.56 53.093 52.56 112.09 45 177-4.393 31.182-14.726 60.182-31 87-7.281 7.572-16.114 10.072-26.5 7.5-10.442-4.364-16.442-12.198-18-23.5 0.633-4.802 1.8-9.468 3.5-14 29.261-53.827 32.261-109.16 9-166-34.542-69.829-90.876-106.83-169-111-50.393 0.894-93.56 18.728-129.5 53.5-42.988 43.29-61.155 95.457-54.5 156.5 1.97 15.547 5.97 30.547 12 45 4.333 9.333 8.667 18.667 13 28 3.401 15.702-2.432 26.202-17.5 31.5-13.979 2.358-24.145-2.808-30.5-15.5-38.109-76.105-37.775-152.1 1-228 43.121-72.505 106.95-112.5 191.5-120z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m355.5 312.5c-24.979 5.817-39.479 21.484-43.5 47-2.092 23.985 7.075 42.151 27.5 54.5 25.446 10.842 47.946 6.676 67.5-12.5 14.559-20.262 16.225-41.595 5-64-13.642-19.562-32.476-27.896-56.5-25z" opacity="0"/> <path d="m355.5 262.5c49.071-1.229 84.238 20.105 105.5 64 15.88 45.644 6.38 85.144-28.5 118.5-44.667 32.667-89.333 32.667-134 0-34.88-33.356-44.38-72.856-28.5-118.5 16.836-36.993 45.336-58.327 85.5-64zm0 50c-24.979 5.817-39.479 21.484-43.5 47-2.092 23.985 7.075 42.151 27.5 54.5 25.446 10.842 47.946 6.676 67.5-12.5 14.559-20.262 16.225-41.595 5-64-13.642-19.562-32.476-27.896-56.5-25z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m369.5 837.5h-8c-18.372-0.762-35.706-5.596-52-14.5-4.274-4.274-7.774-9.107-10.5-14.5-21.145-73.535-33.645-148.54-37.5-225 0.124-30.786 14.458-51.619 43-62.5 25.977-8.665 52.643-11.665 80-9 22.059 0.929 42.392 7.262 61 19 11.618 8.64 18.785 20.14 21.5 34.5 0.998 5.809 1.831 11.643 2.5 17.5-3.851 76.628-16.351 151.8-37.5 225.5-3.833 9.167-10.333 15.667-19.5 19.5-13.945 5.574-28.279 8.74-43 9.5zm-12-277c16.826-0.521 33.16 1.979 49 7.5 9.061 3.884 13.394 10.717 13 20.5-6.061 66.031-16.561 131.36-31.5 196-1.067 0.691-2.234 1.191-3.5 1.5-12.667 2-25.333 2-38 0-1.266-0.309-2.433-0.809-3.5-1.5-9.84-43.709-18.174-87.709-25-132-3.278-21.22-5.444-42.553-6.5-64-0.626-8.915 3.041-15.415 11-19.5 11.336-4.696 23.002-7.529 35-8.5z" fill="#fff"/> </svg>
for the rectangular image that displays the company name too, type the letters together like this:
If I have more details from start, I can be more specific with the end product.
So I have couple of them here, hope you find some, or one, or maybe more idea with these. Here we go:
Enough minimalist now?
aaaah there we go. that one in the bottom row middle. i love it. let's go with that one. maybe make the crack in the 2 leaves just a tad wider though so more whitespace shows thru them. just a couple pixels or so
Is that what you mean?
exactly! :)
i like the second one the best, the rect on the bottom of that image
Great, done.
Here is the final pack for CastGarden Logo and Banner:
Final CastGarden logo in IPFS
The password is the same as for the last pack which I gave you in the chat. You can open chat and have a look. Otherwise, I can give you back in chat, no problem.
Many thanks in advance for your trust in my design abilities.
Can you please export each svg to a separate file and make sure they display correctly? the letters are exceeding the image size and the square image is not centering correctly. then zip them all up and send again?