waaaaaay more minimalist please. just 2 or 3 objects would probably be enough. like a nice big leaf, somehow connected/combined with this podcast image:
aaaah there we go. that one in the bottom row middle. i love it. let's go with that one. maybe make the crack in the 2 leaves just a tad wider though so more whitespace shows thru them. just a couple pixels or so
The password is the same as for the last pack which I gave you in the chat. You can open chat and have a look. Otherwise, I can give you back in chat, no problem.
Many thanks in advance for your trust in my design abilities.
Hi @kencode , here i have something for you, hope you like it:
waaaaaay more minimalist please. just 2 or 3 objects would probably be enough. like a nice big leaf, somehow connected/combined with this podcast image:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd'> <svg clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="m360.5-0.5h9c135.51 6.6457 239.34 66.979 311.5 181 29.892 52.168 46.725 108.17 50.5 168v39c-7.573 93.634-44.239 173.8-110 240.5-9.48 8.57-19.147 16.903-29 25-11.198 6.687-22.532 7.021-34 1-7.35-7.392-9.85-16.225-7.5-26.5 1.333-2.667 2.667-5.333 4-8 100.04-80.078 140.37-183.74 121-311-20.872-101.83-77.038-177-168.5-225.5-95.497-44.936-190.83-44.602-286 1-104.08 57.2-161.25 145.37-171.5 264.5-4.3151 100.11 30.185 183.94 103.5 251.5 7.795 6.127 15.295 12.627 22.5 19.5 6.624 11.766 5.791 22.932-2.5 33.5-11.219 7.862-22.886 8.529-35 2-68.779-57.544-112.95-130.38-132.5-218.5-2.9218-16.384-5.0885-32.717-6.5-49v-39c10.391-128.68 69.724-227.51 178-296.5 56.646-32.909 117.65-50.409 183-52.5z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m351.5 131.5c82.638-2.325 149.8 28.342 201.5 92 37.56 53.093 52.56 112.09 45 177-4.393 31.182-14.726 60.182-31 87-7.281 7.572-16.114 10.072-26.5 7.5-10.442-4.364-16.442-12.198-18-23.5 0.633-4.802 1.8-9.468 3.5-14 29.261-53.827 32.261-109.16 9-166-34.542-69.829-90.876-106.83-169-111-50.393 0.894-93.56 18.728-129.5 53.5-42.988 43.29-61.155 95.457-54.5 156.5 1.97 15.547 5.97 30.547 12 45 4.333 9.333 8.667 18.667 13 28 3.401 15.702-2.432 26.202-17.5 31.5-13.979 2.358-24.145-2.808-30.5-15.5-38.109-76.105-37.775-152.1 1-228 43.121-72.505 106.95-112.5 191.5-120z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m355.5 312.5c-24.979 5.817-39.479 21.484-43.5 47-2.092 23.985 7.075 42.151 27.5 54.5 25.446 10.842 47.946 6.676 67.5-12.5 14.559-20.262 16.225-41.595 5-64-13.642-19.562-32.476-27.896-56.5-25z" opacity="0"/> <path d="m355.5 262.5c49.071-1.229 84.238 20.105 105.5 64 15.88 45.644 6.38 85.144-28.5 118.5-44.667 32.667-89.333 32.667-134 0-34.88-33.356-44.38-72.856-28.5-118.5 16.836-36.993 45.336-58.327 85.5-64zm0 50c-24.979 5.817-39.479 21.484-43.5 47-2.092 23.985 7.075 42.151 27.5 54.5 25.446 10.842 47.946 6.676 67.5-12.5 14.559-20.262 16.225-41.595 5-64-13.642-19.562-32.476-27.896-56.5-25z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m369.5 837.5h-8c-18.372-0.762-35.706-5.596-52-14.5-4.274-4.274-7.774-9.107-10.5-14.5-21.145-73.535-33.645-148.54-37.5-225 0.124-30.786 14.458-51.619 43-62.5 25.977-8.665 52.643-11.665 80-9 22.059 0.929 42.392 7.262 61 19 11.618 8.64 18.785 20.14 21.5 34.5 0.998 5.809 1.831 11.643 2.5 17.5-3.851 76.628-16.351 151.8-37.5 225.5-3.833 9.167-10.333 15.667-19.5 19.5-13.945 5.574-28.279 8.74-43 9.5zm-12-277c16.826-0.521 33.16 1.979 49 7.5 9.061 3.884 13.394 10.717 13 20.5-6.061 66.031-16.561 131.36-31.5 196-1.067 0.691-2.234 1.191-3.5 1.5-12.667 2-25.333 2-38 0-1.266-0.309-2.433-0.809-3.5-1.5-9.84-43.709-18.174-87.709-25-132-3.278-21.22-5.444-42.553-6.5-64-0.626-8.915 3.041-15.415 11-19.5 11.336-4.696 23.002-7.529 35-8.5z" fill="#fff"/> </svg>
for the rectangular image that displays the company name too, type the letters together like this:
If I have more details from start, I can be more specific with the end product.
So I have couple of them here, hope you find some, or one, or maybe more idea with these. Here we go:
Enough minimalist now?
aaaah there we go. that one in the bottom row middle. i love it. let's go with that one. maybe make the crack in the 2 leaves just a tad wider though so more whitespace shows thru them. just a couple pixels or so
Is that what you mean?
exactly! :)
i like the second one the best, the rect on the bottom of that image
Great, done.
Here is the final pack for CastGarden Logo and Banner:
Final CastGarden logo in IPFS
The password is the same as for the last pack which I gave you in the chat. You can open chat and have a look. Otherwise, I can give you back in chat, no problem.
Many thanks in advance for your trust in my design abilities.