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RE: A Travel Pro Blurt Market Up-Date!


I also note you still haven't addressed the absurd claims you keep making that he is some official spokesperson for Blurt. This will be my last response. I only came to point out you are denigrating Blurt because your butthurt at him and a few others.


Screenshot (40).png

There's the fucking marketing campaign. It's littered all over the fucking place. Those links lead to all kinds of bullshit, like I've tried to explain a million fucking ways to people who are fucking stupid and brainwashed. And look at that nice fancy banner. Wow you guys are so smart.

Solve your problem.

Then leave me the fuck alone.

This will be my last response. I only came to point out you are denigrating Blurt because your butthurt at him and a few others.

Liars, manipulators, thieves; now I'll add cowards to that list. If there's actually anyone on Blurt of sound mind able to communicate, feel free to stop by and help sort this out.

I'm beyond sick of all your shit. My patience is wearing thin. And I'm not playing.

You have not spent enough time thinking about me today....I demand at least two more hours. hahaha

Hmmm maybe I'll make an honorary post of appreciation just for you.

It will highlight demonic possession combined with stunted adolescence syndrome. lol

That would certainly help prove my case.