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RE: I Can't Believe I'm Doing This

in #life9 months ago

Who is this again? Don't worry, we remember. Sometimes we need a break just like I am having now. Real life can sometimes demand all energy and attention. Being creative is not something to be forced. Take the time you need. we will still be here. Hope you are well.

I was expecting to hear a request after this line

There's one thing I need though. Probably the first time in seven years I ask for something.

But nothing. I was all geared up to help but now I feel slightly disappointed. Roll on year eight. Hive is a slow burner.


Dude. I was just asking you all to accept the fact I'm okay. I'm fine. I got this. I'll do what I can, when I can. And straight up thanks for not turning your back on me.

Hive is like a mixtape. It's OK to press pause every now and again. When you are ready to unpause you will continue from where you left off. Good luck with finding the button.

Sometimes it's like reaching around in the dark for that button. Fucking alarm is going off..