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RE: A Bear In The Woods

in #life2 years ago

Rum blew the head off me down in the Canaries. I never forget the hangover(s). The stuff was so nice I kept going back to it. There was one morning I think I went a bit blind. I will always remember the name of the sweet sweet nectar of the Canarian gods that would be so devastating the next day. Arehucas. Get some lad to bring it back from holiday. You won't be disappointed until the next day then you will be. I'm not one of those bad hangover people either. A can of coke, a ride and a chipper is my cure. Once I get 2 out of 3 I can declare the hangover over and the ride doesn't have to be with anyone. But this stuff. Jesus!! At one stage there was a black gentleman at the end of my bed in his little red suit blowing sand in my face. It is the closest I have got to coming down off heroin.


Hahahhahahah, A bit blind that is hilarious. I remember going a bit mad with the Ron Miel honey rum when I was over there. It is so nice I could literally tan millions of it.

You paint the picture well, lol!