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RE: They Aren't Out Of Reach Guys (A Must Read By Brian Phobos)

in #life8 years ago

They do get match after match after match on Tinder and Bumble but it funnels down a lot quicker than you think. They are a lot more selective with who they are swiping right now. With Bumble even if they match you they have to contact you first. So the ones contacting you are pretty interested. It actually cuts a lot of the chase out of it.

Also guys derail themselves pretty fast a lot of times. They get too amped up on there and start perving out. If the girl is hot and seems cool then the goal is to meet her. Nothing is going to happen in real life if you don't meet up with her. So I move fairly quick to get their number and set something up to hang out that day if possible. A lot of guys if they get to this point they will screw up because perhaps they aren't that funny in real life or don't know how to communicate. Then they might desperately go for the kill way to fast.

If a guys is able to play the cool guy who isn't desperate and is funny and it is pretty apparent all the hot girls probably want to hang out with then they will latch on before "you get away."