To start this case study off right I must say that I love women..... there is really no other way to put it. I'm sure that a lot of you guys out there enjoy the company of beautiful women as well. This case study is written from the perspective of a guy but women are welcome to read what I have to say as well and contribute to the discussion below.
Very rarely do women or men have a level of confidence about themselves to a point where they don't give a fuck no matter how hot the person of the opposite sex is that they desire. If they ever do obtain this confidence it is rare for either sex to possess it before about the age of 30.
It is natural to have insecurities no matter how hot a person is. Now guys I'm sure you have seen women that are so hot you almost lose your mind. They look so perfect you can't even imagine they have ever sharted their pants before in their entire life or ever had bad breath. They almost seem like a goddess working out in their yoga pants at LA Fitness. They look so good that you start to perv out while you are doing tricep extensions and start thinking about how you would be willing to let them rip one of your toe nails off with a pair of pliers just for a chance to lick the sweat off their body. Slurp, Slurp, SLURP, SLUUURRRPPP
Pick yourself up man!!!!
It isn't uncommon for the ladies to always question how hot they are. You look at her as a goddess but she doesn't like that one boob is three cubic nanometers bigger than the other one. She is self conscious because one of her molars is slightly out of place. To top it all off the particular day that you see her she feels bloated when she looks in the mirror because she ate a burrito three days ago.
She has her makeup on and her hair took two hours to do but she is never exactly sure if she looks bootylicious in her yoga pants.
You could find your way into her heart by making her laugh!!!!
Unfortunately you start thinking about how you aren't jacked enough. Also the shoes you have on are kind of shitty and beat up. You aren't really sure but you might have ear wax in your ears. To top that all off the workout shirt you have on makes you look like you need a sports bra. (Man boob alert!)
You tell yourself next time you see her after you get a haircut, new shoes, and you drop a little bit of weight you will talk to her.
She wonders in her mind if any of the hot guys find her attractive and if maybe she is too chubby to be wearing yoga pants anymore. She starts thinking about how she might have cottage cheese thighs. She goes into a state of miniature depression and eats an entire tub of ice cream while watching a Lifetime Original movie.
A woman will always be in the ultimate power position because they are the ultimate gate keepers. The fact is that most people in general are dealing with insecurities on a daily basis.
The more women you have hung out with the less it matters if it doesn't work out or if you ultimately get rejected. You aren't going to be 100%. I'm not trying to say that every woman isn't special and beautiful in her own ways. I'm just trying to say that if you act like a woman is a goddess and on such a higher level than you she will sense that and you lost any kind of power position that you might have had.
If you maintain your composure you might still get to lick the sweat off her body you sick fuck. You probably won't have to lose a toe nail to do it either.
Remember guys, she has ear wax too!
Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos
These are carefully cherished secrets in the hands of the right playa!
As a guy now in my 50s, the landscape just seems full of hot ladies, younger than me, that are very experienced.. which is nice.
Mature women really appreciate a guy in their life that really cares about them; so I don't find myself on the market very long ;-)
Thanks for taking a look at the post an commenting! I'm going to do a post about working age differentials to your advantage! LOL
don't let everyone know -haha
Hahahah, funniest comment!
I skimmed this masterpiece, and here is my takeaway:
Put all your focus on licking sweat off of a goddess in yoga pants at LA Fitness 3 days after she eats a burrito and is depressed because now she's chubby and no dudes want her. Great read BP... 😎
Off to Del Taco and LA Fitness then, catch you all later!
🙌I'm glad you are learning so much from my posts @sandstorm LOL. Heheheh
Dude, you're basically the desert oracle in that pool boardroom of yours! :) haha
Well hopefully you got a solid laugh out of it! There will be more to come!
Yeah man, that was quality!
confidence boosted after reading your post.
"Have no expectations, and you'll have no disappoints, only possibly pleasant surprises!"
Ummmm.. how 'bout you know they have, and you don't give a @##%! (deep down most people love that they can be themselves around someone else, and thinking that way doesn't work so well in the goddess/pedestal area either!)
And then I met @michellectv... lol
And she always somehow manages to stay above the Vickie Mendoza Diagonal, even if it's sometimes borderline! (joke @michellectv, please don't beat me up!) lol
Good work!
I just make chicks chase me haha
Girls have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) when @stackin enters the room and they start fighting over the rare commodity!
You're absolutely right @brianphobos
No matter who she love and no matter what's her/his age.
What matters is LOVE which is unconditional and women are concious as well as men are concious too because everyone has their own figure and physique.
You gave us a informative article and many of us are inspired by it.
thank You
Thank you for reading the post!
Off to the gym then! Time to lick some sweat!
Hahah, 👍
I was recently discussing this. The topic came up of the phenomena where men are unable up perform thinking the woman is "out of their league"
It is an issue with guys not being able to perform. They say the girl is too hot and it makes them nervous and they start getting self conscious and stress them self out. It is a real thing for sure.
I totally believe you and I am not dismissing the fact that it is a problem. My thing is, they shouldn't feel that way because a girl wouldn't sleep with you if she thought you were ugly/not hot/etc
Great post man. Yeah they often say that the hottest girls are the most receptive because they don't get approached as much because most guys are intimidated. How do you think Tinder and all these sites have changed the dating game? I've been out of the dating game for a while, boy do I miss it lol, my gf's pretty cool though. I been hearing that due to how easy it is for guys to "approach" women online they are flooded with attention and many think there "shit don't stink". I can definately see how this can happen as I think most guys realize it's a numbers game and approach every single women online with a form letter so while the guys may have put 0 effort into messaging a women, she thinks thousands of guys are banging down her door.
They do get match after match after match on Tinder and Bumble but it funnels down a lot quicker than you think. They are a lot more selective with who they are swiping right now. With Bumble even if they match you they have to contact you first. So the ones contacting you are pretty interested. It actually cuts a lot of the chase out of it.
Also guys derail themselves pretty fast a lot of times. They get too amped up on there and start perving out. If the girl is hot and seems cool then the goal is to meet her. Nothing is going to happen in real life if you don't meet up with her. So I move fairly quick to get their number and set something up to hang out that day if possible. A lot of guys if they get to this point they will screw up because perhaps they aren't that funny in real life or don't know how to communicate. Then they might desperately go for the kill way to fast.
If a guys is able to play the cool guy who isn't desperate and is funny and it is pretty apparent all the hot girls probably want to hang out with then they will latch on before "you get away."
lol a bit brutal... i dont think everyone is extremely insecure, but we all have days when we feel like crap and days when we feel good! hahah nobody is not good enough for anyone. Only stuck up girls and boys think they are too good for anyone and usually have very shit personalities. I think i get what you trying to say here, but it just sends a wrong message. Women should be treated as princesses :P lol
Hahah, Thank you for your contribution to the case study Alla.
Some people's insecurities can be crippling. Yes a woman will be treated as a princess but not until you are together. ;-)
yes fair point!! only in a relationship :D hahah
Totally agree with most of this haha - we do get into our heads too much instead of just going with it. Sometimes we look for all the things wrong with us instead of what is right. And there is sooooo much that right with us. We are perfect whether or not we think that or not. And the right person will think you are perfect through anything.
They are very gorgeous.
For sure not out of reach! Reminds me of my PUA days. Those girls might be fun for a minute, or 2, but find a real independent women and doesn't need makeup to me hot. Sounds like you and I should start a PUA community on here and reveal some secrets...
Sounds like a plan!