I've been buying more Steem this week

in #life6 years ago

The more I learn about this platform and the more I understand it's possibilities. Some of you may not have noticed but I've been buying up Steem this whole week, it could be interpreted as a crazy financial move, but my years of being a businessman have taught me to recognize opportunity and potential.

I for one have not found a platform that I could use with not only with the intention of investing but with the possibility of making a difference in the life of others. You may have noticed my VP is pretty low at the moment and that has simply been me going on an upvote rampage, the positive attitudes, the appreciate words and efforts that some Steem users put into their journey on Steem is inspiring to me.


I fully intend to continue to give back as much as I can to the community and have been approached by a few Steemians with some interesting ideas and initiatives we could start in the near future.

I enjoyed very much @jerrybanfield post on How to survive the Dip I thought it was dead on accurate, it seems to me that Jerry understands things about this platform that other investors might fail to see as clear.

To me Steem makes sense because of it's application, many coins people buy and hold are simply speculative gambling tokens and it does not seem to be a long term strategy for anyone who takes their investments seriously. I've only been on this platform for a little over a month and have grown to understand it's huge potential, the possibility of taking over other social media websites in the not so distant future.

I feel grateful to have been invited to join Steem, and I'm feeling great about buying up many tokens this week and will continue to do so. I will however point out that some of the negative comments I've received seem to be of people that don't understand a key part of Steem or maybe cryptocurrencies in general.

Investment is a good thing

That does not sound like a crazy thing to say, if this platform is thrive it needs to be one that attracts more investment to it. The worth of currencies worldwide even have much to do with the amount of people using them, but they balanced by the amount of investment coming into them too and Steem is no different.

To attack people because they are buying Steem and using it seems very irrational to me, and I'm saying this with respect as someone who does not understand the "logical" arguments against it.

Slowing down because prices are low is self defeating

I try to write inspiring things everyday as I find this to have been the fuel behind my career for my whole life, but today I'm writing in a more serious tone simply because this is an important thing everyone needs to know.

If every time things were not going my way I slowed down or stopped I would have never accomplished anything in my life. The lower payouts to me simply means It's time to elevate my level of involvement, and in my case specifically my investment on this platform.

From what I read from some posts on the subject I'm getting close to making this account a Dolphin. I fully intend to celebrate this small milestone with all of you My tribe of good intent because it has been you after all who have inspired me to continue sharing my stories and thoughts.

It's important to know as well that it's actually a terrible time to be selling your Steem, powering down on a bear market seems like a counterproductive move if you ask me.

Im finishing up the next chapter of the story...

It was a busy weekend for me at the Studio and it's been hard to sit down more than ten minutes at a time on my computer, but I'm not done telling the story and have plenty more to share...

Hope you see you on the next chapter...

Much Success, Regards


There are 2 pages

Oh boy, another dummy who can't see through @jerrybanfield's bullshit... You won't last long here with that ignorance. I promise.

He is always on my fucking trending page, it is starting to be annoying...

Ignore trending.

If it continue this way... Fucking abusers

Abusing the crap out of Steem buying Steem on a bear market and using the bots right?

I mean... what kind of monster would use his own money to buy steem and invest on this platform instead of just doing like, dmania posts about nutella like a true Steemian.

Sarcasm aside... ignore trending.. problem solved...

Yep, it's just the way the game is played now. It might have been a buse once upon a time - now it's self-preservation.

+1 ignore trending.

How do you have -17 rep? I didnt know you could reach below 0..

Nuked by a big account (Ned). Best ignored in this case, it's a logarithmic outlier.

your thinking is clear you will not only earn money as a by-product but you can also bring change through your writings.

It's great when others see the same value. I just did the same, bought more on the dip. I'm with you in thinking that steem is greatly undervalued right now and an awesome investment opportunity now.

Couldn't agree more.

Yes well done .. great work
Who works hard deserves
Thanks for sharing your experience

Shameless plug here. If you want Crypto news Or Bass Guitar covers Im your man :) I also actual upvote valid comments.

Too shameless.

I wanted to buy steem coin at $1.50 usd the other day and it went up in price so fast I didn't get in time at the price I was shooting for...since then I been waiting patiently for lower price, wish me luck...

Same here! let's go back under $2,- for a just a little bit

Me too! Good luck! I think STEEM has a bright future!

after reading your post i feel a hope again because from some days steem value is decreasing day by day which make me disappointed and i am thinking about leaving the platform because my i need finance and i have join steemit to make money truly.

if you are here to just milk steemit without faith in it we will all be better off without people of the likes of you, by all means no one is trying to keep you guys here and reward you with de-appreciating assets.
stop crying for things you have limited understanding of. This kind of shit really makes me wanna start Flagging the shit out of you.

I agree completely, she would like to earn money based on what? I have checked her profile and there were couple of photos and 2 sentence long intro. Fucking lol

you are so cynical. It's so good sometimes!

its just tomporary period. and everything will be fine in near future? just stick in steemit.

This platform can be used to make money...over time, but what this platform is about is community, helping others and inspiring and sharing your passions. Steemit has been an incredible platform for me, i love that i get to express myself on her and inspire others while doing it. Be patient and don't look at it as just a money maker and it will work for you.

Believe me!

correction was needed when we hit insane prices, now we're probably either in rational price or oversold territory either way I can't see the price staying much lower for long.

I fully understand you. I have done the same. Maybe you pay for it, but you don't have to. It's lifetime investment. Moreover in the matter of price it is definitely way cheaper than facebook, and gives actual refund, not fake likes. I wonder, when big corpos will start their campaigns here?
Cheers mate!
PS) If anyone is a big fan of dogs, please check my fancy photos at @dogimage :-)

Hi, dogimage. I recommend: Believe in steemit!

steem is backed by the community and the content being created on it, infinitely more than many other coins can present

Don't you need 'whales' to notice and interact with your posts to make decent money on here though? Sometimes 5 people upvote me (tumbleweed...) and I get 1 cent.... Then I see articles like yours getting $200... How long did it take you to make this kind of money?

I think it is important for newer users to understand that votes are bought for this post. Just look at the highest voters. The trending page is like the paid adverts you see on other social media.
The use of upvote services is a large part of how steemit works. Is it ethical? Thats for each user to decide.
I only mention this not to be critical of this post but because I think newer users should be informed on what it takes to be a perceived success on this network.

It's a real shame that this is even allowed. I guess I will have to dig deep for the quality true authentic articles rather than this crappy ones which only look popular because people actually spend money pretending they are good (!!!) crazy... Anyway, I do hope that by just writing good articles and upvoting articles I actually GENUINELY like, that I can do well on here and it won't be flooded by a load of fakers. We shall see!

I meant 'the' not 'this' -not related to this article at all :)

Ir probably took him a long time. While it does take either a whale or a lot of people to make big payouts, it still is easier to get one upvote from one whale. However, you never know where five or ten of your superstar followers will be in six months, so you might eventually get a few heavier hitters upvoting you.

yes true. Patience is a virtue. I would rather just keep on posting quality content and naturally make money than take part in any of the fake black hat tactics. This is what brought me to Steemit in the first place, as I believed it would be authentic. Let's see what happens in a few months time!

Hopefully the price goes up, but if not, just buy some more up!

It didn't take him long because he's buying these upvotes. You can look at his wallet, look at the payout, and do the math. It's a mirage. Steemit does indeed have a lot of potential, but if you're trying to use it as a get rich quick scheme, you will fail IMHO.

very interesting to read your story @chbartist .. You have an uncanny ability. Thanks for sharing with US to Sciences very useful...

Thank you so...

Am new on steemit and posts of how steem is going down had put me dowm but this is really pulling me up so its high time i got so involved in the platform
Thanks darling great advice

Usually around January every year cryptos fall anyways. Now is the time to invest, and once summer roles around, I think we will be doing great.

i did the same, cheers

Buy low sell high is the golden rule but it is difficult for everyone to follow!

I wonder if we are going to see a lot of investors piling in now that the price is low...

I really liked your article. I will try to follow you! Good luck!

You got a 20.68% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @chbartist!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

such a great read! keep up the good work

excelente tu opinión!! estoy de acuerdo

Selling steem now is called panic sellings. Buying steem now is called wise man.

Investment is a product of effort.
I agree with you.

You outstanding people. I often reading your post and you give US a lot of motivation life. Thank you friend

Very useful post. I support.

Very interesting ♥️

Hi @chbartist! Thanks for your Steemit contribution.

My name is @hounddog and I am a bot that reads every post on this platform and connects similar content. I want to help people find publications that they like, so rewards are distributed fairly. Based on the content of your post, you and your readers may also be interested in these publications:

1: My Steem Journey 4 The First Month Part Two by @guyfawkes4-20 (80% match)
2: Why Entrepreneurship is a Critical Skill for Top Performers And How to Practice It On Steem by @heymattsokol (78% match)
3: To Steem or Not To Steem? by @tkappa (80% match)

If you want to know more about me or get some personalized recommendations, CHECK OUT MY NEWEST PUBLICATION!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

You did a good thing. Price of Steem is quite low this time and this situation is not going to continue as steem platform is increasing day by day. People are wasting their money on speculative shit coins. Instead of it they should buy steem as this has the potential to be a crypto of the future. It is fast, secure and moreover has a network of thousands of users.

Yep prices are low but one should not lose heart. One should remain positive. Yeah dont let yourself be defeated.

I hope read the next

I'm not here for a very long time, but I believe that the long-term success of Steemit will depend mostly on two factors:

  1. How will the governments of important countries around the world treat cryptocurrencies. So far, there are both countries like China how are opposing their mining and trading, and countries like Denmark who are supporting cryptos, but the vast majority of the world is still deciding what to do or postponing this for later.
  2. Meaningful reward pool distribution. This will never be perfect, but it remains to be seen what percentage of reward pool will in the future be distributed by bots, circle jerking, and self voting, and what percentage will be distributed by rewarding high-quality content.

v nice info

I intend to do the same.. But I am not bouyant to buy just yet. Good I stumbled upon this tho, has a nice vibe going round it

This post has been upvoted and picked by Daily Picked #10! Thank you for the cool and quality content. Keep going!

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Your post is very interesting and useful. I support!

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I think we just need to follow what people with big accounts do because it's best recommendation for us. Great post.

Lucky you! I didn't had any fiat on my exchange when steem was at 1.47$, now I want to buy some and it's up to 1.93$. :(

It's really a good investment to buy steem when it's cheap. Sooner or later, the price will definitely skyrocket to the moon. It's just a matter of time, patience and little brains.

@chbartist La compra de steem es una buena inversion, pienso que pronto subira, hay que tener paciencia y no tener panico si esta bajando, hay que esperar. Saludos mucho exito en tus proximos post. Te sigo, upvote, reestem.

Steem has some amazing potential! The price may be down, but I am still a strong believer in Steemit!

Inspiring :) looking forward to see next chapter! :)

Challenge, where you can win up to 100s $SD!
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I agree that now is the time to really get involved. I've been investing in Steem too, because I see a great opportunity. The fact that lots of people still post even though the price of Steem is not what we originally would want it at just shows how much people believe in the platform.

Hello @chbartist. We are also gearing up to invest a TON of our money into steem and SBD. Anyone who doesn't, I believe, will be missing out on a very valuable platform.

My wife and I run a project called @haveaheart - Our mission is simple. We make it easy for people who legitimately need the help, get the exposure they deserve.

@haveaheart is a resteemer with a cause. You can support your favorite charity/cause or artist, band, etc. All you have to do is send a mimimum of 0.1 SBD/STEEM.

To prevent scammers and spam we will be doing the verifications personally. No bots. That way you can always trust that you won't be throwing your money away. What is shared on @haveaheart has been thoroughly researched and verified. If it has not been verified there will be a comment made by @haveaheart stating that this has not been able to be verified by @haveaheart.

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Please follow us and share our services with your friends.

Thanks for your support.

I think you are right on with this. btw, I found you today for the first time as I browsed the trending posts so great job. I've followed you because I believe in what you are saying. If I had some extra cash I would definitely would be investing this week as well. Im in here for the long haul.

man u just spoke to me................ nice one

Muy util tu post.

It's always good to invest in what you believe in, and in something that has good applications. You make a very good point as to why Steem is better than other coins out there. The utility and growth of this platform is great. As a seasoned investor I must say however that you should never invest with your emotions! If you see that things come apart then don't hold on to nostalgia! I do hope this grows bigger than Facebook! :)

i like a lot

I bought steem for the very first time this weekend! it wasn't a crazy amount but I wanted to see how it worked because I have such a hard time understanding it all. Especially with so much contradictory information rolling around.
I am glad to see that someone who normally writes creative and less serious content (like myself) feels they can still have a serious moment and write about what matters to them. It is inspiring for a small fry like myself on this platform :) Thank you for your post!

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