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RE: 65 Inches

in #life2 years ago

Oh the times when I believed in Black Friday....I have no nostalgic feeling as now I realize how much deception it involves. I don't know how it must be in other countries, but in mine they jack up the prices before and then "lowering" to what is actually normal. So the prank is on the buyer all the time.


Yes they do that here too. In fact if you put an item ina price tracker you can get a pretty graph which shows their devious antics. Its quite outrageous!


I am glad that more people realize this and prefer to keep their money. In fact in January and February they are more eager to sell and lower the price as sales are down after the holidays. It is better to buy then

Thats when I buy my best clothes! And warm stuff for the next winter. You can get stuff incredibly cheap!

Oh yes! I learned my lesson and I also do this, why pay extra when you can get it at a normal or even real low price? We pay for things with days from our lives working so we should spend wiser