Haha! Brilliant. :)
I hate interviews with a passion. I am terrible in interviews. I get so nervous that my head twitches, and then I try to compensate by acting like I'm cool as a cucumber. So I kind of slouch there with an arm draped over the next chair, practically winking at the interviewers while my head twitches with every word.
Yeah. I'm not even kidding haha!
The last one I did was so bad, I vowed never to do an interview again. Which I haven't. Which ended up being great because I had to figure out how to make money by being my own boss. Which I have. :)
That's my plan too. I hate interviews and get really nervous.
Then everything has worked out perfectly! Your body must have been trying to tell you that this was not for you and to strike out on your own!! :0)
Yes! I like to think so!! :)