
Electric blue💙💙Ooo my, that is brave


It looked rather stupid thinking back but you know what it's like, you think all manner of daft things in your teens 🤣🤣

I used to fancy the rock teen look. I was putting on makeup like a was a raccoon lol. A proud raccoon. Oh goshh....teen times.


Hehe, that's a fine look to rawk when a teenager!! I remember I seemed to wear an awful lot of black. I am glad I have moved on from that!!

Ooo I can relate to this🙈🙈

Don't tell anyone but I still like it! ssshhhh :OD

Hihihi. I think you were an awesome teenager.Electric blue hair, black clothes. Ooo I wish I had the courage to have electric blue hair💙 I can just imagine. Usually the fancy out of the ordinary teens end up being quite nice people under all of that nerdy geeky odd look.