
Yeah when you listen to what he says it's actually quite smart and thought provoking. If he just dropped the lizard people idea 🤣

Then again, 🤔 maybe it's genius. He flies under the radar and isn't assinated by the elite ruling class (a.k.a. lizard people) because everyone thinks he's crazy. But his ideas and findings of evil from behind the curtain still get disseminated throughout the world... quite genius really.

Lol. Everyone who speaks out against the elite ruling class gets assassinated right?

They always get assassinated. There is no other way for them to live (die)

Perhaps he is a genius. Maybe even an evil one. Possibly be is the lizard lord hiding in turquoise tracksuited plain sight!!

That or he's a shape-shifting fox person and he's trying to draw attention away from his own species and put it on another 🙃

Neverr trust them foxes!

I didnt think of that but it could be. There are a host of the shapeshifting muthfunkas!! Theu are not only at war with us but with each other!

:-) Galactic Histories on Vimeo has some very well researched synopses of how e.g. reptilians fit into our current reality. There's a great deal of evidence currently flooding into the collective conscious - it can't easily be discounted when you dig deep and find how everything joins up.