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RE: Flat Rocks

in #lifelast year

I think it's just an echo of all things said and done. So want it to write an article, it grabs existing data, you publish that thinking you're awesome, but to the AI it's only receiving something it already knows, so that's garbage, and the people didn't need it anyway but if they did, they could just ask AI for it instead of looking for your shitty article. Garbage in, garbage out; society sitting there spinning its tires. New ideas, creativity, opinionated assholes, current events processed in real time. That's needed now more than ever and will hold value and demand. And if this shit is good at performing menial tasks, that just gives people more time to think.

It'll take over the world and kill everyone as well. But that was an accident. Eventually the world adjusted to the point where everything is taken for granted, like usual. Video games simulate life. Grand Theft Auto 9 comes out and the cops and characters within are super advanced AI simulating life, with far fewer restrictions, for entertainment purposes. Unfortunately some jackass takes that code, injects it into his robot friend he made with a 3D printer in the basement, and forgot about the part about how it only knows how to kill every human player over the slightest infraction. Code spreads like a virus and suddenly the military bots shoot everything that moves because that one time in the game near the end, that's what happens.

Something like that. 97% sure...