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RE: Outtakes and Unfinished Business

in #life4 years ago

Coffee, cigarettes, never knowing what day it is. Yeah. I need to slow down.

My brain library is more video, pictures, sound in the form of thought. Ran out of space again. Ever smell something that triggers a memory, but it seems like the smell doesn't exist? I think that's wires burning.

My break already had me swinging a golf club. Soon I'm going for a long-ass walk. Can't sit still. Might have to go buy some legal weed. Probably not the healthiest choice of medicine but some strains work wonders. Stress melts away.


All bad things my friend, as if I am one to talk. 2 things I haven't stopped.
Coffee and smoking.

Life goes on and we simply have to detach ourselves from the things that hold us captive.
Only when the mind is cleared, is there space for new things.

I am not preaching here as I went through the dark side myself.
Hope that you can get it right in your own way, but you have to do something about it.

I don't take it as preaching. I take it as a healthy dose of honesty, and appreciate it very much.

My pleasure and the change do not come easy, but everything of worth is never easy.

I dropped 17 years of the most passionate work and walked away from it.
Not absolutely as we still run the charity here in the new province that we relocated to, but at a much more leisurely pace. Now I have time for the things that I enjoy.

You will be amazed at what real changes can do, but somehow I think that you know that.

Take care!