
It is! Well, it is and it isn't. I dare say they wont pursue you if you don't do it. In the end It is all about catching things early. Still quite horrifying though!

I can't help but feel that ( Western ) medicine, these days, is all about making people afraid of what could happen, kind of like what the media and government do to control us. It sure works. I don't even have a doctor, at the moment, but I am corresponding/ working with an awesome homeopath.

Greetings from Portugal!

They do engender a fear of what could be in you. It is how the whole thing works I think. I try my best not to engage but then the Good Lady throws me under the bus so to speak!

Sunny Portugal, It must be lovely there right now!

I totally get it ( no lady in my life atm, that helps )

Lovely here, indeed. Although we actually had a small - and short lasting - hail shower this afternoon haha!

I was enjoying the nearing sunset and impressive rain clouds, just now :<)

Hail?! Thats insane, perhaps you are getting some of that cold snap that we are. I used to go on holiday to Spain at this time of year and it could sometimes get a little chilly.

Steer clear of the women folk for as long as you can. Next thing you know you are changing everything!

The cold has changed to rain and wind and some sunny, dry spells, inbetween. I am about to plant a little more in my veggy garden, this afternoon.

Steer clear of the women folk for as long as you can. Next thing you know you are changing everything!

I have done that for way too long but I get your point haha. Not sure if I could handle kids of my own, no matter how much I like these little critters.

I am going to get some indoor planting on the go with the aim of getting some stuff done outside in the next two weeks or so when all the frosts have gone.

And quite right, the little buggers are a nightmare :OD