
Yeah Asher. Definitely less potatoes just for now.

Who knows if the burnings have helped the price recover

That's a good question my friend. For some brief minutes I've also asked that to myself. But nah, short after I recalled I don't believe in rosy unicorns, philanthropic leprechauns nor fairy tales. The price recover surely must have been a job of surreptitious Cranky Gandalfs instead. };)

All the potatoes have been a hidden witness-campaign for one of its makers. At least this is the only visible effect I can see.

I couldn't even tell you who runs the SBDpotato account - is that the account you mean?

I get the impression that thecryptodrive climbed quite some ranks as a witness...

Not sure he runs that account, but does have a few burn proposals in. But yeah, I think he has, although not due to my vote.

Not sure he runs that account, but does have a few burn proposals in.

Yeah, apparently thecryptodrive actually is the father, the creator and the custodian of the potato creature and Smooth the Godfather. Godfather who btw, is also the stallion that fathered the burnpost account.