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RE: Teach me from your wisdom

in #ocd4 years ago

Oh I am so impressed you have read it, I was feeling so humble when seing those old wise people give such excellent advice. Happy old people are a fountain of wisdom.

Telling your family that you love them is never too much, too late, too soon, too often. Love is beautiful❤️


A friend of mine, same age as me (mid 40), gave me some good advice once that really changed how I felt about the inevitable aging of my parents. He said to me that he decided to sit down with both his parents (one at a time). Not a formal sit down and talk, but a conversation when the time felt right and they were together. He said he told them how he felt about them, how he loved and appreciated the support over the years and that he did not want to regret not having a heart felt talk, if something would happen to him or them. He said it was great.. like a bolder lifted from his shoulders. He felt less worry and more at ease knowing his parents realized that some day they would die and that they also had no regrets and were satisfied with their life.

I did the same with my parents a few years ago, and have a much better time knowing I am prepared if they pass before me. I will still be sad, but grateful I know they are satisfied with how their life has been spent.

I am just saying all this for the sake of good conversation. No need to respond to it.

Have a great day!! 😊

What a beautiful thing to do! Very mature! Actually the subject of death scares many people and I think we need a different set of mentality. I look at things as always being uncertain. Life is not certain and we should not fear death, on the contrary, it should motivate us to want to live to the fullest and have the meaningful conversations while people are alive. I think that many parents and children need to have soul to soul, adult to adult conversations, I think in the power of saying the untold and clearing up the air. It is beneficial and mature.

Have a lovely day too! 🍁