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RE: Drill, baby, drill

in #ocdlast year

And, even if there was anything, what is anyone meant to do, exactly?

HEPA filters in schools, busy public buildings etc
Fresh money for better vaccines
More testing, at least in places like hospitals

Lots of shit can be done with minimal effect to ever day kfe. Yet nothing is done and everyone pretends covid is over. Yet, it's pretty much clear that even one infection increases the risk for dementia, Alzheimer, strokes , diabetes and pretty much everything. And everyone gets infected again and again and again every 6 months. The next couple years are gonna be interesting.


I don't see how it's possible that anybody could test for the increased risk of dementia, especially in such a short space of time... very skeptical of that kind of claim.

I wouldn't rule it out without seeing these studied you refer to but yeah, highly skeptical.

Filters, vaccine money, more testing, might be good in higher income countries I suppose, if they feel the balance is right. But most places around the world would be hopeless in this regard. Even the UK printed so much money its inflation is at insane highs. printing more to pay for vaccines and filters in every building would throw us into destitution at this point... and we're supposed to be a 'rich' country lol.

HEPA filters are cheap. Chronically ill people are not. Your arguments get dumber and dumber. Later today I'll compile a list of high quality published research, all suggesting we are heading towards a mass desabling event not so far away from now, that at least we should consider as a possibility instead of saying dumb things like "corona is functionally a cold".

'HEPA filter systems cost $1,000 to $4,000 with installation'

KITCHENER — It would cost nearly $1.7 million — plus another $600,000 in annual costs — to outfit all remaining classrooms with HEPA filters, the Waterloo Region District School Board says.

Overall, staff are not confident that deploying a HEPA unit to each classroom is feasible from a cost or procurement perspective

Cheap for you, perhaps.

Dunno why you need to start going to the insult route. I thought we were just exchanging ideas from different perspectives.

I'll compile a list of high quality published research

Looking forward to it.

I wonder how much the HPV vaccination that is free in most countries costed? You know the one that essentially brought down cervix cancer to zero ? I hear they also do it for free on boys too these days. Fucking dumbasses, wasting all that money on prevention. Not to mention how third world countries couldn't afford it. If those can't afford it, we in western should take the high route and not do it either.

Or all the gov anti smoking campaigns for example in the us? Sure, america did lose some juicy tax dollars at first... But now there are more ex smokers tha actual smokers. Maybe we should make smoking cool again?

Now imagine HEPA that helps prevent all airborne diseases. One day in the ICU costs probably around 10k in the UK. Think about that for a bit. Not to mention how it is proven air born diseases in day care almost double the chances for chronic diseases later in life like asthma and allergies. How about all the lost work hours for the parents that need to check their kids when sick?

Come on, I would expect better then you. Dumbass arguments like that and how covid is "functionally a cold". How many people die from a cold every day? Probably none.

Calling you idiot is not an insult more then a fact at this point.

As for the list fuck that. You know how to google.

Just think of every disease you know, from Alzheimer to heart disease to tuberculosis to stroke to diabetes and add nature. You can try other journals too.

Do the grunt work yourself. You will be surprised. I am out of this topic since you don't even seem open to the idea of meeting in a middle ground. After all , you had covid twice and you are ok so it's functionally a common cold. It also snowed somewhere yesterday, so climate change is fake.

Ok I had a different reply written out but now you're just being an asshole for literally no reason so I'll cut to a summary, but first:

functionally a cold

You're lingering on this a lot more than I'd have expected. Didn't think one could get so butthurt over such an offhand remark and taking it so semantically literally.

So anyway, in short, you’re lamenting that people aren’t doing enough, and I’m arguing people are making their individual choices on what they consider is enough which in most cases doesn’t match your weird germophobe levels.

You’re making a bunch of shaky conclusions and claims about well-researched data, then running away from your own voluntary assurance that you’d provide a list of sources, because you are in your own words ‘too lazy’, and then call me the factual idiot for pointing out your errors (such as your false equivalences between airborne viruses and ebola, your incorrect understanding of the concept of correlation vs causation regarding dementia’s link to covid, and your heavily exaggerated assessment of covid causing respiratory conditions later in life – yeah I looked them up myself on my way home), instead choosing the childish route of needlessly insulting my intelligence.

You’re literally too lazy to back yourself up, and in the same breath try to balance precariously on the high ground throwing shit at me like a monkey with a superiority complex, putting an end seemingly to what I perhaps wrongly thought was a friendly, distant friendship these last 6 years.

If you’re so terrified of Covid (and again, I gave you concessions here and considered that you’re a family man and that you were right to be protective in this regard, it has in fact been ONLY me who has tried to meet in the middle), use your vast wealth to donate some Hepa filters to your local schools and buildings, homeschool the kids anyway, follow the latest news on vaccine development (yes, there are still billions of dollars worldwide going towards covid, despite your claim everyone has given up) and let everyone else get on with their lives. You know, like an adult. With kids.

Oh, and make sure you all eat healthy. Even if you just blindly slap all the researchers' numbers together and sum up a total increase of illness and death, those numbers pale in comparison to stuffing your face with pizza, beer, candy and soda.

You might lose an average of about 0.3 years to life expectancy through multiple covid infections, but you'll extend it by about 9 years if you take care of yourself more generally - while also staving off dementia.

Good luck.

Also, congratulation on your second baby. I already said so to your wife.

Thanks ❤️

We do agree on a few things though for sure. I mean, the fact that I was under brutal lockdown for years, only for it to be completely thrown out over 24 hours because some people protested... MIllions of makeshift hospitals taking up multiple kilometers of highway in a single stretch to house the infected... all across the country, only to be dismantled the very next day.

It's a fucking farce in more ways than I can think without getting too annoyed. Like, is this a serious thing or not??