
LoL @argentina. Drive safe, sis! Don't leave me hangin.

It's Ma'am.!! Not sis...


I am "they-them"



They're so sensitive out there. The less I say the less I gotta explain.

The other day I was in the electrical department looking for a transistor and some lady flipped the fuck out on me about her sister is a happily married woman and they got kids yata yata, goes off on me about her sister and how she's religious this and that and she's never even seen an episode of Modern Family and I'm all..

I said transistor, not trans sister.



Going... Going..... Gone!

You got any bro's or sistas?

I used to treat my little sister like that when we was young'unz.

I miss her badly now. That was a bittersweet Giphy as I did not get to tell her goodbye and how much I loved her. R.I.P. little sister. Misti (Mick) is gone but never to be forgotten by this @krazzytrukker .

Drunken Gilligan.jpg

Wow. I broke down for a few over that 2nd photo. Shawny (collie mix) the dog 🐕 I loved dearly in it also.

Sorry bout that. I just try to think of her every day. untitled.gif

Ah fuck man. Reminds me of the last conversation I had with my mother. Fuck.

Nah. I'm the only oops. Buried the only parent I met when I was 37. Pura and Atlas are all I got at the Christmas table.

RIP Mick.