And thank you, to all of you who have been supportive of my efforts while making Intrepreneur a reality.

Without you, there would be no reason for me to continue this project.
I love you all.
After seeing comments like this one by @taintedblood,-

-along with a few others, I've been given a healthy confidence boost and lot of positive feedback about the Intrepreneur community.
Which brings me to my point.
The biggest part of any community being successful, is communication.
Direct, interactive, communication, to be exact. In order for harmony to exist between two or more parties they must interact in a way that will allow for understanding to take place. Sometimes that means saying the things "nobody wants to say."
This can make some people very uncomfortable, which is the leading cause of failed relationships in all areas of life, whether they be personal, business, or otherwise. Nobody wants to be the one, to tell someone else, something they might not respond well to hearing.
That's why every community has to have some kind of leadership roles, even an anarchist would find it hard to disagree, and many of them likely do, you just need structure. It won't appear out of thin air either, it takes real effort and..
..aaaaaannnnnndddddd? Direct Communication
Someone has to be willing to make the hard decisions that are simply ignored by the masses.
I know exactly how much this sounds an awful lot like a government agency at work here, I assure you, that's not the case. In fact, I have never been a fan of government, at all. Because in the good ole US of A, the government has created a whole lot of problems for people in the name of security and freedom.
I never wanted to follow rules, I always figured they were meant to be broken. Some of the role models I had in my life weren't much help either. ~I still love you, dad.~
In fact, I probably love him more because of things like that. Since my dad taught me the meaning of, what it was to not be controlled.
I couldn't possibly thank him enough for the way he raised me to think of most authority figures. He basically said to me, the one true authority in my life, is ME. Not in those exact words, but he said it a lot, and it stuck.
As long as what I am doing makes me happy, then what right does anyone have, to tell me not to do it?
I mean of course, as long as I'm not hurting anyone else or their property, there shouldn't be an issue. No victim, no crime. Right? That's how I feel, anyway.
If you disagree, I would love to read your thoughts about it in the comments.
Why am I telling you this? Well, it's because I want you to understand where I am coming from when it comes to making basic structural guidelines for the Intrepreneur community.
I don't like being the one to tell people what they can and can not do, which is why I am delegating these types of roles to other community leaders. I do not feel as though I am personally very well suited for it, so I would rather someone who was, did the job, to make sure it's done correctly and most efficiently.
That being said, I will be using the stake on the @intrepreneur account to not only upvote proper #int posts, but I will also be flagging those that are being made with the #int tag and using unrelated content in their article.
To put it in plain English for you, if your #int post is about Entreprenurial something/anything, you might get an upvote. If it's about how many miles you walked today, with a picture of your dinner, you're probably gonna get flagged. If not by myself personally, then possibly by someone else in the community.
The reason for this is pretty simple, tags are meant to be used for specific genres.
If your post is about #STEEM, and you want people who are interested in #STEEM to read it, you should probably use the #STEEM tag.
If your post is about being an Entrepreneur, you should be using the #INT tag.
If your post is about walking, and your dinner, you should be using the #exercise and #food tags. Simple, right? I hope everyone has a clear understanding of what it means to use a #tag. If not, please feel free to comment below with any questions and I will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Somehow I have the feeling that people will try to push the limits, as they always do. If you should choose to be one of those people, just don't be surprised if you get mildly downvoted. Multiple offenders will be heavily flagged.
Don't worry, I will remove the flag, if you remove the tag, but we can avoid it if you just don't use #int tags on unrelated posts.
Alright, enough ranting about that. Time for some good news!
As it turns out, you don't actually need a fully fledged front end of your own for people to start using a specific tag and gaining rewards in Steem Engine tokens (INT in this case).
Hence, as I am writing this post, the last little details are being worked out in order so that anyone who is interested can start using the #int tag on their posts, and being rewarded in INT tokens for it!
For now, until I can get the rest of the website set up, you will not see how much INT you are going to get until it comes time to claim them on Steem-Engine.

So, don't be surprised if you don't see your rewards like #PAL or #SPT, because you won't find them on a front end like SteemPeak, you can log in to Steem-Engine to claim your rewards once the post has paid out. then, and only then, will you know how much INT your post was rewarded. Until I get the website up and running at least.

If you would like to help get Intrepreneur.life up and rolling, your support is greatly appreciated! You can help by purchasing the pre-sale tokens listed on the Steem-Engine market.
Get your INT at Steem-Engine.com
Or by participating in this Splinterlands raffle for a maxed Delwyn Dragonscale summoner!
You can also feel free to donate INT, ENG, SBD, or STEEM, if you do not wish to be included in the raffle, just say so in the memo ;) Please send any and all donations directly to @intrepreneur. Thanks in advance!
Read @intrepreneur's first official post, here.
You can also donate to the
Intrepreneur Ethereum Wallet
0x48BD6a981cB23e28367e3b04F03515BfbBC54CeA which will then be converted to STEEM and sent to the @intrepreneur account.
Thanks for your efforts in helping make Intrepreneur a massive success!
Ready for a sidequest?
Sidequest: Leave a comment below that describes a little bit about why you joined the Intrepreneur community, then make sure you RESTEEM this post. When you are done, comment your STEEM username in the #sidequests channel and you will be rewarded with 10 INT!
Complete the first quest for more INT! If not, you will still receive your reward for this sidequest. If you don't know what the first quest is, you can find the info here. in @intrepreneur's first post.
Sidequest ends, once this post has matured.
Thanks for all your time, I know this is a lot to digest and honestly I'd be surprised if more than 2 people read it in it's entirety. However, if you did read all of this, then I thank you even more because it's people like you who truly make the biggest differences!
Aloha for now!
remember to resteem ;)

I will continue to build and help build on top of this STEEM infrastructure.
Thanks for the information now when I talk about my investments in the platform or anything else, I know I will be able to use the INT tag.
Inicié simplemente por la recomendación de mi buen amigo @joseacabrerav, el cual me indicó sobre el hecho de ganar unos free tokens ( y me comentó sobre las ventajas de la comunidad).
Siempre he sido creyente de la libertad y el infinito potencial (y posibilidad) que existe dentro del ser humano; así que el hecho de llevar un ritmo de vida y crecimiento bastante personal es algo que nos entusiasma a todos.
Estoy al pendiente del proyecto porque siento que me llevará, además, hacia lugares muy interesantes; tanto a mí, como a los que decidan formar parte de él. Un abrazo, Crystalhuman.
Estoy feliz de que hayas decidido unirte a nosotros :)
Greetings, dear @crystalhuman
I recognize you work on steem blockchain, mainly SteemMonsters game. I will always remember and link you with this wonderful game.
Thank you a lot and have a nice day!
#palnet #sct #battle #spt #weedcash #steemleo #aaa #zzan
I joined the Intrepreneur community because I believe that deep down inside each one of us - is our own "Intrepreneur" or the burning desire to become our own boss (maybe way deep down) .
Essentially, in my opinion, EVERYONE blogging on steemit has the burning desire to be an "Intrepreneur." They want to create their own income without someone looking over their shoulder to make sure that they are performing their job correctly.
Which is why I believe that this new platform . . . "Intrepreneur" will be a HUGE success. We all want to be our own bosses.
To be honest, I have literally staked tokens in every scotbot platform. I am fascinated to see all the niche's play out. I think in a year or two, every niche may soon be covered due to this front-end created by Aggroed.
I very much look forward to reading and writing posts published on "Intrepreneur.Life"
Thanks for having me!
This is by far one of my favorite comments. Thank you so much for your appreciation and positive attitude toward this project. We will succeed, together! :)
Hello @crystalhuman, thanks to the PAL community I was able to learn about your project that projects to the sky, for several months my mind has been fluttering to take the first step to be an entrepreneur, for several years I've been reading, but I still can not find my way to undertake, I'm sure that this space you're opening will help me find it. There are always leaders who lead the way and your project describes you, successes and happiness always.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
¡Hola crystalhuman, me enteré porque se hizo viral (al menos en la comunidad Pal) lo de la entrega de Tokens INT, luego leí tu primer post al respecto y ahora éste y estoy convencida de que es un buen proyecto, liderizado por una buena persona. A pesar de que aún no me siento en la capacidad de publicar artículos sobre inversiones, al estar en este medio de las criptomonedas y en el mundo de los emprendedores, debo lograr hacerlo y tengo que trabajar en función de prepararme para ello, así que estar aquí es un aporte a esa meta.
Hello crystalhuman, I found out because it went viral (at least in the Pal community) about the delivery of Tokens INT, then I read your first post about it and now this and I'm convinced that it's a good project, led by a good person. Although I still don't feel able to publish articles on investments, being in this medium of crypto-money and in the world of entrepreneurs, I have to do it and I have to work to prepare myself for it, so being here is a contribution to that goal.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Viral? I like the sounds of that! :D Welcome!
Thanks! :D
Posted using Partiko Android
I just joined steemit and found @roger.remix bounty who gave me a bonus and got me involved.
Now I'm in the discord and ready to add INT to some of my crypto posts. Looking forward to the growth of the community!
Inicié en Intrepreneur gracias a mis amigos de PAL. Hablaban de la etiqueta INT.
De una vez me puse a investigar encontré la publicación y el servidor oficial de Discord.
Vi que trataba de emprendimiento y empresarios de una le pregunté a @crystalhuman si también incluye a freelancer y me dijo que sí.
Me encantó la idea porque cuando uno emprende no quiere estar solo, o sí puedes estar solo pero el crecimiento será mucho mejor si compartes con personas, con emprendedores que saben lo difícil que es pero también saben lo emocionante que es trabajar para esa idea que tanto amas, ya el trabajo no es trabajo es satisfacción pura.
Y eso de satisfacción y pasión por lo que haces es lo que veo al equipo de INT.
Un fuerte abrazo.
I joined the community on the recommendation of friends and colleagues from the PAL community, I really like your project and I find it very interesting. I hope to know about this great project in the next few days. regards
Oh! At the moment I arrived here thanks to a friend who invited me to promise free tokens and that's what I see
I will go further into the community to learn more about this project.
If you have any questions just ask in Discord and someone will be there to help soon :) Thanks for joining!
I feel like I know you of all the lurking in the dark I did on the Steemmonsters discord. And really like what you are doing!
"Rules, you either make em or break em"
Yo creo que las comunidades son importantes en este tipo de proyectos ya que son de donde toman sus nutrientes y crecen, un proyecto separado de la comunidad esta destinado a fracasar, decidí entrar a Intrepreneur para apoyar con mi conocimiento, y mi pasión por todo este ecosistema para vernos crecer . quiero dentro de lo posible aportar ideas y colaborar todo lo que pueda.
Feliz de tener su conocimiento y apoyo, gracias por estar aquí.
What i want to say has already been said by other users in comments.
We want to get rid of bosses. Everyone has hidden an interpreneure inside it.
And yes resteemed.
w00t w00t let's go!
I joined the community as I am trying to help independent musicians using the knowledge I have gained from running my own internet business for over 20 years.
Musicians get trod on by the big labels and streaming sites. You really wouldn't believe how small the payouts are! Blockchain sites can change this and I am passionate about making that happen.
I developed the website AtomCollectorRecords.com, created a Discord server and a 24 hour music video channel as well as hosting a weekly live show (where musicians and fans have a chance to win crypto prizes including $25 in BTS).
I try to build large accounts on all relevant platforms so that I can support musicians with upvotes including the @MusicVoter account that now has over 12,000 SP and growing (you can help by joining the fanbase and curation trail here, just search for MusicVoter).
Our passionate community are amazing and together we are building something very special!
Fantastic! A pleasure to have you on board!
I joined because... @crystalhuman FORCED ME TO!!!!! 🤣
For realz, though... I'm an entrepreneur whether I like it or not. Just thinking back there are 10s (that's still a lot) of ideas that we've gone through and ultimately failed (how many different personal business cards have you had?), only to get back up again and try something new. Sure, a handful of adventures have been mildly successful... but so far, nuttin's stuck.
I probably won't ever use the int tag cause I can't think of ANY time I will post specifically about this... but am excited to see what everyone else is doing.
Shoot! Maybe one of my past ideas will spark life into someone else. 😉
It wasn't me! Okay, it was me.
Hello @crystalhuman!
well I actually got to the community because the free coins they were giving.
After seeing the project and what it focuses on I think it's very interesting.
That's why we're here looking to start a business where we don't have bosses and we can generate the necessary resources to live economically solvent and happy.
Greetings from Venezuela!
Happy to have you with us! :) Thanks for your support!
si, la comunicacion directa es la mejor, y sabes cual es incluso la mejor comunicacion? la corta y precisa, aunque sin duda hay tiempo para todo y es esa diversidad mas la congregación lo que permite que una comunidad sea. (be)
cuando hay cosas que quizás no sean bien escuchadas siempre hay que pensar el motivo, la emoción que llevo a que esas palabras fueran dichas, y si viene desde la construcción o desde la destrucción, sabiendo que tenemos esa dualidad dentro de nuestra totalidad.
la razón por la que entre a INT fue porque estoy justamente investigando sobre comunidades e iniciativas para formar parte, que esten en congruencia con lo que voy poco a poco construyendo con mis trabajos diarios y con la palabra, ya que estoy seguro de que un buen consejo en el momento correcto puede despertar a la gente.
also, everyday i wrote a manifest when i put tips for my mindset and the mindset of the readers, looking for a sincroniciy between my own self and the vibe of the readers, something like being on "tune" and tune in people into that frecuency, my question is, this kind of topic can be tagged? for what i look, it can be!.
Gracias, mi amigo, feliz de tenerte con nosotros.
I decided to be a part of this community, because, I enjoy entrepreneurship, and the philosophy behind business. Everything you learn, and use for business, is also good for personal relationships, at the end of the day. Bad friendships, and bad clients, have the same impact on your life, and require the same process. A wonderful friend, and a wonderful client, grant the same blessings in your life.
This community will help many flourish in their journeys to being business men, or their growth as business men. And that is why I have decided to be a part of it, because, I seek to learn whenever I can, and to help others learn. Our best teacher is someone else's failure.
"Live your life as if all your dreams have come true, and then challenge your reality to catch up." - Dan Lok
I truly want to see this endeavor succeed, and see many get where they only dreamed of being.
Thanks for being with us! Happy to read your thoughts anytime.
Con el cambio en Steem gracias a la llegada de los tokens de las comunidades nos corresponde, a aquellos que siempre hemos estado comprometidos con Steem - más allá de su valor en el mercado - apoyar proyectos como el tuyo que nacen con esta gran energía que posee Intrepreneur :)
Claro que es genial que además pueda recibir recompensas mientras doy mi apoyo, es una relación ganar-ganar donde nos ayudamos dentro de nuestras posibilidades mientras vamos creciendo en la plataforma.
Quiero agradecerte la oportunidad de participar como traductora en Intrepreneur, gracias por tu amabilidad y buen trato.
¡Mucho éxito para Intrepreneur! :) ¡Un abrazo!
¡Gracias por sus amables palabras, su parte en la comunidad es muy valiosa!
Hace tiempo que quiero poder tener independencia total en lo económico. Ser mi propio jefe en el mediano plazo, y siempre me ha interesado la generación de contenidos y el mundo de Internet.
Ahora con plataformas como Steemit y todo el cada vez más creciente mundo de las criptomonedas se abren puertas para esa independencia que puedo explorar, y este espacio me parece un excelente foro en potencia para compartir mi proceso y a la vez aprender de las experiencias de los otros.
Posted using Partiko Android
Te deseo la mejor de las suertes, amigo! Gracias por estar con nuestra comunidad.
I joined the community because I love the dynamic form eb that they share their tokens I find something dynamic and very fun
In addition, this idea of working for ourselves (what the project wants) is great, I like it, I will continue with you.
Greetings 😄
It makes me happy to know that people enjoy all the quests. Thanks for joining and helping out!
The truth is that I don't remember how I got to the Intrepreneur community, nor why I did it, although I was one of the first to do so.
Maybe it was the excitement of seeing so many new projects on steem thanks to steem-engine. What I can say is that I stay in the community, because I like the idea of the project.
Although I don't speak in the Intrepreneur discord, if I read what others say and I have faith that Intrepreneur will succeed.
What a great comment! Thank you so much :) A pleasure to have you.
La idea de pertenecer a una comunidad es apoyarla y creer en ella, decidí unirme a Intrepreneur para apoyar esta increíble iniciativa que has creado, ser parte de ella es un honor y se que triunfará. Se que no basta solo tu esfuerzo y dedicación, también el de todos los miembros que actualmente integramos a INT y para eso siempre es necesario la comunicación. Aportar ideas, generar interacción y promover un ambiente de convivencia es lo que deseo fomentar y espero dar una mano a esta fantástica idea.
No podría estar más contento con cómo van las cosas, gracias por el apoyo, es un placer tenerte con nosotros. Algunos de estos comentarios son los mejores que he visto en STEEM y me alegra saber que están todos aquí.