Mean Locust!!
It is strange how things sometimes work. 3 days ago I posted a post on a Grasshopper titled Smilling Scary Face and then on Sunday while visiting a friend and he showing me his vegetable garden I bump into another grasshopper or is it a Locust? In South Africa, we only have one name for a Grasshopper / Locust in my home language Afrikaans, which is "Springkaan" . You can click on the link Grasshopper / Locust to read about the differences. As you can see on the photo above this Grasshopper has quite a mean face!! Below you can see him from the side, it seems to me that this one is still quite young, judging by the short wings.
I find the red and black color combination quite fascinating!! He does not even try to blend into the surroundings. Normally colors like this will indicate to predators that he is poisonous.
Below you can see a side view of the head and neck area. He has a nice shield for protection around the neck area
Just look how he is clinging to the leaf.
A closer look from the top!
Below you can get a view of him sitting on the spinach leaves. I am sure he will grow up nice and strong when eating all these leaves!!
I stay quite close to my friend, but has never seen this type of locust at my home before, but according to my friend he sees them regularly in his garden.
I took these photos with my iPhone, in Pretoria @ my friend's home, in the Gauteng Province of South Africa.
I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as I did taking it.
that is a fine big grasshoper. i would be scared to go nearer
hahaha me too would get scared
Yes, he looks quite mean!!
omg incredible insect woahh
Thank you.
Yeah, the colors are matching. This locust is really unique!
Amazing photography
Thank you.
A rare grasshopper, I've seen it before. Thanks for sharing information.
You are welcome.
Yikes! That is beautiful but dangerous looking. Black and red have always been scary colours for me.
Agreed, it looks dangerous, but it is harmless to people.
Excellent photos and this kind of locusts, I have not yet seen, amazing color! Thank you @rynow
Yes, I also have not seen many of them!!
The first time I see a black locust, we have a locust only green. Thank you for the interesting post.
We have various colors here in South Africa.
u have a great picture insects @rynow
Thank you so much.
thanks for best information! excellent photo
You are welcome.
Best photography i like it
Thank you.
Beautiful photography of locust, i like your potential and love your profile picture rynow.
Thank you so much.
excellent and clear photo taking ...
Thank you very much.
Excellent photography, well focused~

Thank you
funny the African name sounds like the how the Dutchy call this
but hey, that guy has been sun bathing much huh
I've never seen it on black
cool ;)
It is just amazing how many variations one can have of the same type of insect!! (I also have not seen many black ones)
they are too big ? whether you have zoom in the pic ?
I did zoom for some photos, but the first and last was not zoomed!!
thanks for best information! excellent photo
You are welcome.
wow, Nice Photography @rynow!
Thank you very much.
really great,,,
interesting post once again thanks for sharing your knowledge :)
Thank you for the nice comment.
Awesome photography,,,
looks very beautiful........../////////////
Thank you very much.
I like nature and animal.
just amazing this photography.
keep it up.
Thank you very much.
wow its really beautiful how clearly capture great photography thanks for this amazing post.
Thank you very much.
Nature for all...........balanced
Thank you very much.
this is really interesting wow amazing pictures :)
Thank you so much.
this is very interesting amazing to see this awesome
Thank you so much.
excellent shots looking cool nice and unique
Yes, it different from the normal ones!!
you have awesome photography. I like phonephotography. I have some photo. I think you like this photo. God bless you.

I will waiting for your next post.
Thank you, I do love your photo of the flower!!
wonderful photography guys.
Thank you.
this is the nature wonder wow i am amazed to see this
impressive photography of a this bug. excellent post @rynow
reteemed & upvoted
Thank you.
its amazing the insect is very different you just found out cool thing
Yes, it is different from the normal ones!
@rynow - Sir I know this is not an easy to photography... But you did it well Sir... Nice you decided to share your experience Sir...
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
this is really nice its big too much great to know about it
Thank you very much.
Hello @rynow,
Extraordinary good photography & incredible captures.
Thank you very much.
to me it looked like an alien first hahah but cool thing it is
An alien from outer space!! LOL!!
wow amazing photos
Thank you.
just look like a grass hopper but seems to be different species. Grass hopper have an innocent look and this species have some scary looks. By the way nice photography. keep sharing @rynow
There are so many different types, but this one looks really mean.
what a beautiful picture...i am surprise because i have never seen locus before nice colour red with black...i like this post ..beautiful nature.. i much say you are amazing photographer.. thanks for sharing
You are welcome, and thank you for the very nice comment.
So nice i like it
Thank you.
Awesome photography @rynow
Thank you very much.
Beautifully captured.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It seems that it is made of plasticine))
Big. And the coloring is strange. It seems that he is not afraid of anything.
Do you have authorities fighting locusts?
Yes, it looks like plastic, and this one was lazy and did not try to get away. I am not sure about the fighting of locusts, in the old days it was done, but I am not sure about today, I think it will be farmers that kill them these days.
Wow its really beautiful and awesome photography. Such a great shoot. I appreciate your photography.
Thank you very much.
Awesome photography...thanks for sharing....
upvote done....
Thank you very much.
Ok I have vote have me ea bg
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Thank you
You described and shooted the grasshopper.I have never seen that type of grasshopper.Thank you for sharing the post.
I have also not seen many of these ones!!
wow, Nice Photography @rynow!
Thank you very much.
It is an amazing combination. From one side it looks so serious and from other side I mean very close it looking smiley :D Also it looks like that insect is making pose so that you can take photos :D lol
It was really lazy and did not try to get away, thus I could get some good photos.