
Hi ausbitbank,
I'll only have it running 24/7 when I have a little more than 3 calls a day ;)
For the rest of the day it's on, though. You can try other users too! And I'll probably do another post on an update today.

By just writing "@ausbitbank", you summoned the blockchain info bot:
99.923% of steemers have lower reputation than ausbitbank.
95.751% of steemers signed up later than ausbitbank (2016.07.11 at 10:53:36).
71.595 was the exact reputation of ausbitbank 4 days ago (update Fridays).
0 steemers are followed by both of you.
0 steemers are following both of you.
Hope that info helps, qed. You can ask @qed for more details. Take care!