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RE: Unleashing the Tiger for 2022 - How deliciously appropriate!

in #proofofbrain2 years ago

I usually (nervously) laugh when I talk about keeping the Tiger caged, but it's probably the side of me that shames me the most.

There is no shame in having a tiger inside you. Now and then our inner tiger serves us well. When we're walking along a dark street and our hackles prickle, sensing we are not alone, that we're in danger, we need that tiger — poised at the bars of the cage ready to be unleashed if needed. When people take advantage of us or belittle us, or treat us as "less than," we need that tiger to fight back or at least defend us.

May your tiger and dragon make 2022 a great year for you.

Me, I was born in the year of the pig. Hmmm... :-)


there are like 3 pigs in the comment section!

what does that mean!?!?!?! hahahahahaha Now i'm very interesting in seeing what pigs are like cuz actually - all three of you are very similar personalities and i get along GREAT with all of you hahahahahaha

but yes I know exactly what you mean! The Tiger is definitely good to have on hand at times!

This year I'm going to be focused on how to use her effectively, when appropriate! hehehe I LOVE how laser-focused she is... and i LOVE how she persists beyond any obstacle! hehehe so - i'm gonna take the best of her - apply her with the Dragon and watch and see!

2022 will be great for all of us Jayna! I'm sure of it! hehehehehe