I was browsing through the internet and I found this amazing site that does a tremendous job for non-technical SmartCash investors by setting up their nodes, wallets and offers monitoring of the nodes of their activity, updates and upgrades.
I don’t know how tech you are but this service might just keep your nodes going so you stay inside the SmartCash train 😊
Here is the link to the page:
You will need to send a message to request access to the club, I HOPE IT HELPS YOU.
New gif desing for you my dear friend @melip
nice work!
I was excited to read about this and decided to check them out. My first reaction is the prices are too high for anyone to break-even at the these prices. At todays prices a #smartnode 10000 smarts is about $700 and they charge node set-up for $1000!
I suggest you all just come over to the discord and we'll help you set up your nodes for free.
@nitego This could be good for people who don't feel competent enough to set up the nodes themselves even with help in Discord. I know a ton of people who want to own SmartNodes but don't even know how to install the desktop wallet by themselves or even enter Discord (yes, this is real!). There are also people who own SmartNodes and don't have the time to run upgrades or stay updated with the news, hence you see more than 50% of the nodes still on the old version. SmartCash has one of the best teams and it is one of the best crypto projects out there. A node set up in a safe, secure way should be looked as a much longer-term value investment than it's "now" value. Imagine paying a $1000 to someone you trust for setting up a Dash master node a few years ago and then have that person maintain it for you. Anyhow, this seems to be an invitation-only club, so I am not sure how easy it is to get in.
It's a great option if the price to set up the "Node" is not almost 100% the cost of a new node. If you consider having a #smartnode an investment then choosing a service where the running cost out weighs potential profits in not good investment strategy. Other options exist which do not cause so much.
Another thing a well set up node on a VPS runs for weeks. From the last upgrade in 02/2018 to the most recent one (06/2018) a few days ago none of my nodes experienced any down time. When it comes to smartnodes this is one area people should take Warren Buffet's advice - invest in what you understand.
If you understand cryptocurrency you probably wouldn't be quoting or listening to Warren Buffett. He also called Bitcoin a bubble and quote: "You can’t value bitcoin because it’s not a value-producing asset.". Also, understanding something is not the same as doing it yourself.
You obviously can't see or don't believe in the potential value of SmartCash, if you think that people will never get their money back if they invest $500 for a SmartNode setup. Also, your argument "Nothing happened to my nodes in 4 months, therefore nothing will happen to yours" is not a great way to promote a stable and secure network for SmartCash in order to achieve mass adoption. @melip's original point in this article was that more than 50% of the SmartNodes did not upgrade before the deadline, which was before July 1st, this is definitely a problem for a network that strives for mass adoption.
@cyberberry your assumptions that I do not believe in the potential of #smartcash is very far fetched and you have no bases to conclude on that based on my pointing out an option to invest in #smartcash should be cost effective to ensure the investor makes profit. Address the point and do not attack the person it shows lack of ability to present a rational argument.
Some nodes owner opted to stay on the old protocol till the last minute as they hoped to increase the odds of being paid on the old protocol before they move to the new protocol and wait in the queue to start payments on a future date. I know this because I did just that.
If you are really interested in the potential of smartcash, you will want your investors happy, tried and tested services in the cryptocurrency space like these ones listed on the #smartcash website would be my first step.
A list of currently available masternode hosting services is available below.
As I mentioned in my previous reply, understanding is not the same as doing it yourself. Someone may understand the reason SmartNodes exist and their role in the network, but still not be able to set up one, even with help. Others may be able to set up and run a SmartNode, but still not understand its potential value or its role on the SmartCash network.
By saying "When it comes to smartnodes this is one area people should take Warren Buffet's advice - invest in what you understand." you implied that people should not invest in SmartNodes if they are unable to set up and maintain one themselves, which I do not agree with. Correct me if I am wrong. Everyone should be given a chance to participate in the network, even if they use a third party to get them going from the ground up.
Based on you keep repeating that $500 is a lot to invest in a SmartNode set up tells me that you don't see the potential value of SmartCash. I might be wrong, but this is how you sound. Based on the progress the SmartCash team is delivering, I firmly believe that a SmarNode will soon be worth a lot more than it is right now and that the payouts will be significantly higher. Most investors make decisions based on long-term vision, not based on what they are going to get immediately tomorrow or next month.
Also, your argument that SmartNode owners decided to stay on the old protocol till the last ( and that's past the deadline which was July 1st) moment does not seem like a good example to follow as currently, over 5000 nodes are still on the old protocol and have been out of the payment queue for more than 3 days.
I understand your point that this particular service might be expensive and that other options exist, but it is up to the people to decide what to use based on their technical level and the time they wish to invest to be part of SmartCash. Love & peace ✌️
At least we agree people should decide hence I presented my point of view to give them options. It is clear we will not agree as you seem bent on misunderstanding my point that paying $1000 dollar for a service to set up nodes worth $700+ is over the top. If you value #smartcash like I clearly do you would want to put more of that $1700 initial outlay in the actual network. An amount that would actually get you 2 #smartnodes and some change. It's my duty to let people know of other options even if it affects your profit margin. Thanks
Investing is not about the money you start with, but the returns you seek to achieve; I can see where SmartCash is going but with 50% of its source of power missing at the moment, SmartCash doesn’t look good.
I think small initiatives like SmartNode.Club, will help the SC network to regain its strength and that is worth the money I spent taking care of my nodes.
Guys, I’m not telling you to use it, I just presented it as an alternative to help SC back in its feet.
A wise investor makes their money work for them. Paying over and above for an investment service with a vendor with no track record is no guarantee to make money if that is the objective. There are more efficient services to help people who do not feel able to set up their own nodes. These services are listed on the #smartcash website
A list of currently available masternode hosting services is available below.
I tried some of them but they weren’t easy enough. I applaud your intelligence and your wisdom. You are better than me 😊
@melip I'll be glad to help you however I can. I have a great support system for when I get stuck.😊😊
This is exactly how I understood your point @melip. About half of the nodes didn't upgrade on time and you were just suggesting another option for people out there, aside from "do it yourself". Yes, of course, if you have the knowledge, the time and the commitment you can manage all your day-to-day tasks yourself, otherwise you can pay someone else to do it for you. It is a personal opinion whether the price of a service is too high or too low and it is based on how an individual values their own time.
Another great option ✅
I agree with you @cyberberry, the problem is Time and Technicality.
Reading @nitego, I almost felt been taking advantage of by the SmartNode.Club because I’m paying $100 for the maintenance of 10 nodes, however; now that I read your comment, I feel that that’s the BEST $100.00 I’ve ever spent taking care of my investment.
Thanks for commenting and the reassurance of your comment that I did not get abused by these guys 😊
By the way, the access to the club is free and very easy 👍
@melip the objective was to present other options as this seems too expensive when compared to the free option and even other paid options.
Well, wish me luck then, I don’t retract from my decisions even if they don’t seem to be the right ones, all I know now is that my nodes are up and running and that what I’m paying is worth my peace of mind.
Thank you for your concern and willingness to help me.
Update? That was soooo four days ago! :-) @ironshield
excellent post melip
thank you so much dear @melip for sharing about smartnode
@upvoted & @resteemed
good post about smartcash @melip
@upvoted & @resteemed
whats the benefit of joining SmartCash?
You can read it all right here 😊
goood post melip
Gracias, este servicio vale la pena.
excelente post melip
great information
@upvote & @resteem
outstanding presentation
@upvote & @resterm dear
SmartCash es una Criptomoneda que se esta posicionando muy bien en el mercado actual @melip
real informative.
Dear..upvoted and resteemed
#SmartCash continues to expand! Great to have these other networks working with us to make sure getting $Smart is easy for everyone.
i love your post and support my friend 😃@melip
Thank you sooo much.
I value your support very much 😊
Very good publication friend, happy Sunday
good post melip
Thank you for the news
You’re very welcome 😉
@smartbot tip 30
Σ$$$ Tipped @melip
! Comment@smartbot help
to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is$0.091 USD
. Current value of the tip is$2.73 USD
. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit https://smartcash.cc.thanks