
I agree with you @cyberberry, the problem is Time and Technicality.
Reading @nitego, I almost felt been taking advantage of by the SmartNode.Club because I’m paying $100 for the maintenance of 10 nodes, however; now that I read your comment, I feel that that’s the BEST $100.00 I’ve ever spent taking care of my investment.
Thanks for commenting and the reassurance of your comment that I did not get abused by these guys 😊
By the way, the access to the club is free and very easy 👍

@melip the objective was to present other options as this seems too expensive when compared to the free option and even other paid options.

Well, wish me luck then, I don’t retract from my decisions even if they don’t seem to be the right ones, all I know now is that my nodes are up and running and that what I’m paying is worth my peace of mind.
Thank you for your concern and willingness to help me.