I just bought a bunch of Steem (Warning?) + Quick note about self voting

in #steem7 years ago

The fomo was too much, I bought some more Steem here.

I'm trying to patiently wait for lower prices with the bulk of my SBD but I got impatient and bought this dip already even though I suspect bitcoin is about to dump again..

View my Steem 4hr Chart

In other news, I spotted this thread

Self-voting user list since HF19

And it pointed out that from June 20th - July 18th I gave out over $22,000 SBD in votes and only self-voted for $151 !

After some consideration (and smooths comment) I've decided I'm going to relax and self-vote when I think I've made a quality contribution and stop over-thinking things and post more often.

I'll delay my self-votes to give others maximum opportunity to benefit from curation rewards.

If others disagree with my rewards they should flag, but I feel like there are many more absolutely raping the reward pool that should be looked at first :)

PS: Check out the SteemVids update !

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Please vote for me as a witness here

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Thank you for buying more steem! It is real value for community!

Congrats @ausbitbank
You were the lowest % on the list, and only you and one other were under 1% at all.
Yes, you sure deserve higher self-votes!

I wasn't on the list but would have been interested to see my numbers. I imagine they were even lower than yours since I wasn't worth discussing ... lol.

I always struggle with not wanting to make it look bad by upvoting myself too high,
but with also being fair to myself and the hours upon hours that I usually put in a post, and most weeks I only do 1 per week anyways but spend HOURS upon HOURS reading other posts and voting for them.

Anyways, I think that we are both probably too hard on ourselves.

All the best!

I don't see any problem upvoting yourself as long as you don't waste all their upvotes on themselves. Your articles are worth every penny they receive @canadian-coconut

Thank-you so much @whatamidoing !
I appreciate it.

I am for self-voting as long as you are contributing to the platform and engaging in conversation. I feel we shouldn't "shame" self-voting, we might want to "shame" bad actors though.

You are a contributor, pay yourself!

Not to fluff your ego or anything @ausbitbank but you're definitely one of the most generous and selfless people I know! That being said I believe that you definitely deserve your own self upvotes and you shouldn't hesitate in putting yourself first! I am so excited to see you posting again! Hugs ❤️

I'll fluff your ego bud. You're a very handsome boy!!!

Handsome indeed much fluffing would be an honor!

Informative and enlightening article @ausbitbank! I also bought a tiny amount of Steem today with my earned SBDs and kept watching the graph every now and then... so I understand the feeling...
You've provided a self voting link in your post that I clicked on only to see how selfless yet generous you have been. So nice to meet you @ausbitbank! I'm going to vote for you as witness now. Good luck to you always! - @sandzat

Voted for you as witness! :) Look forward to seeing more of your posts. Cheers!

@ausbitbank You made a small error, the 22K figure is total, including self-votes :)

I want to repeat here that you are an example for everyone!

Always love the opportunity to BUY.
I wonder what the price of steem is right now anyway 🤔 @steemprice help me out?

Ha, that is useful service steemprice providing!

really useful service indeed.

$1.221 USD/STEEM
Volume: 2.9414 BTC, 5987 STEEM / Average Price: 0.00049122
Last Updated Tue Jul 25 19:03:39 2017

@ausbitbank I really don't have a problem with self voting. I think the real problem is GREED. I read that same article yesterday and there were indeed leeches. I will let our fellow Steemians read the post and see for themselve who those leches are. I don't have an issue with hose upvoting ther posts , as long as it's in balance with their helping the community. All Steemians will be looking. Thanks for your post and for NOT being a self serving greedy bastard.

This is a wise decision. The Empire approves.

I'm generally a pacifist, but can we talk about eradicating this species?

I'be tried. Believe me. But those things are like cockroaches.

Can't you force choke all of them. Yoda says "do or do not, there is no try."

I just need to start with one.

misa dont understand follow me as i follow you into a saga situated light years from current time@fauxfinish upvoted ,,vote and follow @fauxfinish,, you know he might just end up being your father!

i sense the force is strong with this one,herrrrrrch

You have given out so many rewards and encouraged a ton of community members. I don't think anyone could ever criticize your voting habits. You are helping the entire community every day. A rising tide lifts all boats... you are helping to raise that tide. Thank you.

I was actually really happy when I looked at that list. It turns out the majority of the people I support and the witnesses I support appear to align with my values. The point of steem shouldn't be how to get locked into a position of controlling the reward pool and riding that until it collapses, it should be about building the community until it's too big to fail, then the rewards will be so astronomical who will care. I posted about this last night... sigh. Keep up the good work fam.

It seems like the self-voting discussions have been around the world and back again. A .67% self-voting rate? Dude, that is so ridiculously far to the other extreme. Yeah, I think you can back off of that at this point. My guess is that you are leading the pack in the lack of self-voting.

Yeah.. price are dippin' low.. steem going low 0.00048000 wooh.. -_-

Wishing someday to feel those epic votes of yours. Some minnows have cool posts btw. ;)

Hello @ausbitbank, thank you very much for what you have done for this community. Giving out 22K SBD and self voting for a tiny sum of $151 is as noble a gesture as it gets. I have a first hand experience of your generosity and supportive nature for the deserving and hardworking streemians... Do keep up the good work. ✌️✌️Peace..!!

@austibank By voting others, you will get more respect from members. Impressed by your thoughts. upvoted and started to follow you. thanks for having some soft corner for steemit family members:-)

I know what you're talking about with the FOMO, but I think we have a little farther to go. As far as self voting goes, you shouldn't feel a bit bad about self voting. Your posts bring great value and quite frankly you've either bought or earned your Steem Power, you can do with it what you see fit. Keep up the great work!

Finally, I came across someone genuine here at Steemit. By the way, I also bought steem today despite knowing the prices are going to dip more. Prices will go up again. Followed, upvoted and resteemed.

Self-voting should not be an issue. If becomes a problem, the ability to self-upvote will be discontinued. But let's be honest with ourselves: just about every Steemian upvotes his own post. It's expected since it's a feature when submitting a new article!

It's just good self-esteem. It's not selfish, just as long as you are active in the community upvoting other good content as well.

I'm upvoting this reply with no shame, so others can read it and do the same. (I'm a poet and don't even knowit) @ironshield

Woo hoo! A nickel! King of the Stemians!

I didn't upvote these replies since i'm not greedy. @ironshield

The trouble with saying, "if you disagree just flag", is that in the past this results in flagging wars, and there is no way a minnow can win a flagging war with a whale.

I think HF19 was a mistake and we should roll back to the previous non-linear award system. Otherwise we're just going to have everyone self-voting and doing noting else and the platform dies.

I'm new to steemit, should I transfer some BTC to STEEM and then to Steempower? Looks like the best way for more voting power? 🤔

Getting over 100 SP is where you start actually seeing consistent curration rewards.
Getting over 500 SP (1Mvests) is where you get a vote percentage slider, which is really helpful if you want to vote more than ten times a day.

Thanks for the response, I shall try to get to 100SP :)

great insight inf0 now i will know how this system sort of works ,so the key is to up vote for ourselves on every true knowledge expanding reply that would help out the natureof all true living things. how inspiring , what a grand suggestion,follow me as i up vote you and follow you after i post in aprox. 3 minutes lets play follow the leader,you may lead buti shall follow thee..@fauxfinish . chow

.67% that is impressive man. I was happy being around 33% :p. yes upvote yourself! go for it.

Nice post, you deserve a fat vote for that one :)
I'm waiting a bit longer to buy my steem. :)

You got steem at a great price right now. I also agree with your points. It is quite a surprising difference between the upvotes and self-upvotes.

You have been one of the rare one to actually think of others before yourself @ausbitbank! I have benefited quite a lot from you, and I am so grateful for it!
I will miss your votes for sure, but you should look for yourself too!
Thank you!

Keep being good to yourself and being good to others, you do some much for this platform, most of which I don't understand much about. I was not surprised to see that ratio. Nice job on all those crazy payouts to others, I won't mind if you upvote yourself a bit though.

We love you and your support @ausbitbank. Much respect!

Fomo is usually not a great reason for investments, but hey, if you buy Steem I can only applaud. Even without fear of missing out you're making a sound buy decision.

I don't have a problem with self voting I know some people question it but sometimes I feel if I don't vote for myself I wouldn't get any, cheers mike

As long as you share some voting love around to others aswell, all is good :D


Upvoted, Followed and voted for witness.

@ausbitbank Did you use a proprietary tool to determine the votes/ratios?

No he used my list as stated in this article. But you unfollowed me because i said something about Jesus, not smart buddy, now you're missing out ;)

Oh no - we had a civilized discussion on the subject. You even changed your content based on feedback. Laudable!

I wonder though where the assumption comes from I allegedly unfollowed because of a Jesus comment made, when I never followed @calamus056?

Smart? By what standard?

All the best.

-ch @globocop

Blockchains don't lie. You followed me 4 weeks ago and unfollowed 3 weeks ago when you couldn't handle other viewpoints about religion ;)

I stand corrected - l looked over my own follower data, which didn't show my follow/unfollow. However, your conjecture is false - just as the data you presenting may be misleading, regardless of hopefully good intentions. Take two examples in your report, two accounts I happen to follow - @ausbitbank and - @ramta.

Ausbitbank gives more to the community than any other user I have experienced. He has already spoken for himself.
Ramta, if you would please have the courtesy to investigate, is RamtaRewards, upvoting comments in the region of up to $50.00 for the promotion of Norway and Norwegian culture.

Just because it rains in one location doesn't mean it always rains there all the time. If data is missing - the conclusion drawn from it may be wrong.

Your conjecture that I unfollowed you for disagreeing on a particular subject is also false. If you'd take the time to check my interactions with some who do disagree, your judgmental claim is quickly dismissed.

Where is the proof that I cannot 'handle' other view points about religion? Show me, please.

The tone 🎶 makes the music, dear calamus.

As said before - all the best to you.
-ch @globocop

Revelation 12:10 ESV
And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.

The evidence is on the blockchain. You commented on a posts about religion , even stating that you would unfollow, and a few minutes later you unfollowed.

But who cares, we're all friends, right? :)

You can wait more and buy cheaper! Hope you can buy more cheaper this week

Congrats on all the new SP 😁😁
Glad to see you really want the system to work properly. We just happy you're willing to keep some votes for us. Thanks a mil man!!

Those stats are pretty sick! And your numbers are...

I upvote my own posts as a matter of course. The only exception is if I think I've written a bunch of garbage...but that so rarely happens!

Now I've stopped upvoting my own comments. Once in a while, if I think a comment is extremely good, I may upvote it. But, for the most part, I leave that to others. :-)

If you are the judge of your writings you will rarely find garbage :)

It may keep dropping this week but we will see.
Why buying in the internal market is it best to divide your SBD into smaller portions?
Great to see you are giving other people the opportunity to gain curation awards ;)

Self voting and paid votes are not good for this community !
Thank you so much for your effort !

nice post upvoted and followed...please follow back @superkrish

There is no reason you should be different than other self-voters. This is currently how the system works, although it is a problem. Newbies can't find the way inside because lack of voting for them, but this should be addressed by the Steemit developer team and not by individuals.

If anyone deserves to upvote themselves it is you. You have put so much time, effort, and money into Steemit!

Nothing wrong with selfvoting, when it's done for actual work. I see only an issue when it's done with delegated power or spamlike in comments or posts with no added value (linkdrop/plagiarised pics etc.).

Keep up the good work and don't feel selfish :-) You are NOT!

Like running a business, you should pay yourself when you feel like you put in the work that you deserve some compensation. If you're posting a meme that took two seconds and really doesn't contribute much, then that would obviously be of less value than if you spent a few hours to type up a well thought-out article that you have researched. I think self-upvoting makes a lot of sense but you really have to be a little critical about what you are contributing to the platform.

Thanks for sharing I was not aware how up-voting works !

I complained because I was not on the list. Fucker forgot me! You are awesome @Ausbitbank thank you for all you do for the community.

You're doing amazing with all these purchases, I suspect steemit to explode in the coming year, as this community is really expanding like crazy.

I really appreciate that you, give 99% of your voting power to other steemians instead of yourself, people like are the people we need more of.

I hope you enjoy my 0.01$ upvote and the resteem, I would've give you more if I could :D

I will definitely vote for you as a witness, u deserve it 100%

You deserve a due relax. You have done more than anything for people out there. You're the best man I have ever met on Steemit. You're hardworking, always working for this community and building great sources for this platform like your newly built platform : steemvids.com
You deserve all the relax in the World. Now, If I think about your decision of buying Steem then I would say, it is a Great One. Why ?
Because segwit has been locked in and this price dip is only a bear trap to make people sell their crypto shares. Steem is not gonna go much lower, may be a little dip. So, your patience has been dealt with a great decision.
I wish you all the success in the world.
A big thumbs up for your work sir @ausbitbank

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