
No he used my list as stated in this article. But you unfollowed me because i said something about Jesus, not smart buddy, now you're missing out ;)

Oh no - we had a civilized discussion on the subject. You even changed your content based on feedback. Laudable!

I wonder though where the assumption comes from I allegedly unfollowed because of a Jesus comment made, when I never followed @calamus056?

Smart? By what standard?

All the best.

-ch @globocop

Blockchains don't lie. You followed me 4 weeks ago and unfollowed 3 weeks ago when you couldn't handle other viewpoints about religion ;)

I stand corrected - l looked over my own follower data, which didn't show my follow/unfollow. However, your conjecture is false - just as the data you presenting may be misleading, regardless of hopefully good intentions. Take two examples in your report, two accounts I happen to follow - @ausbitbank and - @ramta.

Ausbitbank gives more to the community than any other user I have experienced. He has already spoken for himself.
Ramta, if you would please have the courtesy to investigate, is RamtaRewards, upvoting comments in the region of up to $50.00 for the promotion of Norway and Norwegian culture.

Just because it rains in one location doesn't mean it always rains there all the time. If data is missing - the conclusion drawn from it may be wrong.

Your conjecture that I unfollowed you for disagreeing on a particular subject is also false. If you'd take the time to check my interactions with some who do disagree, your judgmental claim is quickly dismissed.

Where is the proof that I cannot 'handle' other view points about religion? Show me, please.

The tone 🎶 makes the music, dear calamus.

As said before - all the best to you.
-ch @globocop

Revelation 12:10 ESV
And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.

The evidence is on the blockchain. You commented on a posts about religion , even stating that you would unfollow, and a few minutes later you unfollowed.

But who cares, we're all friends, right? :)