But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto Me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth (Acts 1: 8)


Almost a week ago was Pentecost, the coming down of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus in the Upper Room in Jerusalem.
For us Christians, it is a unique season that we have entered into. For the Lord Jesus before ascending to Heaven had foretold the coming of the Spirit and called it as the Promise of His Father. And as know from the eye witnesses account, the outpouring of the Spirit ushered in new events and seasons for all mankind.
For our devotion today, I want to focus on the primary purpose of the Holy Spirit on Christians.
Firstly to endue them with power. Power here simply means divine ability or enablement for carrying out a job.
And secondly for the recipient of the power to be witnesses.
I must admit here that Jesus never said, we shall do witnessing, but be witnesses.
What does that mean? The Lord didn't speak about witnessing first with our mouth but with our lives - in our conduct, character, attitudes and behavior. He meant His followers, His disciples upon whom the Spirit falls will live such a life that compels people to think and consider Jesus. Jesus emphasis was on being before speaking. The problem for the church and Christianity today is that a lot of people who do witnessing are not witnesses. So they end up confusing people. They say one thing with their mouth and say another with their lives. And one can't help with the contradiction, the hypocrisy, and the controversy. Sadly, they are very irritating, confusing and inconciliable. This grieves the heart of the Lord. We minister questions, instead of salvation and redemption to people.
And another sad thing is that instead of being Witnesses unto Jesus, which the Lord said we should be, we rather witness to our church denominations, to our pastors and men of God, to our church traditions and doctrines. And the result is divisions in the Body of Christ, antagonism, enmity, and stumbling blocks between fellow Christians. Meanwhile, millions of people are on their way to hell fire and eternal destruction. What witnesses that we have become!
It's time we the people of God repent, turn to the true scriptural teachings and yield to the Holy Spirit for Him to make us true witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Question: Are you being a Witness that the Lord said you shall be? What is the impact and influence of your Christian faith and life on your church, family community, workplace, and society? Read 1 Peter 2: 12 before answering those questions. And let me remind you that the disciples in Jerusalem reached that level of being Witnesses unto Christ. The first five chapters of the Book of Acts confirms it. So become a true witness of Christ today.
May the power of the Spirit of God that makes people true witnesses come upon you this season and may the Pentecost experience and blessing be your portion in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people unto God's purposes
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@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g

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A well written one @johsonkoranteng. Please let us know what talent and position you are as we match and move internationally.
