To Promote & Support the Most Fantastic Fest on Planet Earth, I am Giving Away a Ticket to SteemFest2!!! This Is YOUR Chance!

in #steemfest7 years ago


I am honored and excited to be speaking at SteemFest this year!

If you haven't seen my "I am speaking at SteemFest post," then check it out so I don't have to recap the entire thing here!

If you want to see the SteemFest post by @roelandp announcing me as a speaker its here!

So basically I love Steemit and have been a top "cheerleader" for Steemit for over a year now. I could go on and on about all I have done to promote Steemit, increase the value of $teem, and contribute valuable content, but that's mostly all in the post linked above!

The point of THIS post - which I am sure you care more about - is a FREE ticket to SteemFest!

Last year I had a ticket to SteemFest and was scheduled to go but the birth of my first son changed that at the last minute. Instead I sponsored travel expenses for @saramiller and @everlove to go in my stead. They will tell you first hand that SteemFest was truly epic!

(@everlove and @saramiller rocking hand painted Epic Steemit Gear sustainably made in @gardenofeden)

I know its not realistic for everyone to go but really this is a WORTHWHILE EVENT!

If your not yet convinced watch this AWESOME video by @roelandp which is informative and very entertaining! We gonna have a BALL, HAV A BALL HAVE A BALL!!!!

Buy your tickets here!!!

I truly believe Steemit has the potential to be revolutionary, and I know there are a lot of really awake and inspired people here on Steemit that just need a little help and inspiration to make it to the most Fantastic Fest on the Planet, SteemFest!

I want to help promote SteemFest, as it is a truly worthy cause and @roelandp and other dedicated Steemians have put in so much time, energy, and finances into making this happen two years in a row!

(The man him self @roelandp !!!)

While @roelandp is the one weaving this all together this is in Steemit fashion a COMMUNITY EVENT! This would not be possible without ALL of us but there are individuals who have donated a generous sum to make Steemit happen for the rest of us!

 Lets give a SPECIAL thanks to

Lets remember that despite giveaways like this and cheap ticket prices SteemFest is NOT FREE!

Everyone one of these individuals has donated and contribute more than a generous sum to make SteemFest possible for the rest of us. I for one am very grateful for the ones who have made not just SteemFest possible but STEEMIT POSSIBLE for all of us!

Give thanks to @gtg who got us a 10% discount on flights to Lisbon so consider checking out his post before flights

I also want to recognize the Noble Steemians who have already given away tickets before I. 

If you followed any of the SteemFest action last year, you know how awesome it was and I am quite sure this one is going to be even more awesome yet!

So my hope is that not only will I be able to sponsor another valuable Steemian to SteemFest, but that I will also inspire and motivate others to invest in their own success by going to SteemFest!

So let's get into it:

How do YOU win your ticket to SteemFest?


Well as I said, my two main goals are to ONE sponsor a deserving and valuable Steemian to SteemFest and TWO to PROMOTE SteemFest and Steemit as a whole!



  1. I am going to take a page from the Exemplary Steemian @papa-pepper and NOT require a Resteem of this post!
  2. I am NOT going to require an Upvote of this post. 
  3. I DO require that you make a comment, or make your own post and link it in this thread. 
  4. The post/comment should answer "Why Will SteemFest Be Better Because You Are There?"
  5. One week from this post, I will choose a winner for a FREE (rather, one I will purchase with $teem) to SteemFest!
  6. I will donate a ticket to whoever I feel is going to most benefit Steemit and SteemFest! Remember, this is all about the greater good of Steemit and SteemFest not just an individual. 
  7. Please vote on the entry you feel most deserves the donation, as I will take that into consideration. 
  8. If anyone entering is found to be lying or dishonorable, they will be eliminated and flagged.  
  9. I will give the deserving winner the ticket upon arrival to SteemFest front registry desk. 
  10. Let's do this for the success of Steemit!

Ok, so that may seem like a lot it really comes down to who is contributing to the greater good of the Steemit Community!

So make your entries and get ready for the most Fantastic Fest on Earth: STEEMFEST!

Full Steem Ahead to SteemFest2!


This is an awesome gesture and just one of the bazillion ways you embody generosity & support, @quinneaker!! What a marvelous gift to one deserving Steemian as well as to the entire community. It's so inspiring to see how much you care about and support the greatest good of the whole, and I'm grateful you're encouraging Steemit & Steemfest to be of utmost benefit to all!

Thank you thank you thank you for sponsoring me to Steemfest last year!!! It was one of the best events I've ever been to, and I'm so excited to have the profound opportunity to go again this year thanks to @joseph's generous contest. There's a lot I'm looking forward to, but I'm especially excited to see the embodied values you will share at Steemfest2 - I know you have insight & solutions that improve life for many!

I nominate @qiqi-power to win a ticket, because she too can inspire & change people for the better just by being her pure, joyful, amazing self!! Might not be quite what you are looking to do with this contest, but my nomination is genuine. She is a new hope for what life could be, and I know she adds great value wherever she is.

Thank you for sharing.

Yes there are many generous beings here on Steemit, how blessed we are to be a part of it. @joseph really shined bright not just giving away tickets but travel expenses. Deserves mad credit!

I am honored and excited to be at SteemFest and to be able contribute something to the betterment of the Steemit Revolution.

Yes @qiqi-power would be a potential fantastic edition. Not sure how it would be to choose my own daughter for a contest......Hadent actually thought about that possibility......I will talk to her and see if she really would even want to go all things considered.....Might be a long trip......

Either way she is amazing, we both know this and I appreciate the nomination none the less.

Grateful to share such an awesome life with you.


Oh wow!!!! What a dream that would be to have @qiqi-power there blowing people's minds!!! She is definitely a force to be reckoned with. I hope people are tuning into her presence here on Steemit through her amazing daddy @quinneaker's efforts on her behalf. She shines an EXTEMELY bright light and we are incredibly blessed to know her. Would sooooo love her to be there to share her magnificence!

After reading @saramiller' response about @qiqi-power, it is hard to consider there would be anyone who would add more presence to SF2 than QiQi. Even just the thought of it is expansive!!

I want to thank you for everything you have been in my life. For all the vastness of experience and consciousness I have gleaned through you. Though you've given me waaaayyyy more than a ticket to Steemfest, even your gesture of sending me last year was priceless, and the offer to give others the opportunity this year is one that may change someone's life--truly!!! Your presence at SF2 will undoubtedly up the it's even incrementally more awesome that you're making it a reality for others as well.

I still need a ticket to the SF2event, but it seems silly to ask you to send me again. I won my plane ticket to Lisbon through @theprophet0, so I know I will be going regardless to share the incredibleness and on behalf of the over 90 Steemit Artists that participate in the Collaborative Art Journey.

I will continue to make some Steemfest promotion posts specifically targeted to purchase my ticket or enter another contest as one arises--crowd funding really is the answer to getting us all there. I feel there is a great blessing here for someone who will be honored as I was to receive a ticket from you.

I would like to see @verbal-d at SF2, though have not yet received confirmation that it is possible that he could go even with a ticket. (Thought I'd better get my nomination in anyway, just to put him in the running in case!) He is extremely active in the music scene here on Steemit, including open mic. He is instrumental in the Collaborative Art Journey and is preparing an album with diligence to be included with my presentation of the CAJ at SF2. He is always super uplifting, encouraging and has a heart of gold.

I know this ticket is to be redeemed AT SF2 to be certain the recipient will use the ticket. I will consider others I feel are worthy of such an honor and make another comment.

Thanks for being you @quinneaker!


The vastness of this contest is now just starting to hit me.....So many Steemians and so many of them doing cool and helpful things.....

Yes hard to imagine someone more full of life and potential than @qiqi-power though not sure how realistic it is for her to go.....

Yes @verbal-d is a prime candidate and if he wanted to go he would be at the top for sure! His spirit is prime and contributions regular!

You of course are one of the most helpful and loving people I have ever known not to mention live on $1 day and bassicly never spend any money or time just for your self but instead help the cause every day!

You absolutely deserve a free ticket. I thought you already had one actually.... If you don't win one or get one donated then I will surely consider you.

Wow the choice is going to be difficult.....I may have to give away more than one free ticket.....

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I found it to be the most stimulating comment so far. Yet another reason you are so valuable. Never giving surface superficial comments, always depth and consideration.


It doesn't seem realistic for @qiqi-power to go, but we can dream and imagine and bask in the delight of the potential. We get to see people transformed all the time by her presence, so no matter if she is at home or at SF2, she will be touching many just by simply being.

@papa-pepper, @verbal-d....two primos!!! Indeed we would be incredibly blessed by either of these two choices--and many others. Steemit is full of incredible people. I'm glad you have to choose and not me. I know from experience at SF1 that it will be profound and I can't imagine how everyone wouldn't benefit from being there--a true soulful opportunity. It obviously comes down to how someone will benefit Steemit. Awesome criteria you have set and a really great way to engage the community and provide something of true value....AND promote the most fantastic fest on the planet. It will be....I have no doubt!!

I do indeed live off $1 per day--and ohhhhh so grateful for it. What a game changer for life itself. And, we get to invest everything else in creating a better world--feeding, housing and educating more people. Dang!! What a life! I again have you to thank for making it possible!!!

I feel any post worth upvoting is a post worth commenting on. I truly appreciate what you have to share and any support I can pass your way is support for the greater whole. Thanks for sharing it so prolifically, with such an exuberant spice for life that is contagious. Grateful beyond measure.

Yes well said yet again.

@papa-pepper has confirmed that he does not want to go this year so no sense in considering him. Have not heard from @verbal-d

Though so far no one is more deserving that you nor likely to bring more love, support and gratitude to SteemFest than you!

I'll keep doing what I do and loving it!!! (I'm sure that's key!!)

Just heard from verbal-d. He is going to check with his school and see that it doesn't interfere with his studies. I'm sure this experience will be way more profound than an exam--in my humble opinion!!!

Excited to see what comes of your offering! <3

Oh yea...I remember asking him about it actually and him saying he was NOT going because of exams... I didn't push it at all. Mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

Yes indeed. He did tell me he was going to inquire. I think he can feel how awesome it's going to be!!!

Hi @quinneaker - this is a very admirable gesture.
There are so many worthy and deserving people of this opportunity to go to SteemFest2 - but amongst the worthy I would like to commend @deimus who put long hard hours into promoting artists and musicians on Steemit - Each article would mention all the artists again and re-inforce them. He also worked with @starkerz and @patrickm doing a series of videos called D5 (Decentralize in 5) - these are very underrated episodes but in time I am sure that they will be recognised.

@deimus and @patrickm also hosted the first crypto training in Cyprus and had a whole section on promoting Steemit

Anyway the list goes on and being his mother, I can vouch for the many hours he puts into his blogs and writings. He is also in the process of writing a book to help Steemit users.

@starkerz is another amazing candidate as he is going around the UK universities and speaking face to face with the students promoting Steem. He goes armed with T-shirts - has his face painted and engages with the people. He is bringing many people to Steem.

Here is the latest article - there is an article for every day that they have been on this tour

Hope you enjoy their articles @quinneaker. We appreciate so much your lifestyle and what you do for people. My 25 year old daughter @edenmichelle has her own production company and has been ministering to the needy and feeding the poor in South Africa alongside a company called RAK events (Random Acts of Kindness). She had video'd the events for the last 3 years and also worked with Meals On Wheels - so we truly appreciate what you do.


What an amazing comment!

You are a REAL mother, the true mother consciousness of which I would wish everyone could have in their life. I would love for you to be nominated as we can never have to many real mothers in this world!!

In truth there is nothing I admire or respect more than a REAL mother. One who nurtures, supports, advocates, believes in and LOVES.

If you decline your nomination I will surely consider those who you have nominated. Regardless of who I choose I will check out these suggestions and share some love. Thank you for being here with us on Steemit and for commenting on this post.

Blessings to you and yours~*~

Aw you made me blush @quinneaker - honoured to be considered by you and thank you for your kind words - hope to visit your garden of Eden one day. My daughter has the most beautiful name in the world - Eden

Ahhhhh I see we are destined to meet~

I have created Eden so that not just children but people have the chance at a fresh start, a life of freedom, an opportunity to really live~*~

I will re-steem this!!!... and I am looking forward to meet u there. Also I hope u say yes to an small interview ;) I am planning to do small interviews to some persons at Steemfest and will be honored if you accept to be one of them (I have to remember that I need to ask to @everlove too, she need to be also one) ... Cheers!

Thanks for the support.
I also am excited to meet you and the many other Steemians at SteemFest!

@everlove is a true angel. She is a must meet!

Oo it was wonderful fest :)

You are the man, how good is this!! It is going to be incredible and more so with you there especially doing a talk!!

Love ya dude!! Rawk that damn fest!

SteemFest really is going to be amazing and I feel like it is so good for the image of success of Steemit it self.

So yes I am going to speak there to contribute not just to the fest but also to Steemit! Plus that is why I am going to give a ticket away to help amplify the success even more!

Thanks for recognizing and for your vote of confidence and support!

I love you too and I am gonna RAWK it!

promise me we can do a podcast roundtable of sorts with you and the crew from @gardenofeden we need more projects like yours in the world.

I agree. Let me know what ur thinking. I am always ready to work for the cause~*~

wow , I wish I can attend and see you live my buddy ...good luck and good job from you

Thank you!
I will be sure to make posts while there so you can share in the experience!

@quinneaker do you mind if I share this article to my blog off-site? I would run the first paragraph and link back to your article on STEEMIT and your profile. Let me know.

Go for it~*~

Thank You so much. If there are any others you wouldn't mind me sharing, please let me know. Here is a linkback. Nothing special yet, but I am putting a lot of money into promoting, hopefully with some time it will bring more attention to steemit.

Is this your entry to the contest?

No I wish, but I couldn't go even if I won. My life is a mess lol. I just went through hurricane Irma and two babies in two years. I couldn't do that to my wife even if I could get a passport haha. Maybe next year.

Excellent! I am glad you have been chosen to speak there :)
I entered the similar contest from @blueorgy a few days ago (afaik I didn't win) and my entry post for that contest contains the same as I would write for you here - so please consider this post as my entry for your post here.
Upvoted anyway ;)
Have fun!

Aloha @ura-soul
We have not connected much here on Steemit but I have seen that you are creating and sharing important content with consciousness.
I will surely consider your entry even before I read it.

Blessings on the way~*~

Aloha! Yes, there are so many great people to connect with here - it is impossiblel for me to speak with everyone and no doubt it is the same for you. Thanks for re-membering me - I will be keeping an 'I' out for your posts as best I can ;)

Tune into that (eye)

Bless it be~*~

Hi @ura-soul, I see you have mentioned me.
This is automatic response so that I may respond to your mention later.

You are really a gem in this community mate! You are doing a great thing as I am sure you will pick someone very valuable for steemit as the winner of this free ticket.
I wish I could be there to represent the foodies community, well we never know.
Steem On and Stay Blessed always bro!

Yes well if you think you can make it I would be happy to consider you for the free ticket!

I appreciate your support and you too are doing great work here. Keep it up and hope to feast on delicious food with you one day!


My wife and I are going to be at Lisbon. We bought the flight and the hotel but not the tickets. I'm not sure we can afford it.
You ask to write why SteemFest would be better with our partecipation. That means commending myself, and I'm really not able to do it.
What I can say is that I'm working for the Art event at Steemfest, with @everlove, @opheliafu and @roelandp himself.
I also managed art contests on Steem since april 2017.
I also create a website to sell and buy art using Steem ( and I'm going to use Smart Media Tokens for it, as soon as it will be possible.
I posted on Steemit everyday in the last 9 months.
That's all.

Your giveaway is a great idea anyway!


Great to know you are going to be there regardless!

I will surely consider your entry. Did you know I have made available the MOST items available for steem of anyone in the world?

Maybe I could help your market and you could help me move items via steem.

thx @quinneaker!
I'm going to re-launch my website, since it's not working, and I will appreciate your help and suggestions.

Ok let me know whats going on and I can help you!

All I can say is...

I want and am willing to share my story with fellow Steemians there.

After 6 years of blogging and writing, it has all come to this. I finally feel it all coming together.

Therapy for anger. Moving on from death of a loved one. Soul searching as an artist and businessman. Finding a real and healthy view towards money. Realizing how partying and girls gets meaningless fast. And finally, realizing that being successful, at least in the realm of business, marketing and hence in the eyes of society, it's all about being nice, helpful and showing compassion.

I spent way too much time chasing the money and by that, I mean learning merely how to make money online from how-to-make-money-online dudes.

As legit as that business field is... it's a business to them where everything, including emotions and stories are turned into commodities, for money.

It didn't work for me. Even if it did, it never lasted because I was in a sense, too pure a soul for that.

Steemit is the first and only place where I see people being extremely positive, helpful and with that, successful. I am extremely thankful to be here. I too, believe that Steemit is revolutionary and will change the way artists can work.

If you give me this ticket, I will share my journey with everyone there. I just hope to help others to open their eyes and minds so they don't fall in the trap; the chase.

I am and have always been an open book ala honest and real stories yo.

And well, I will throw down Bboy-style for anyone who wants to see. I'd love to even hold a mini-beginner class for everyone there so they can know the beauty of Bboying and why we don't just spin our heads.

That's my entry, and to be perfectly honest, even if I don't win, it's totally fine. There's an extremely high chance I will get my own. I have plans to visit Poland before that because... let's just say my heart is left there ;)


Great to see you are entering!

Sounds like some good fun and valuable contributions!

I will surely consider you for the ticket!


Your generosity is an inspiration. #steemon to STEEMfest2

Bless it be~*~

I'll just spread the word, to my friends who are interested in this :), such a generous deed!

Thank you!

As I said Steemit is a COMMUNITY first and SteemFest if anything is to CELEBRATE this COMMUNITY and that is why I am going to choose the one who makes Steemit better for EVERYONE.

We are all in this together~*~

Whre ist the next Steem Fest?



Thats great, thanks :)

I want the ticket! :)

My name is Josediccus and im from Nigeria, i just really love the fact that there is still selflessness in the world, i've found that in steemit, this give away to a steemfest is a great example, though i may not be able to afford a plane ticket, even if im chosen but im glad you are giving people this awesome opportunity to go to #steemfest, thank you here ma'm May God continue to bless you

Yes the SteemFest ticket is only 1/3 of the cost but it is a very nice opportunity.

I dedicated my life to helping people and creating a better world 15 years ago. This is just a fraction of what I do to provide opportunity for others. I am happy to do so for such a cause!

@quinneaker continue the good job Ma'm and the sky keep being your begining. Thank you 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

Bless it be~*~

Great and powerful posting; Very encouraging and inspiring. It's never too late to start.

Thats right!

Looks like an exciting event.

Its going to be so CREAMY AND DELICIOUS!

Good luck to all the people in this contest - I will be looking forward to meet you at SteemFest.



Full Steem Ahead to SteemFest!

A great treat ! Good heart, good soul. Thank you

Bless it be~*~

@quinneaker if only. looks like it is going to be a ripping fest. Enjoy, to those who are lucky enough to attend :-) long live @steemit

Yes it is going to be so ripping!
Its more about focus and dedication than luck but yes we are blessed to be a part of it!

Will be sure to make some epic posts while there to share with everyone!

@quinneaker enjoy it... am working on my @steemit all day everyday.

A wise investment!

you are truly contributing to the community and doing this, keep up the good work

It is my intention~

Thank you for the support~*~

Great post friend

This post has received a 0.03 % upvote from @khoa thanks to: @dang007.

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I think that if me and my husband could be a part of SteemFest, we could decorate it with one of our acrobatic performances! For instance, with this one -

I will check it out!

hi quinneaker .nice to read about abdelkader from also new on steemit and welcom you to steemit ihave followed also follow me
best of luck

Yes this is considered spam as your reputation is proving.

Looks interesting and I would love to be there if given the chance but I know its not possible. Hope everyone will enjoy the festival.

Creamy and delicious!

This steemfest is going to be entertaining as well as educational. I love the video by @roelandp. Wish I've got enough money to buy the ticket. Those going should get us a good video coverage of the event. Dang. I need me some steemfest 🙂

Yes its gonna be creamy and delicious!
I will be sure to get lots of photos, videos and make posts too!

Congratulations @quinneaker, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 194 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $4583.40. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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awesome post :) i followed you


How I wish that I can travel there 😣

Anything is possible.
Gonna be creamy and delicious thats for sure!

Yeah i hope so

The ingredients are there!

Congratulations @quinneaker!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 3 with $ 322,1

@quinneaker Liked this post & want to congratulate in advance to the Free Ticket Winner ! Best of Luck All Steemians ! :)

nice post (Y)

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