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RE: FAQ about Cheetah

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

good seeing you here. u will eventually host a weekly and then DAILy steemit show!

you will go over TOP post making people thousands of dollars and you will interview their authors! show how and why these posts make so much, and youll live steem! showin peole how a whales votes can make someones day! by then youll have like 2 million dollars in steempowrr so everytime you upvote posts will go up over 20 bucks at a time, it will be like you will really take your time and show people thatif their post is REALLY cool u will upvote it AND upvote all the comments inside of it!

it will have ALOT of viewers and it will be like a hit talkshow, Almost as big as Good Mythical Morning..well maybe .they are in the tens of millions..but hey steemit is over 183,964 accounts (but onl 32,000 active in last 30 days ;/ its ok we will hit 1 million by the end of the year and steem price will just keep gong up past $1000 like bitcoin

we will become like those tech billionaires u hear about out yonder in sillicon valley

Its gonna be even more than our wildest dreams, but you have to make sure we are all prepared to evven have this much money! we should lead local steemit groups in person, in our local towns an cities! Im trying to leadmy local san diego bitcoin and steemit people! I feel like I can tell them in person the important things to keep in mind when dealing with alot of money and how to keep it safe how to keep our steemit accounts safe etc

But yeah we should all just be saving a little extra steem as bitcoin on hardware walletslike leedger nano and trezor, but we shouldnt be ntoo paranoid, and we should hold steemit user parties! and really ball hard and also we should post job listngs on cragslist and find motivated young go getters who want to make money online, and basicly invite them to an inteview, or over the phone interview em, and justhave em singup with steemkit, and post, and i bet they will thank us , and ill even set peopel up with $10 cash or steempower, to show them im serious and steemit is serious! I was thinking of doing this but craigslist cost money to post job ads, so i might post in the Gigs, but i bet i could really direct alot of new steemit users by posting on the craigslist gigs postings! u should do this in your local area! get all sorts of new people to join steem by just PESENTINg it as a job oopportunity and just pretend like u work for steemit but of coyrse admit that you dont officialy ork for steemit but that it MUST be pretty amazing if i dont even work for steemit and im here recruiting them see? haha im so pumped! i bet uare too! ur wallet has grown pretty teremdously! uu can buy a ferrari now lolO!L!O!L!OL!