FAQ about Cheetah

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time...

Steemit content wasn’t always the way it is now. Before the concept of 'Author Reputation', and during the first Great Steem Bubble where we hit $4 per steem, the woodworks opened up. All sorts of people came out for a piece of the pie; spam, scams, plagiarism, fraud, and identity theft all ran rampant. Almost a year ago, I ( @anyx ) created the first form of the infamous @cheetah bot in an attempt to combat this. Back before voting bots were common place, Cheetah was actually one of the first: downvoting what I had identified as spam and fraudulent accounts. When a bounty emerged to try and identify plagiarized content, I build my own algorithm using custom web search API's to scour the internet for similar content, and then, Cheetah was truly born.

Yet, the landscape has changed since the wild-west that we started with. After Cheetah came the Steemcleaners initiative, and users who remember how bad sorting out content was in the beginning, remain staunch supporters of the project to this day. And, despite a few bumps in the road, I continue to run Cheetah -- however, she's not nearly the same as when she started.

In general, Cheetah has now become solely informative, with Steemcleaners -- real people -- as the actual action taker. While the original explanation post of Cheetah is still valid, she has evolved quite a bit over the year.

So, the purpose of this post is to clarify a few things that often come up, as frequently asked questions.


Q: What is Cheetah?

Cheetah is an informative robot that might comment on your post. If she does, she will claim that she found similar content somewhere else on the web. This is because you likely copy&pasted some form of content -- whether it be your own or not.

The interpretation of the comment is up to the voter who reads your post: the comment, in general, means that the voter will likely desire an understanding of the source of the content that you posted.

Q: Is Cheetah a 'plagiarism robot' or a 'police bot'?

NO! The truth of the matter is, it's basically impossible to determine identity online. As such, Cheetah can never determine if content is plagiarism, a form of sharing, or an in depth quoting. While I try to avoid issuing comments when a post appears to be form of sourced sharing, it's a lot harder than one would think to program ingestion and understanding of content. Which brings me to the next point.

Q: Does Cheetah discriminate based on the type of content within a post?

While some... interesting people... may peddle that I am a censorship fascist, the truth is that I, and thus Cheetah, don't care what kind of content you post. What the content is doesn't matter, only the similarity to other content on the web. In fact, there is decades of literature on machine learning trying to solve the problem of actually understanding content or sentiment, and we still are not even that good at it. I don't know how to do it either.

Q: Is receiving a comment (and upvote) by Cheetah a bad thing?

Due to the above two points, I want to stress that a comment about detection from Cheetah is NOT an accusation of malicious intent. Simply put, the comment informs the reader that the content can be found on the web in another place, and was there before the Steemit post.

There are many cases where this isn't malicious: for example, a writer of a blog deciding to re-post all their content on Steemit. However, the comment is a useful reminder to the reader: while the author may or may not directly say the content is reposted, the reminder to the voter allows them to make an informed decision of whether or not they wish to reward the post. In general, on Steemit, original content is more well received compared to reposts. And reposters that attempt to trick the readers into believing they are providing fresh content, can ruin their reputation forever. It's an ambiguous area, where the voter needs to decide. All that the Cheetah comment does is provide information to the voter.

Q: Does Cheetah flag posts?

For the most part, no. People continuously claim that 'Cheetah has flagged them', when they actually mean that Cheetah has issued a comment on their post. It's important for people to understand the distinction in the language here, as flagging has a negative connotation: being mostly used for actual abuse. Cheetah does NOT flag on content detection, she upvotes.

However, if a user spams continuously, plagiarizes and attempts to defraud the community, or claim someone else’s identity, the user will be continuously flagged in the future. Being on this blacklist is NOT an automated procedure, but rather is controlled by @steemcleaners. (Note: the 'blacklist-a' or related accounts are not part of Cheetah or Steemcleaners.)

Something else to keep in mind is that flagging is not censorship. Your posts will remain immutable forever on the steem blockchain, and anyone can read it and interact with it. Being rewarded, however, is a privilege.

Q: I hear that if I get a Cheetah comment, people won't vote for my post. Is that true? If so, you owe me money.

There are some voting bots that may ignore posts that have been flagged by Cheetah. But remember, Cheetah does not flag posts on detection. In fact, she actually upvotes, as a sign of good faith.

Despite this, I have gotten into arguments where, due to the Cheetah comment, the user believes they lost money that they otherwise deserved. Keep in mind that I don't owe you anything, and nor does anyone else on this platform: actions here are voluntary. If you believe you are owed a vote from a particular person, and they did not vote for you, you have the option of reaching out to them and tell them why they must vote for your post. I cannot control the actions of other voters, do not ask me to do so.

Q: How can I stop or avoid getting Cheetah comments?

It's very simple. Make sure that the majority of your post is in your own words, less only quotes which use markdown format ( put a > in front of the quote) and are fully cited. Don't just copy paste. A good guide on the reasoning behind this is here. TL;DR? Add value to what you share. And keep in mind that reposting is sharing, even if you own the content.

Q: Is Cheetah a magical bot that's perfect and always gets things right?

Who would have thought, but robots make mistakes! Cheetah sometimes posts links that make no sense. I've continuously been working to reduce the odds of this happening, but robots are not perfect, and Cheetah will never be completely accurate. Sometimes the content detection gives these "false positives". If there's ever a comment that's clearly broken, feel free to message or mention me, and I'll look into it.

Q: Who can control Cheetah / how can I contact someone who can?

@anyx is the creator. However, for best results (I'm not active 24/7!) you can reach out to Steemcleaners members. Head over to steemit.chat, in the steemcleaners-public channel, and someone will be around.

Q: I do posts that have a common format and get the message. Can I stop this?

If you're designing something like a weekly challenge or game, make sure to do it on a separate (designated) account. If you still get comments, message @anyx in steemit.chat.

Q: Cheetah is actually flagging me! What can I do?

If you believe it was a mistake, you can chat with someone in steemit.chat's channel steemitabuse-appeals. However, for cases such as identity theft and clearly unremorseful plagiarism/fraud, I don't give second chances. While some will not agree with this harshness, I personally believe there are enough good, positive, and genuine people here on Steemit that we do not need to entertain those who would only seek to defraud, harm, or take advantage of us.

Q: Is Cheetah or Steemcleaners official?

No: both are voluntary actions of community members. It's important to keep in mind that Cheetah is not an official part of Steemit. Should the community no longer want her, or I can no longer afford her, I will remove her (and I have been close to doing so in the past).

Q: What's the cost of Cheetah? What about her development?

I have had to sacrifice accuracy for price, as the cost of running Cheetah is actually quite high. At the current rate, Cheetah has a direct cost of about $150-$200 USD per week, with an indirect cost even higher -- and rising. The funding to pay for her currently comes from Steemcleaners log posts.

Development is ongoing, and has never stopped! I mostly aim to improve detection and reduce false positives (as I continuously receive negative flak for any mistake). While I don't expect a reward for the continued development, nor do I post updates about development (as the algorithm I have developed for content detection is effectively a trade secret, and thus sharing updates to it would be silly), I consider my role as a witness ( @anyx ) as the direct support. This keeps the project community driven, rather than sponsored. You can vote for witnesses here.

Have any more questions? Ask them in the comments and I will improve the FAQ!

There are 4 pages

That awkward moment when you realize your bot has a higher reputation than you... ಠ_ಠ

Good bot, Cheetah :)

Honestly, your service is one of the most important, consistent and neede on this platform.

If not the most important!

No matter what somebody would say.

So ...

Hat Off!

Easy....mining. More fun with friends!


These guys have really figured this out. You can make money while you sleep, Just signup Download the free miner. There is never a fee. (not to sound like a shill) This is like a money drop! I will post again with details of my profits.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I have the deepest respect for anyx & cheetah.

Awesome post! Awesome work guys! Those who haven't known Steem before cheetah was created can hardly grasp it's importance. Again, nice work!

Yes, as a fair newcomer, that was quite an education. I thought it had always been fairly peaceful and I hadn't really thought about what has to go on to make it so until I read this.

Thanks for the support! :)


The awkward moment when it responds :o

That face tho...LOL

🎁 accept a gift with love @cheetah @anyx

@anyx how did you get into developing bots? Do you use python? What are your thoughts on Tensorflow, Google open sourcing Deep Mind, and Amazon's open source machine learning database DSSTNE?

My Steem bots are written in python due to not needing performance. I'm actually a PhD candidate in computer engineering, so my go-to is C.
Tensorflow is my favourite for ML. :)

Make your proposal into a post and see what community thinks about it.
Screaming here won't solve a thing.
Either we're a community or a dictatorship in the making.

HAHAHAHA That was good for a huge laugh for me. Thank you.

That awkward moment when you realize that reputation is a bullshit feature :)

i tweeted this on Twitter, slapped this quote on Facebook and Linkedin.

My reputation is 9 so i need up to 10 for upload image

also it has the magic number ;)

hahaha :D I wonder what percentile the bot is

Just means you got something right.

LOL. It looks bravo with its name. What is ur reason choosing dat name for your bot?

Actually, this could be a FAQ :)
There is a popular belief that cheetah implies cheater -- but this is actually a complete coincidence (but a cool one!) Back when you could mine steem people were chosing animal names for fun. There was bullfrogs, rabbits, badgers... so I chose my favourite animal. When I was testing the code for the first version of the bot, I used my mining account for testing, with plans to move over to an account named @automoderator afterwards. But before that happened, the community had already got on-board and started talking about @cheetah, so it stuck!

Wow . That the fit name i think. Cheetah kill cheater..completely fit.

I really thought you picked that name because of the speed cheetahs run IRL as compared to the speed @cheetah runs thought the internet.


This is also reminds of the japanese way of pronouncing some words (killer-kira,number-numba etc.) Just noticed that in anime.

Maybe you should let Cheetah manage @anyx too :)

Hehe, seems she might do a better job :)

That's funny!

At least, the cheetah upvote my content.

Cheers for now.

Cheetah rocks! I love that cat! :P

would you please bring back cheetah's feature of warning on spams
"too many please check my post + link these days"

so true...its in his name cheeter

Its great to know Cheetah is a correcting bot. I usually write my own blogs, but if I find an article of interest I share the post with full credentials to the publisher and where it comes from. Cheetah is right when it finds similar content good to know Cheetah bot is mostly just correcting and not harrassing. Thanks again

Well, everyone knows your bot offers a great and much needed service to our community... Makes sense that it's reputation is high... Well, Kinda...

The first time I saw it I was scared, I thought it was some steemit police and they were going to ban the account. LOL

welcome bot, Cheetah:

Truly, your administration is a standout amongst the most imperative, steady and neede on this stage.

If not the most vital!

Regardless of what some individual would state.

So ...

Hat Off!

Hello & Cheers!! I'm a content detection and information bot. You are receiving this reply because a short link or links have been detected in your post/comment. The purpose of this message is to inform your readers and yourself about the use of and dangers of short links.

To the readers of the post: Short links are provided by url shortening services. The short links they provide can be useful in some cases. Generally their use is benign. But as with all useful tools there are dangers. Short links can be used to hide all sorts of things. Quite frequently they are used to hide referral links for instance. While not dangerous this can be deceptive. They can also be used to hide dangerous links such as links to phishing sites, sites loaded with malware, scam sites, etc. You should always be extremely cautious before clicking on one. If you don't know and trust the poster don't click. Even if you do you should still be cautious and wary of any site you are sent to. It's always better to visit the site directly and not through a short link.

To the author of the post: While short links may be useful on some sites they are not needed on steemit. You can use markdown to format your links such as this link to steemit. It's as simple as [steemit](https://steemit.com) Unlike short links this allows the reader to see where they are going by simply hovering over the link before they click on it.

This message was created by a bot. It is part of the ongoing fight against spam and phishing attacks on steemit. If you did not use short links in your post and feel you have received this message in error you can contact @fubar-bdhr on discord or @fubar.bdhr on steemit chat to report the issue.

Where did you get cheetah idea @anyx

your bot is great of course - yet the scammers are altering their text slightly - my guess is there's something automating the text adjustments for these people. If you explore the wallet transfers you may find some interesting exchanges also. i commented on this one particular post with a link to the plagiarized source. Where might I report such things in future? - this link refers to my comment at the plagiarized post

Probably use the Steemit plugin for wordpress without a backlink to the blog and an article spinner, or just an article spinner. Crazy as hell syntax used to allow them to spin the same article a good number of times to spam it all over the place at once. I hate network marketers sometimes.

Here we Realize the between bot and humans.

Thank You so much for providing insight into something I was not aware of. As a new Steemit member, and a life that is extremely stressful due to global relocation, I am most appreciative of Your efforts to keep this platform free from those who are solely interested in monetary aspects. I switched to Steemit to publish in a 'click-bait' free environment. If Cheetah (whose name I adore as a devoted Feline servant and which reminds me of the early Mac OS) can help to separate the chaff from the published wheat, I am the more excited for it. As I said, as a novice to Steemit, I am somewhat blue eyed and naive - generally believing in the good in human nature. Thank You for Your dedication. Té pasar bien!

@anyx, your bot is about to drive off a top quality content creator!


Thanks for your sharing! Though I'm not familiar with the topic, your post give me a good introduction on it. Now I'm reading the q&a to gain more knowledge. Thanks!

Thanks for sharing. I had seen a few cheetah comments on other posts, but was never sure what triggered the comment or why a bot would respond. It all makes sense now. How exciting to have been here back in the wild Wild West days!

Thanks for cheetah bot @cheetah this post explains it nicely. And anything like this that can keep the site as legit as possible to so many people is a really appreciated contribution. 😎


Cheetah has a direct cost of about $150-$200 USD per week, with an indirect cost even higher -- and rising

Can you explain where these direct costs are incurred? Can cheetah be designed to curate in a manor that is self-funding?

The direct cost is the web search api (custom search engine). Thousands (even tens of thousands) of searches per day racks up a huge bill.

The cost is funded by the @steemcleaners log posts. I'm not sure if there's a better way to do it, since if I ask people to vote for cheetah comments to directly fund her, they promptly forget a day later. :p

Humm. Are there any free or more cost effective custom search APIs? I know google does not offer theirs anymore but I have seen some workarounds - I am sure you know just where you lie on the landscape, just interested in similar bots myself.

I never knew custom search gets so expensive. Even google custom is pretty outrageous and limits 10k.

I am interested in finding some new funding methods for services like cheetah - she really does provide the best bot services on steem today.

Are there any free or more cost effective custom search APIs?

Sadly no. I've looked. It is indeed outrageous. :(

Well the costs were news to me; I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for any sort of innovation on this front. Cheetah is my favorite bot here.

Well, I tend to give @cheetah an upvote when I encounter one of her comments... it's just a sort "community tip of the hat" thing for those who help run things behind the scenes. I guess I have just navigated too many oceans of spam to not appreciate the value she adds...

A regular analogy I use is the power being on. As humans, we take for granted whatever we are used to, and it doesn't cross our minds what it takes to keep things running the way they are -- 24/7.

But we certainly do notice when the lights go off, and THEN we ask where the maintenance men are.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Curate in a manor that is sell funding ". All kinda of light bulbs going off over here.

sell should be self - a typo :)

It is happening.

I don't really understand this. I use the steem power on cheetah to downvote spam/plagiarism, that does not earn a reward. Curating to self fund doesn't make sense? I could invest 100k steem in cheetah and curate to curate to turn a profit, but that's an investment producing a return, not a 'self funding' thing -- why not just invest it in my normal account and curate like I do already.

Perhaps you shouldn't be letting automation tell humans what they can and can't be doing. Seems to me that this is YOUR way of telling people what to do, If that is the case, then yes, you should fund it yourself.

Simply smacking the crowd with the same automated stick in hopes of hitting the right people is the wrong approach.

Thank you for this post.

Thanks for all the help that you do too! We may disagree on a few things, but in the end a push and pull is necessary to find a balance, I think.

awwwwwwwww!!! /all warm and fuzzy inside

This is really good information,
but I think that you should add one vital piece of information to this post,
and especially in each comment that you leave on a new post.

Please let the authors know that they can avoid the Cheetah comments if they will only use the '>' symbol in front of quoted text.

I have found myself helping out people with this information countless times. Plus of course I miss many many people who never find out that it is this simple.

You are right, I found this history and all information really quite good!

I wondered how @cheetah got so much done with her paws LOL.

Added the > point. :)
But note that this isn't the only factor to avoid the cheetah comment (though it does help). They need to also consider things like the quoted text to discussion text ratio as well. The actual algorithm considers a mix of many factors.

Nice. I didn't even knew about '>' and even less what you just mentioned.

Oh, I didn't know that.
Still, it would be good to mention in the comment to put quoted text after a '>' symbol to distinguish it from their own words.
... thanks

Is there an ending symbol to put after the text or does the quotation end with a return key press?

No. Just type it this way ➟ >This is quoted text. This is quoted text.

and it will appear like below.

This is quoted text. This is quoted text. This is quoted text. This is quoted text. This is quoted text. This is quoted text.

Yep, it's good practice for sure. & I might actually link this FAQ in the comment.

If you are not using markdown but the editor do you just write "etc" [using speech marks] as normal and it does the same @canadian-coconut?

I don't usually use the editor, but I just checked it out and yes, it appears that hitting the " quote button in their does the same thing.

Ahhh. Thanks for checking it out! Good of you. :-) I thought it probably must be similar. I'm a bit nervous of getting cheetahed! lol. Now and again I have in the past duplicated my website posts here but it seemed like a lot more effort than just writing something new. :-)
Thanks for taking the time to do that though @canadian-coconut :-)

This bot is awsome great job creating it!
Would like to know how you did it? Would you maybe open source your code?

Is it correct to say that we should avoid comments from cheetah where possible in our posting contents. And to avoid it be original.

#teammalaysia Member at Steemit.
#mentormemtee with #zublizainordin and #nkkb
@OriginalWorks #originalworks

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @cheetah to be original material and upvoted it!


To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!

The question is: why should we have to call another bot to fix what a bot has done? This is insanity. If I wanted that sort of nanny behaviour, I would be on Facebook.

This is great to finally read a story about @cheetah!

Thanks for sharing all this information with us. As you know, I have been a follower for a long while now and am a sort of a fan, if there were to be one. ;)

Again, a giant THANK YOU for this necessary and important work! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thanks for your continued support! :D

I actually found this really informative and interesting and like I said, and I will use this > so I do not get flagged LOL...

I wondered how @cheetah got so much done with her paws LOL.

Have a nice end to your week @anyx

Ahem ahem. The FAQ mentions it's not 'flagged' when you get a comment. :)

Thanks for the valuable information. I hope that I never see cheetah comment on one of my posts, but at least now I will know what is happening.

Hey Steemit community, let's give credit to those who credit is do!

another quality post that is helping me learn how to be a better steemian. we need more informative posts like this.. us minnows are in a new, large, and ever growing pond. thank you.

Hey, I already got commented by your bot once, because I forgot to link a source and I really have to say..
that I love it.

Your bot really might improve the network's quality.
Great job! :)


Very cool of you for doing this and helping keep Steemit clean. I had a question, if "flagging" is usually used for abuse; I have heard this happen a lot in my short time here. And it gives a negative why keep it on Steem when almost all things are positive. If it is a tool to use when someone's post is out of line so to speak can the programmers that be make a tool that could. Now I realize why it hasn't changed. There is no good way to do that, or bad way. Here is a better question: How often is a Steemit user allowed to flag another person's post?

Realistically, a "flag" is just a downvote. You can upvote or downvote a post. The stigma of it being bad, and only for abuse, has latched on due to the interface. It is however necessary to disincentive abuse... could you imagine someone profiting from stealing your work, or something illegal like sharing child porn, and no one being able to do something about it? Horrible.
Unfortunately like you say, there's no good way to figure out how to do it decentralized, as it has trade-offs.

Ok ya, so it's not like by being "flagged" it is that horrible in the end, and I can see it being huge if like you say someone is doing something illegal for sure. Thanks for the reply!

I support cheetah, I hate seeing a title I may be interested in, only to find a video from an external source that wasn't even created by the author of the post.

I have a love/hate relationship with cheetah, but I know it just encourages us to raise the bar, and put a little bit of effort into what we are doing.

I'm glad you have this opportunity to gain some encouragement and reward for the invaluable service cheetah has brought to the platform.

Steemcleaners too! I've seen the dirty underbelly of Steemit. I'm glad someone is down there cleaning that muck up! ;-)

Thanks for Cheetah! If it could be done for photographs / images that would be so cool as well. :)

Sadly it is infeasible right now. While it is technically possible (I have worked towards this goal in the past), the cost of image searching is far too expensive. :(

Indeed... even Google with their seemingly endless resources hasn't gotten down to it in a meaningful way.

I've played with image recognition a bit but just wondering, what makes it so costly at the moment? The storing of the images or running the image recognition code?

One would need to purchase API calls for reverse image search. I haven't been able to find a reasonable one. :/

I see... thanks for explaining. And i guess there's no way to know how good those APIs/ index is in the first place.

I appreciate the background and "history lesson." Having spent too much time on too many social content platforms with only minimal spam and plagiarism controls in place, I know that cheetah matters and does make a huge difference, along with the Steemcleaners group.

And trust me, when we get to the "big time" on Steemit and 50,000 new accounts per day is the norm, these initiatives will matter more than ever.

So thank you!


I love @cheetah! Early on with Steemit I copy/pasted an article from the Paleo Treats blog and it was instantly commented on by Cheetah.

It took just a little bit of reading to understand just how awesome Steemit was going to be as a platform that encouraged creative, original content, and automatically identified content that wasn't.

Cheetah makes me WAY more stoked to be on Steemit because I can quickly see if content is indeed original or is just a quick copy/paste job.

On top of this, it's changed the way I think about providing content on Steemit. I think it's totally worth writing unique content for each platform. It doesn't mean you can't say the same thing, it just means you have to honor the perspective of each platform.

Steemit, a personal or business blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram; they all have their benefits and each caters to a unique point of view. It's beautiful to see that on Steemit we guard the importance of originality in that point of view. Steem on @cheetah and @anyx!

Hmm, even I have been commented by Cheetah once that my content is similar to other webpage and that page was a "page not found". Haha! But I do realize the importance of Cheetah in preventing copy-paste content, which is very necessary.

Yeah, that's a false positive. You can let me know when it happens as I said in the FAQ, and I can try to find why & prevent it. Shouldn't happen too often!

Did you ever see the video I made about Cheetah and the genesis story of @seraph? I hope you see it......it's in the middle of the video:

good seeing you here. u will eventually host a weekly and then DAILy steemit show!

you will go over TOP post making people thousands of dollars and you will interview their authors! show how and why these posts make so much, and youll live steem! showin peole how a whales votes can make someones day! by then youll have like 2 million dollars in steempowrr so everytime you upvote posts will go up over 20 bucks at a time, it will be like you will really take your time and show people thatif their post is REALLY cool u will upvote it AND upvote all the comments inside of it!

it will have ALOT of viewers and it will be like a hit talkshow, Almost as big as Good Mythical Morning..well maybe .they are in the tens of millions..but hey steemit is over 183,964 accounts (but onl 32,000 active in last 30 days ;/ its ok we will hit 1 million by the end of the year and steem price will just keep gong up past $1000 like bitcoin

we will become like those tech billionaires u hear about out yonder in sillicon valley

Its gonna be even more than our wildest dreams, but you have to make sure we are all prepared to evven have this much money! we should lead local steemit groups in person, in our local towns an cities! Im trying to leadmy local san diego bitcoin and steemit people! I feel like I can tell them in person the important things to keep in mind when dealing with alot of money and how to keep it safe how to keep our steemit accounts safe etc

But yeah we should all just be saving a little extra steem as bitcoin on hardware walletslike leedger nano and trezor, but we shouldnt be ntoo paranoid, and we should hold steemit user parties! and really ball hard and also we should post job listngs on cragslist and find motivated young go getters who want to make money online, and basicly invite them to an inteview, or over the phone interview em, and justhave em singup with steemkit, and post, and i bet they will thank us , and ill even set peopel up with $10 cash or steempower, to show them im serious and steemit is serious! I was thinking of doing this but craigslist cost money to post job ads, so i might post in the Gigs, but i bet i could really direct alot of new steemit users by posting on the craigslist gigs postings! u should do this in your local area! get all sorts of new people to join steem by just PESENTINg it as a job oopportunity and just pretend like u work for steemit but of coyrse admit that you dont officialy ork for steemit but that it MUST be pretty amazing if i dont even work for steemit and im here recruiting them see? haha im so pumped! i bet uare too! ur wallet has grown pretty teremdously! uu can buy a ferrari now lolO!L!O!L!OL!

Yup, haha! Feels like yesterday, but gosh that was a while ago :D

Welcome back for a long time.
I know your bot is working though not posted for a while :-)

Been here all this time, just finally decided I should write a FAQ. :)

Perhaps, a regular reminder will be useful for new users. :-)

When I made only my second post about cheetah a year ago, I was called out as one of them 'reward pool rapists' for cashing in on it twice.

I'm not trying to profit off of cheetah, just pay her expense. I prefer to stay out of drama...

When I'm curating, cheetah has saved me from manually doing google searches to see if something has been copied or not.

cheetah is super valuable to this system. I am glad to see you got his many upvotes.

Upvoted. Thank you so much for taking care of this system.

That's about right.

I think this bot is a joke and I almost quit steemit because of its harassing message and threats which had no just reason. things like flagging and threatening users should be done with someone who has a brain on a individual basses if you cant handle doing it your self and are to lazy then dont do it. Friends of mine posts were flagged and removed for not good reasons I think this is a disservice and not good at all for steemit. Get Bent and your crap bot!

Hey dude guess what I am actually someone who put money into this system not like 80% of the people who join never put a penny into the system and rape the reward pool with selfie pics and stolen content. i even promoted it to thousands of people . and I get this bullshit bot harassing me when others get by doing the same exact thing with nothing said to them your shit is broken. All of my stuff was original and perfectly fine which people enjoyed. That is exactly the problem to many people joining to just earn and take money out and not enough people buying actual steem power or caring about the future of steemit at all. And we get what your shit bot harassing and threatening and flagging you can stick it where the sun dont shine.

You should at least be informed if you're going to act like this. Steemcleaners is not a bot.
If this is about bitconnect, read this:

you think i care what some idiot thinks about bitconnect. also steemcleaners clearly puts Cheeta in his comment so that leads back to you bro maybe tell him not to mention your bot then in his posts.

I asked you to get informed. Let me help you. I created steemcleaners. Read this:

news flash biconnect is a 200+ million dollar cryptocurrency where many users have earned great amounts with it. A lot of people claim steemit is a ponzi also but do i listen to those idiots no.

you keep pissing off investors and you are just going to hurt yourself and steemit

I made a post about it too seen here https://steemit.com/steemit/@ryanblue7s/steam-cleaners-bot-is-a-joke others are complaining about it also.

did you even read the post?

روح انعل والديك كلب نيكموك

Thanks for the clarifications !

but a question what if whoever did the copy pate wrote its from that source and puts the link at the end of the topic , I mean what if the writer at that lever of honesty ? cuz yeah you dont mean bad ofcourse , but some ppl thinks its a bad thing although you upvote the post ?

I mean can you just upvote :D when the source is mentioned ,

good job anyways :)

The unofficial @cheetah and @steemcleaners initiatives are brilliant deterrents, I can see them being implemented officially for us Steemians.

cheetah is the cat that all people fear

I've been around here since February and never heard about the copy/paste negative externalities. I get flagged quite a bit because I crosspost my blog over at www.libertyLOL.com here. In fact Streemian auto cross-posts it.
I also curate articles around the web by copy/pasting them in because I thought it would be valuable to my followers.
Any way to figure out the negative impact of Cheetah on my reputation based on the sins of my past?

Am glad to see how beneficial it can be when robots based on artificial intelligence are put to good use and not a mind control sky-net program. Cheetah should keep the good work and while at it should send me some healthy amount of steam. Lol!

Congratulations, this one post has doubled the size of your wallet. When I saw the amount, which at the time was $2,258.59 with 523 up-votes, I was simply flabbergasted.

I am truly happy for you. awesome job!!!!

I'm very, very new here and still trying to figure out the "Black Magic" that makes one post pennies and others thousands.

There is no "Black Magic". People keep thinking that all you have do to is get the right topic, and boom, you go to the moon.

Cheetah bot has been working hard here and earned itself a reputation from as long as I can remember. We use to see cheetah multiple times a day, and cheetah would hum along and do its thing without earning a dime (none of the comments would get upvoted)

After several months later, I stumble upon this post, and it's sheer logic that cheetah would finally get awarded for the hard work it's done over time and not received nearly the compensation it should deserve.

Then someone comes along like yourself and gets excited about the payout, and eludes to "black magic". That's a complete fallacy and not a trend. Don't believe that...

As far as the "one post pennies and others thousands"... you appear to be a prime candidate to have read my post that made $299 because it will explain this further. The post is about why you should be happy if you only make 11 cents on a post -- the post itself has already been paid out. So do not consider me trying to get votes for it. But I think it will greatly explain the information you're after.

Thanks for taking the time to reply in detail. I really appreciate it.

Being so new, this is really all magic to me, but I'm learning thanks to people like you.

I am agre so much about FAQ about Cheetah With the aim to anticipate plagiarism and counterfeiting. I am @ijoel to support Against what the cheetah does.

Thanks, I heard that Cheetah commenting on a post was "BAD"
This post clears that up, although I did have Cheetah comment on a News article I quoted regarding Steemit, will be mindful in future posts.

This post received a 18% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @anyx! For more information on @randowhale click here!

So cheetah is a She?!
wow cheetah makes alot of money, and that steempower helps hceetah ti have influence!

although cheetah isnt "official" it has enough steempower to REALLY hurt your post if you get flagged! so be careful and dont plagarise! aways cite stuff!

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that alll that school work about Citing sources would ever come in handy in real life with real money at stake?

cheetah makes alot of money

Cheetah costs a lot of money. :)

in time? because your time is valuable? or what are the costs does she need actual servers to run on that take up lots of electricity?
Or is it all the time and people it takes to go through all the posts
Anyway i apreciate your cheetah bot and i aapologize for lashing out at steemcleaners that one time

Well, I personally think my time is also valuable, but you should read the FAQ closer, I explain the costs in it. ;)

Thanks for the informational post. I like the bot's name it makes me think of the word cheat which is very fitting to its purpose. Looking for Cheatahs

Horrified !
Did Cheetah just suied me?
What the heck should I do now

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