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RE: Differing Degrees Of Freedom

in #story6 months ago

I like your spin on Fa(r)cebook :D

I know that feeling and it's not so nice :|

Money is attached to survival in the "modern" world so it's actual trauma to be unable to "live", at times, Safely because of the lack of it.

And then the judgment of society - being targeted, picked on or excluded is also an unconscious threat in the reptile brain - of survival again.

There are the mechanics of the thinking if you will. But it's far deeper than that. Wonderful you observe it and are going to shift it!

Yo've got this!

And I so look forward to hearing more about this part of you journey.

ps. EMDR is super interesting and works super quickly for some folks. It also uses a kind of "stream of consciousness" approach to both finding and processing past events that may be linked to this particular fear that I suspect you will find very interesting and very creative!

There may be some very good stories in it as well... #justsayin

You do write so well! Always such a pleasure to read your voice.

Happy Weekend.

Hope you're sleeping in!!


FB is so bad now. The only reason I stay on there is to keep up with old friends and family but it's such a wasteland of crappy ads and divisiveness.

The one hope I have for A.I. (as frightening as it is in other aspects) is that it be the missing puzzle piece that allows our species to finally understand that eliminating poverty would be a good thing for everyone. It would be interesting to see what would happen if our society got to a point where things like -- food, water, shelter, health, safety, education were viewed as a basic human right. I'd love to see everyone having access to ways to improve their mental health. I feel like the trauma of our ancestors is passed on until it reaches the one person who is willing to deal with it and process it out. Can you imagine if this happened on a global scale?

I'm confident that I'll be able to reframe my perception. This feels like the "next step". I had to look up EMDR, it sounds very interesting! Psychedelics are also proving very useful for this kind of thing too, sometimes the benefit is instantaneous for things like PTSD and depression.

Thank you for the encouragement! Have a wonderful weekend! (I slept until almost 8, baby steps!)
