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RE: Tales and Legends from Lower Brittany: The Man with the Two Dogs, Part 3.

in #story4 months ago

Growing up I hate dogs even though most people always have them as pets, I always find it difficult to see them as pets most especially when they are barking and want to bite one. But reading this story today and this particular chapter, it makes me to loves dog much more. The truth of the matter is I always admire people who have dog as pet. In as much as they are friendly, treating and attending to them are always demanding. I have always knew in this types of situations, people will envy and be jealous of you and so it is actually expected. Just that we must always keep to still doing good no matter what others think actually. Even those complaining that if they have those dogs, they will do much as or like him, I can say it is a lie because those types of people even though they are given the same privilege, they might not be able to do that which he is doing. Jealous people