If You Do This, Ordinary Actions Will Result In Extraordinary Success

in #success7 years ago (edited)


Aristotle is quoted as saying “We are what we repeatedly do.”

I agree with this quote. The thing about the people in this world is that they repeatedly do things that do not bring them closer to what they really want in life.

They get up, go to work (or not), buy something, eat, watch TV, sleep – repeat.

Look, I've been around long enough to see plenty of this and have learned that this is how the majority of people are going to live. But if you feel up to it you can unleash a tsunami of potential locked deep inside yourself.

It all begins with a goal far above the level you are currently at.

Everyone needs to have at least one big goal, otherwise what the hell are you doing?

But for that goal to really matter, you need to have a deep and powerful WHY.

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Find Your “Why”

Your “Why” is the deep meaning behind why you want something. It's not just a goal you chose

Do you want that promotion at work because you want more money, more power, more respect, or is it just what you are supposed to want?

None of those reasons are a WHY. They are just minor things that will not keep you going towards your true goal.

Take Elon Musk for example. He has more money than he could personally spend for the rest of his life. He also has more power and certainly more respect than most people do. So why isn't he just living life up? You know, buy a tropical island, a mansion, an expensive yacht, cars/planes/trips/etc.? He could do all that all while never having to do anything he doesn't want to do ever again.

So why isn't he? Why is he dealing with multiple businesses, naysayers, government red tape, and a hectic schedule?

Musk believes that to reduce the likelihood of eventual extinction, humanity needs to be a multi-planetary species. Because of this, establishing a colony on Mars is the long-term goal of SpaceX — his rocket company.

The rest of his projects are all about saving the Earth – solar panels, electric cars, the hyperloop. His goals aren't about himself, he has taken it upon himself to save humanity.

That is a deep and powerful WHY. It gets him fired up to do all the things that he needs to do.

That's a good thing, because we aren't going to be on Mars tomorrow. It will require millions of things to be accomplished and invented along the way. It will require Elon to decide upon hundreds of thousands of directions to take the projects.

Day after day, it will take a long time.

His big WHY gives him the ability to stay the course on this huge undertaking while millions of other people have already given up on their simple New Years Resolution to lose weight.


The “Now” Mentality

One of the greatest killers of goals is expecting near-instantaneous results. That is going to be a problem in the society of today that expects everything to happen on demand.

If a website doesn't have at least free next day delivery most people will go looking elsewhere. Want to binge-watch a TV series – you got Netflix or Hulu to give you what you want right this moment. Want to eat but don't want to cook – Grubhub, UberEats, and plenty of other services will bring you your food in almost no time at all.

Did you eat too much? Well here is a pill that 'guarantees' you to lose all that weight in a month. If that doesn't do the trick, there is always surgery.

It's not just quick services we are demanding, it is spilling over elsewhere. You have young workers, people fresh out of school, that demand a raise just a few months after being hired because they feel they aren't being rewarded fast enough (calm down, let's see what you can do over the long-run first).

You got people that invest their money and expect it to continuously double every month. If it only went up 5% in that timeframe that is much too low. For every crypto millionaire, there are a million people that have a dollar less.

Maybe it is social media that showcases the winners without showing the millions of losers that don't get a mention. I don't know, but it all is leading to a society that believes they can have everything they want immediately.

This might be the reason why FAR fewer books area read than TV shows watched. Reading takes time and concentration to understand and retain. Watching the next episode of The Big Bang Theory is easy, fast, and you can turn your brain off.

Here is the thing about reaching your goals - you can't order it on Amazon and get it the same day. It takes years of work. Day after day of working towards it.

Forget about instant gratification and learn patience. This journey is going to take a lot of time.

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The Difference Between Success and Failure

In this section I am not talking about success and failure as a victory or defeat, a win or a loss. On the path towards your goals you will lose numerous times, it is just part of the journey. Nor is success only had when you arrive at your big goal, as there will be many victories too.

I am talking about success or failure in the big scheme – achieving your goal or not.

Just like an investment, you choices will compound. Rarely, if ever, does a person do one single thing and be at their goal.

Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't just lift for a day and then become Mr. Olympia. No, it is a daily grind where you are disciplined and motivated to work hard to get that fraction of a percent closer. He had to workout and eat well and get plenty of rest – all of these were conscious choices.

He had to go and lift the same weight hundreds of times. Thousands of times. Maybe even a million times. Whatever it took, he was driven to succeed.

Every day he got that much stronger, but it was imperceptible on a daily basis. He couldn't see any change from one day to the next. But there came a point in which he could see where he was today and it was miles from where he was.

Just like compound interest. It starts small and you might not even know it is working. But given enough time it becomes the most powerful force in the universe, as said by Albert Einstein.

That same force can work against you.

Say Arnold found lifting weights to be too tedious and the local apple strudels too delicious to resist. Instead of gaining muscle, he gained fat. Just a little bit, imperceptibly so. But that little bit compounded over time will result in a very fat man.

Success or failure is not one huge “all-or-nothing” thing. It is a series of choices, good or bad, repeated again and again over a period of time. Those choices will accumulate on top of one another until you arrive at the inevitable destination they foretell.

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Once you Start, Don't Stop

You don't have to be the smartest, the strongest, the richest, or the quickest person in the world to get to your goal. Often it is achieved by the person who set themselves towards it because of their deep WHY.

The first thing that will set you apart from the rest of humanity is simply to start. The second thing that will set you apart from those that start is to not stop.

You see, most people won't even start. They will live their lives directed by other people.

Some will start, but hit an obstacle and give up. They go and live a life of regret.

A precious few, out of all the people in the world, will build up the deep fire within to jump over any amount of obstacles and any amount of problems and any amount of defeats to find success.

These few people will come upon an obstacle and do what it takes to get past it. They will find any problems not as a negative, but as something to help them grow stronger and more resilient. They will find the lesson in every defeat. They will rest to regain their endurance, BUT THEY WILL NOT STOP.

Do you remember that Aristotle quote from earlier? There is a second sentence. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

They might not have been the smartest, the strongest, the richest, or the quickest person when they began, but they are damn well close enough by the time they reach their goal.

It is the accumulation of uncountable ordinary actions that lead to extraordinary accomplishments.


Great stuff man! This is so true. There are far too many that shit around bemoaning their lack of success or achievement yet do little to get there. They should all read this!

hiya... @meesterboom.

Appreciate you bringing this post to awareness......it is a keeper.


It is isn't it. It really resonated particularly in this shortcut/get rich quick age

There are far too many that shit around bemoaning

I like to think that this isn't a typo - haha :D

Thanks so much for the resteem.

Hehe, you are welcome. I rarely do but it was a great read on the train full of deadbeats that morning!


Will you do, or have you done a post about 'how to find your personal why'?

That is a good idea, I will have to think on it and layout what I would write about - thanks for this @skytrex. Stick around to read it when I get it done.

I had already decided to follow you around the world of Steem!

Looking forward to many great posts!

Greetings @getonthetrain.

Appreciate this well-written article with it's illustrations regarding a topic of great importance.

This goes for Steemit as well......know the 'why'. If bleujay had found a way to say this in a principle ....it would have already been done.

Thank you to @meesterboom for reSteeming this post.


Hello @bleujay,

Nice to meet you and thank you for your kind comment.

You know, I had never blogged before joining Steemit but I strove to learn and become a better writer. I am not even close to my goal, but every single day I learn and improve. I build upon my previous successes and I find what not to do if I miss on a post.

Steemit is not a get rich quick scheme, nor should you expect lasting success from gaming the system. Solid content, often enough for a long time is how you can build up here. The other is from being social, commenting, teaching, listening and helping other Steemians.

So thank you for everything you do .

All the best.

Thank you for your kind reply @getonthetrain.

Lovely to make your acquaintance.

bleujay's experience and understanding of Steemit echos your own.

Thank you for articulating it so well.

All the best.


Good stuff @getonthetrain. I remember loving watching "Pumping Iron". Probably seen it a half dozen times.

Arnold was cocky and arrogant but understood the principles you are talking about. Would've been nice to take a pill and get those 24 inch arms.
But took years to do even with the Steroids he self admittingly took.

The "Now" mentality seems to pervade the internet and stories of get rich quick. It's actually extremely rare. But people think it can happen to them ....and by tomorrow. :(

Thanks again fro disclosing these principles around Success

Hey, when you always see the few people who have become successful, and not the millions that didn't, it can warp your perception of reality.

The way, by far, that a person achieves success is slowly, step-by-step like I wrote about here.

This makes me recall your article crypto rich. If you get rich faster, you don't earn the mentality to be rich and end up being poor again.
Consistency is the key. Noting is impossible if you continue to march towards your goal.
You have deep thoughts. Reading your posts subconsciously makes me think about my goals and unconsciously motivates me too.
Keep up the good work.

I'm glad I can write something to remind people to check in on and motivate them in their own goals. Certainly, if those goals are honorable, we will all benefit from someone reaching them.

We humans, i mean most of us work like a programmed software. Wake up daily, assign some time for freshening up, leave for work, toil at work (same desk), come back home tired, prepare the dinner and go back to sleep for next day. This is how it is and we get used to it and get to do nothing new below. We are doing all of this for survival because survival is the key.

The now mentality is the result of doing things repeated at the same time. When we want something we want it now because we have something else to do in few minutes. We can't wait because it disturbs the program.

True, that is how the majority go through life. I mentioned them as those that never even start. For some, though, they reach an epiphany and choose to change - they see a way to break free. Unfortunately, they often feel that it is too hard and fall back into line.

Thank you for your insight here @themobilewriter

I do not want my comment to sound generic, like the one that many users do, but I do not have anything else to add, this is really a great publication, thank you very much for sharing. Upvote and Resteem.

I appreciate the resteem, @vieira

This is absolutely true.
For example when ever i do something that I like doing on the daily level, I have no problems and usually I am really successful in those little things.
For example, on the Steemit, from all the things I can do in here, my best choice is commenting on other people's work and I truly enjoy it because I am more social then I am writing-driven, so that activity definitely fits me more.
I am looking forward to your new post.

Commenting is so powerful on Steemit - it really needs to be the main focus for any new people.

And yes, break a task or goal down into the smallest reasonable chunks you can. Nothing can sap motivation more than seeing a giant amount of work ahead. Block by block is how a castle is built, and that is how you build up here on Steemit.

Keep Steeming!

I absolutely love this. My favorite part is where you talk about how we want everything quickly. This is so true. We live in the culture of "quick fix." I think that's one of the reasons so many people give up on their dreams because after a few months of work, they want it all. If that doesn't happen, they say it doesn't work. Patience is everything. As many opportunities as we have these days, we also have a higher competition because millions of people are taking advantage of this digital era we live in. Having a strong WHy is certainly one of the most important things when it comes to success since WHY holds you accountable in the time of crisis. Real post. Thank you.

Thank you so much, Silvia.

Yes, a deep WHY will give you the power to continue when everyone else would have given up due to their weaker WHYs. No one can ever know when their next breakthrough will happen. I read a story about a gold mine back in the old prospecting days.

One prospector dug and dug without finding anything. He was so sure that the gold would be found as he saw the signs, but he go so frustrated with it that he left and sold the mine for a pittance. The new owner only dug 10 more feet before he struck a motherlode and became extremely rich!

Really its nice encouraging post. these are not ordinary things, because if we do not follow them then we can not achieve success and goals.thanks for sharing such a valuable post.

A wonderful, positive and powerful article @getonthetrain (love your tag name btw) These concepts are the basics of how my husband and I bought up our family and along with discipline, love, guidance, love, encouragement, love, and being there for them and more love. And it worked. They are independent, confident, well adjusted men who still work hard to achieve their goals. The instant fix mentality causes so much stress and is not a healthy way to approach life. Following.

Thanks so much for your kind words and follow, Trudee.

Sounds like you found a good path to lead your children down! We need more parents like you in this world.

Thank YOU for the great blog @getonthetrain Tunnel vision and keeping the 'Why" in our sights at all times helps tremendously to keep us on track and not give up. Have a great day/afternoon/evening

@gentonthetrain thanks for this motivational write up.
You don't know how you just gave me strength from this your write up.
Thank you!

Glad I could help you, @samson12

The follow up would be: there is a better way to do things. Just find it!

Hey, improving something that a lot of people use is certainly a path to success.

@getonthetrain I am glad I do NOT watch TV. I do NOT follow Professional Sports. I do NOT idolize Elon Musk in Fact I think he is a JOKE. That being said I like a number of things that you do. I also think that No One is ever going to live on Mars. I Love you my STEEMIT Brother.....................

Hey @stokjockey, I am always glad to see you down in the comments :D

@getonthetrain This is what makes STEEMIT so Great compared to other Social Media Venues. I can disagree with someone in a Civil Way and then tell them I Love Them even on Valentine's Day. It is people like this that have encouraged me to be involved with others.

Very true. Extraordinary accomplishments all start with an individual's decision to try.

We tend to set the bar very low for ourselves. Then, of course, we get disappointed. Then we blame everyone and everything else but ourselves. Then, with this 'proof' that this is 'the way things are', we set the bar even lower - and 'life' continues.

If you think you can do big things or if you think you can't, you are correct either way. So believe in yourself and set high goals.

The plague of now has so poisoned society, that if something is not possessed within seconds mental illness and therefore special privilege becomes expected and envy sets in...along with depression and whining.

Sometimes the only cure is a slap upside the head!

Work hard, work continuously, add value and you too can achieve great things.

You know it, @kyusho - we all have to keep going here on Steemit if we want to find our success.

Kudos to your effort in writing this. Really appreicate the effort.

Makes us all think.

and I appreciate your comment here, @venusjain

I think that we want instant gratification if we feel alienated from what we are doing. If we do the work that is one of our passions, we can calm down. But also, since that desire to be better than the others, we easily neglect our passions to do just what is most profitable...

About why we want to switch off - I think one of the reasons might be that we are really overwhelmed in this new era. Hundred of years ago when there was much less knowledge, so less things to be learned constantly to stay up-to-date, it was probably pleasant to commit to something more challenging for the brain cells. Now I think that we are exhausted mentally from all the options, all the 'musts', that we naturally go towards what is more relaxing.

I like this post a lot since it goes pretty much into depth. :)

This post is pretty much related to my latest post :) https://steemit.com/psychology/@katarinamiliv/psychologize-with-me-4-why-intelligent-people-fail

Analysis paralysis.

In this current information age it is vital to silence the noise and focus on the goal at hand.

Great post. I contemplate a lot of this every day, and it was nice to get motivated this morning by reading this.

I feel like I am still searching for my WHY. I have made a few attempts at getting out of the typical 9-5 grind. Started my own charity poker room, tried day trading seriously for 1 year (broke even), tried online poker...but all of those were really just to become my own boss and make more money.

The big idea I have been wanting to move forward with is starting my own gaming company. I have loved gaming since I was a kid, and still game to this day (at 38 years old).

I feel the kick in the pants will be coming soon, as I have been researching ideas and bringing focus on a couple good ones to possibly start the company with.

Thanks for the motivation, keep it up, cheers.

Glad I could get you motivated on your new venture. I do love a good game when I take time off to recharge.

I think the why is the most important key because once you understand what is really important you can fine tune your direction. Its why many driven people accomplish goals but are left with a feeling of emptiness.

True, there are some people that pursue a goal just because they think that is what is what people should be going for. Once they reach that achievement, they become 'rudderless' and distraught.

Achievement without deep personal meaning will lead to a lack of fulfillment once you hit your goal.

You certainly know what you are talking about pal!

Having patience and creating good habits will always come in handy for accomplishing our goals in the long term.

The thing is, having patience and good habits, require a good level of discipline not everyone is able to maintain. That's why I believe we need t to train our mind for the challenges ahead when adventuring in demanding journeys, because there will always be some difficult days, but just like that, there will always be ways to overcome each and every obstacle.

It's important to not get discouraged. Discipline of the mind is important. Resilience. The power to have difficulties bounce off of you. To fall down but get back up. A deep and powerful WHY is important to find strength in.

Thank you for the resteem.

I find this great article resteemed by @meesterboom. I will definitely resteemed back this exceptional piece of motivational article to help my followers who do not really understand what it meant to be patient to have success.

Thanks getonthetrain for this article to motivate me to press on with my Steemit journey. Upvoted, Resteemed and Followed!

Thank you so much for the resteem, @afiqsejuk

You have to keep going because if you stop than you will never get to where you want to go!

Without a doubt, the best successes I've ever had came because I devoted myself daily to a task. I'm getting good at the daily devotion part. The hard thing is when you have more than one BIG GOAL that you want to accomplish. I used to think I'd divide each day into three sections, each devoted to tasks related to one of my three BIG GOALS. I've since changed my mind. I decided it's better to do week or month-long bursts of complete focus on one BIG GOAL until a certain pre-determined section of it is complete, then switching to another one for a couple weeks to a month. This way I don't splinter my focus too much, and I don't struggle with fatigue from having too many plates spinning at once.

How you attack it is probably a personal thing as we all have our own methods that work. But the important thing is to ACTUALLY DO IT! No matter how - :D

I like that, your success is a choice you continue to make again and again. It is so true, perseverance is key to reaching your goals.

Keep piling on the good choices and how could you not end up in a good way?

So true! Like that Aristotle quote says... don't change who you ARE, change what you DO, and the are part takes care of itself. The older I get the more I just feel like a big bag of habits comprising one small cell of humanity.

Just like the saying "you are what you eat" you become what you do. Right on.

Yup - and don't beat yourself up if you slip up and have a slaxk week or month is someting I'd add. Just pixk yourseld back up and carry on >

Great motivational post. I talk about this stuff with my friend all the time. He started a business and has had one hell of a ride from chasing success. Everyone in his neighborhood that has done the same thing for years is still in the same place. Just older and probably not any richer. Cheers to successful steemit accounts!

Your writing is beautifully written by you in your mind's words, here in the hope of your next post from your post.

"What we perceive, we shall receive"

We are born to be success.
I published a post yesterday that talks about Law of Attraction specifically about "visualization".


We can all be successful if we continue to choose to do what will lead us there.

I love this article, and you are right that you need to start, avoid obstacles and move forward.

Thanks for your comment @chesatochi - I am glad when people find my posts worthy