
I'm trying to charge up now but I did see some basic family photos being passed off as "creative" in 'creativecoin'. I don't see why people have to be so fucking lazy.

That is a tag I am unlikely to provide any content for, but one that I might like to curate.

Thieves they are!

I'm building up stake, on a hunch. The 'art' tag was always near the top of steemit. I just hope these folks learn the business side of things and realize they only shoot themselves in the foot if they take instead of stake.


Well I have just bought a few and will be introducing my 4356th account all staked up tomorrow :)

I'm shocked to see so many dump, knowing if they would have staked, they could have doubled up.

And in a year those same people will be whining about not being able to earn.

I think it's quite easy to double up in a year with 50% going to the person being entertained.

Time in the market not timing the market should far us well.

CCC offers 60% to the producer, because art. It takes added time and effort to produce an art for a post, then write a post. Trust me, I know.

The doubling up has to do with the second air drop that goes only to those who staked the first.

Won't take long to earn though, early on. That's true.