I votes according to me conscience, and them that tips the most!
Punch circa 1800
Now that the NSW election has tested the water for the main political parties its time for an Australian Federal election. In the left corner is Bill Shorten, Labor Party (socialist) and in the right corner is Scott Morrison, Liberal / National Country Party Coalition (soft conservative) aka the Coalition.
The population ia about equally divided between left and right politics and a poor performance by either party leader could mean the election is lost to the prudent leader. Some leaders have lost an unlosable election. The polls currently show Scott Morrison more popular than Bill Shorten in every poll so far.
As a heads up, Australia has a preferential voting system that allows voters to select candidates by numbering from 1 to 10 or whatever. If you miss out first time your second candidate is chosen and so on. You get more than a fair shake of the sauce bottle. This means that the major parties have to align themselves with the minor parties in order to get the second chance votes.
The political advertising begins about now, except for Clive Palmer, United Australia Party (conservative), who has been advertising on TV since before Christmas and must have spent millions. The minor parties dreams are to have the balance of power.
Apart from the dyed in the wool socialists and conservatives most voters echo the sentiment under the above picture, that is, 'what's in it for me'? As can be expected you will get imaginative accounting and some 'take from Peter to pay Paul' to achieve the manifesto.
There was an unscientific poll of the general public and these were the issues on the minds of the respondents. The concerns seem to reflect the latest TV 'news' programmes rather than considered views.
- Climate Change, Clean Energy, Plastic Waste, Water Management, Feral Animals.
- Infrastructure, Transport, Road Black Spots, Travel Expenses, Bike Lanes.
- Housing, Over Development, Asset Purchase By Foreign Buyers.
- Immigration, either not enough or too much.
The Coalition have had the advantage of being able to present the annual budget as a preemptive first strike and the Labor Party is complaining the Coalition is stealing its policy. Its too early to get a good view of the election manifestos yet, and either side can win.
Bill Shorten has already dropped the first faux pas with his electric car policy which is being ripped apart by the 'Radio Jocks'.
The Nations bookmakers seem to be able to predict the election results quite well and so it may be useful to look at the odds offered.
This article is written in Australian English with some vernacular. All content on this website including reference data is for informational purposes only and this information should not be considered complete accurate or up-to-date and while all care is taken no responsibility is accepted or implied. Original work © Copyright MMXIX Frogman all rights reserved. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, product names, pictures and logos appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners. Frogman does not necessarily endorse or agree with any comment or political view expressed or implied and is not liable for any infringement of copyright arising out of materials posted on or transmitted through the site, or items advertised on the site, by end users or any other third parties.
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I cant see who flagged me, but as you say, to flag without a comment is cowardly, possibly because the flagger doesnt want to be flagged
Nobody flagged you that I can see. FreezePeach is a place to go IF you have been flagged by someone. It is a project built around neutralizing abusive flags.
We upvote your post :)
@truthforce writing.
Thanks, I got a bit paranoid, the IF didn't register at first 😎
Yeah who's the gutless prick waving the flag?
Flag me too, I couldn't give two pygmy fucks
I hate Clive Palmer but I'm going to vote for him because I hate the other choices more. Laboural is my term for the big two, they are both funded through CIA slush funds and basically just implement Rothschild policy - sell the cow and buy milk type of thing.
As for the fake surplus, we hear that every single time liberal holds office and only find out later that they were full of shit. I can't see how they can even try to peddle that BS when there are working groups closely monitoring the financial records and publishing the data.
Palmer has some good ads. I wonder who's money he is spending this time?
It seems like he's got the backing of someone or a group with seemingly limitless funds, I could only speculate who it is. He was broke a few years ago and now he's building the Titanic 2.0 (overseas) and has the funds to run an invasive advertisement campaign. I don't believe any of his nationalist catchphrases and it all seems to be idealistic emotionally driven propaganda for the most part.
So voting for him from my perspective is really a donkey vote but it has a <1% chance of shaking the system up a little bit if he wins a few seats.