Day 19 of LUT Squats Challenge

in #teamuk10 months ago

Day 19 of my #squatschallenge, I think the gentle warm up excecises have definitely helped (psychologically if not physically) and I feel better doing my squats not.

I did 50 squats yesterday afternoon and another set of 60 squats later on in the day. This seems to be my normal routine now. I'd love to do more squats per set especially having done my challenge for nearly three weeks, I thought I could improve my performance, but 60-70 squats per set seem to be maximum without killing myself.

Anyway, I'm very pleased with myself considering that I could just about done 30 squats per set a few weeks ago.

Squat by squat, I know we're all going to keep going.

Here's my progress so far

Squats Challenge - Day 19
Over achieved15


My Squats Challenge is to raise fund for Cancer Research, you can find the full details of it in this post here


Sometimes if you ignore the burn for a bit you can squeeze quite a few more. It's amazing how our body adapts, right?

When I'm really determined, I really go for it. It's getting better. Previously when I was at 50 squats I had to push myself hard to get to 60. Now 60 is quite achievable, but the push to 70 takes a lot more effort. A bit like our rep on Hive 😄

Maybe you could do more if you make another little workout with stretching the legs inbetween?

You do SO great

That's a great idea, I keep on forgetting to do little exercises during the day. Whenever I have a spare moment, I tend to pick up my phone, not
good 🥴

I hear you! I also was thinking I'd improve faster, but the burn still quickly comes, at around 30-40 for me. I guess it is like all muscle training: if we really want to improve, we have to push past that burn multiple weeks in a row to force the growth. Oh well! Even if the numbers aren't going up a lot, keeping up at what you are doing is still a great accomplishment!

I'm pretty happy at where I am at the moment, because if I do more muscle training I will get more muscles 😜.