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RE: 3Speak Development Update and Ongoing Priorities

in #update11 months ago

Always grateful for the wonderful job the team is doing and to have brought us 3Speak.
Have used it for a long time now and seeing extra updates on the specifics, is nice to see now and then to get an idea, just how much is being done!


We are very very close to fully updated, smoothly operating products now. Exciting times!

That's heaps exciting then! Look forward to seeing how smooth it all will run and I noticed for awhile, the upload times have been a lot faster which is a massive thing for everyone to have!

Upload times will get even faster, we will do instant publish and then encode in the back ground. Just need some time to build it. It’s on the list for later

I have no words, just highly impressed but not surprised. Keen for that but take your time and keep working on all the things on the list, we have faith in the team. 😃