in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Hello my loves!

I wanted to share with you my latest experience regarding my lifestyle and outline what I've gained (and lost in this instance)!

The reason I like to use the term 'plant based' or 'dietary vegan' is because I feel many use the term vegan without knowing the real definition. I still own leather/suede/wool items of clothing for example and probably an old lipstick in my cupboard by a non cruelty free brand so I personally am not a vegan in the true sense because I still use these items even though I buy cruelty free these days.


My background 🌱

After being vegetarian for a number of years and dabbling in a plant based diet, I decided I wanted to do a 30 day plant based challenge! I had always heard contradicting reports regarding eggs and dairy and found it difficult to establish a consistent opinion on them. I started to do some more research and came across a guy called Mic The Vegan on YouTube and he gave me the confidence to make my decision on these matters by providing statistical and scientific based facts. He also debunked the ongoing myth that our ancestors and historic communities ate and thrived on an animal based diet. I really recommend you check him out if you ever got caught up in those thoughts or have paleo friends and family who try to encourage this.

What did I have to cut out from my existing diet that wasn't plant based? 🌱

Truthfully? Not a lot, I was practically already there. I never drank milk and ate cheese occasionally. I did eat eggs or products with eggs in but not on a regular basis! I would occasionally have some cake in the office for a birthday which would have included butter and eggs.

What was my previous experience of this challenge? 🌱

So here's the thing... previously I had gone plant based for around 4 months but I didn't feel great. I was tired with dark circles under my eyes and had mood swings. Looking back I had made the beginners error of not eating enough and not eating the right things. I can't stress the importance of knowing which food groups you need to include when transitioning to this lifestyle as it's easy to become a 'junk food vegan'. I was living off soy based meat replacements, fruit and nut bars and some veg thinking I was healthy. This was by no means enough for my body to thrive and to see the real benefits of eliminating animal products and I had also become overly concerned with avoiding carbs because of their fearsome reputation of weight gain.

What are some example some of my diet now? 🌱


Oats with a banana, cinnamon and chia seeds (this doesn't vary much as it's my absolute favourite breakfast)


Avocado, lime and chilli on crispbread
Homemade sweet potato, broccoli and green beans soup


Zuccini noodles with sautéed spinach, asparagus and garlic in a pesto dressing
Grilled sweet potato and zuccini with a garlic dressing and sautéed veg
Chickpea and sweet potato curry with coconut milk and quinoa


Raw food bars
Houmous with carrots, sugar snap peas or celery

What has been my experience transitioning to full plant based diet? 🌱


I'm 5 ft 6 and around 8.5-8.8 stone so I don't need to lose weight as such but I find my weight much easier to manage whilst feeling full with this lifestyle. I don't really have to think about it anymore which I enjoy, it frees me up to concentrate on other things in my life.


I find it very affordable to eat and food prep using plant based foods. I used to spend so much money on meat many years back! I find it hard to believe that people use the cost of being plant based as a deterrent, it doesn't have to be that way people you just need to shop wise!


I feel good! The increased energy did decrease after the first week and I felt a little tired. I do have an underlying thyroid issue which I will talk about in another blog which creates symptoms in itself but besides that I have a lot more energy and I feel 'cleaner'. If I'm really putting it out there, due to the increased fibre I'm very 'regular' and I attribute this to a slimmer physique! I found myself regularly worrying about the risk of food poisoning when eating animal products, this obviously is one less thing to think about when eating plant based.


I find the social aspect of being plant based still a little difficult. I'm lucky to work with a couple of people who are vegetarian and plant based also my partner is vegetarian which I find supportive. I find people question your motives quite often and it gets tiring turning down food because it's got animal products in it. Of course I don't have to explain myself to others but there are a number of people who have never questioned the meat on their plate, how it got there and the effects on health so when it's brought up it provokes emotion! Being in Sydney over the last year has led me to many vegan restaurant opportunities but back home in the UK I don't feel they're as up to speed with this lifestyle, although they are getting there!

My top tips for success? 🌱

✅ Include grains, legumes, starches
✅ Avoid meat replacement items
✅ Avoid cooking in oil and excessive oil consumption
✅ Eat plenty of greens
✅ Drink 2 litres of water a day
✅ Limit eating out and prepare your own food
✅ Find a plant based buddy so you can discuss ideas

I hope you can take something away from this and as always, please feel free to comment your thoughts.



this is an amazing article babe! you the best x

great tips, thank you for sharing!

This lifestyle would definitely make you a healthy 100 year old later. :) Amazing!

Great! I bet, you won't go back! Good choice!
I love the videos of Mic the vegan as well! He is soo cool!