PLAN or the armed wing could not compete with the SADF militarily so it resorted to mining warfare.
By -, Public Domain, Link
With thousands of kilometers of dirt roads and long quiet nights, it was impossible to clear the roadways of mines.
South Africa resorted to using Mine proof vehicles with V shaped hulls to deflect explosions from underneath.
The Buffel (or buffalo)was used by the military.
Police favored the Caspir.
Public Domain, Link
Troops would also walk out upfront to look for tracks and signs of activity.
The ocupants were strapped in and protected during the explosion, but we can't say the same for the vehicle.
Anti tank mines like the one in the top picture would often leave huge craters.
In this picture you can sees the seat belts for each occupant.
this one took a hit from something other than a mine.
img source
Below we see a follow up operation with "bushmen" trackers leading the way.
PLAN's tactic was sometimes to lay anti-personnel mines parallel to their anti-tank mines to kill policemen or soldiers either engaging in preliminary mine detection or inspecting the scene of a previous blast.
Previous posts in this series can be found at the bottom of this post:
The South African Border War - 1976, The end of a chapter and the beginning of a new phase.
The use of land mines is hurrendious, armies can cope to some degrees however the local population can be devestated by the unexploded devices many years after.
Landmines are horrific devices that have killed and maimed thousands of people in Africa especially Angola. The sad part is that most of the victims are children and young productive people. I hope producers of these mines have heeded the ban and are not manufacturing them anymore. Meanwhile there are still some non-detonated ones lying in wait.
Yeah lets get rid of them!
Extraordinary photographs and intriguing history. I loved the amazing way they concoct the V molded structures, that is extremely cunning.
Great photos and interesting history. I liked how they come up with the V shaped hulls, thats very clever.
Yes you right
Well,, this is the type of mine you wouldn't wish to deal with unlike the mine that is very popular in the crypto world right now.
@gavvet - The very first picture of the exposed mine sent shivers down my spine. Have read a lot about lost limbs and lives in various minefields (notably Afghanistan) around the world. The Buffel is an interesting vehicle. Was this manufactured by DCD company by any chance?
I collaborated with DCD on a project couple of years ago. Remember having seen their military/police vehicle division and it had some interesting personnel carriers. Wonder if they did some of those Buffels or Caspirs.?
Thank you for this perspective on mines and vehicles. Helps enrich our knowledge on the dangers of mines and their historic use. Full upvoted.
Land mines, that's a horrible dream for peace makers! And also for soldiers as well. My country was at a huge terrorism war and we could eliminate that terra group few years ago! But we are still not rescued entire country by mines that used in that war times.
I heard something like, terra group was sent group of cattle to the battle field before they attack while we were at the war. By using that trick they could get two benefits!
#1. Attention goes for cattle
#2. Mines will blow while the group of cattle are going on it
basically, they are clearing the path! So by using that Buffel they did the same thing. And my country purchased those Buffels from South Africa during that war times as well! But as you said, anti tank miners can blow them too!
Great article and great writing! A lot of people don't know about those wars and how countries built on! So really appreciate your effort of sharing your knowledge with us!
@gavvet - oh my goodness, mines are too much dangerous. And very hard to track them. A lots of people die just after wars due to mines. Lovely article & feel like a historical lesson we could read about bloody wars. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
I have studied many areas in military history, but I have never looked into the South Africa border war. Your posts have been extremely well done and enlightening! Keep posting @gavvet!
I lived in cambodia for 7 years and it remains the 2nd most landmined country after afghanistan. I can tell you the fear you have to live with. 5 meters out of the main lane and there is every chance that you could be walking in a mine field.
Always the long term tragedy...
Maybe that could be a potential use of robots.
Could never be sure what you are walking
This has left many areas desolate
Fear associated with mines is even greater than that of gun
Guess is even difficult to clear a land full of mines easily
Thanks for learning post
Interesting part of our history. My dad fought as a 55mm anti aircraft gunner in the Border War. Greetings from South Africa. ;)
Whoever invented mines has done a great disservice to humanity.I see this as a form of reminder not to tow that path again.Great post
Oh that crater really means a very bad day for the vehicle that clicked the mine.
Militaries must develop to find a way to more effectively search and destroy these kinds of war instruments but maybe with that, it will make them more have a hard time finding them too as the mine makers will counter their efforts as well.
Awful part of the history. You use it for some years during war time and then it is buried for decades in the ground. To clean it is impossible. No money and resources.
We have still in our region a lot of WWII stuff in the ground, which is still dangerous and causing a lot of trouble. :-(
@gavvet Good post.
First picture of mine. Makes vibrations to my bones.
I read a lot about missing limbs and living in various minefields (especially the Middle East) around the world. Buffel vehicles are interesting.
Thanks. It has helped enrich my knowledge of the dangers of mine and its use. Please Upvoted and Follow me
Thank you for this interesting post. I live here in Cambodia, a country which also have still a land mine problem.
Me too live in cambodia..i'm happy because see you here
That sounds great. In which town you live?
War creates arms races (I know, ridiculously obvious but bear with me) and no aspect of war does this more than the use of landmines/IEDs.
In Nigeria's Biafran War, the Biafrans (my people, actually) used proximity-detonated IEDs called ogbunigwe which translates either as "killer by metal" OR "killer en-masse". The Nigerian troops responded by using cows as mine-detectors/literal meatshields. The Biafrans responded with airborne versions.
As for the more recent American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, one could write a book about the measures and countermeasures taken by the IED makers and the US soldiers. Radio-detonated IEDs were defeated by radio emitters that would detonate them early. So they started using booby-trapped corpses so the Americans started destroying any corpses they found in the road and so on and so on.
To quote the late great Mac Tonnies "War is hell but if you keep at it long enough, it's heaven."
It was interesting for a person in India like me to know how Nigerian had to suffer because of mines. I knew about the mines in Cambodia and how much damage they did, even when the Khmer Rouge withdrew it sowed mines all over the place. I also knew about Afghanistan and Iraq, but hardly knew about Nigeria, great information. Mines should never be used, they end up killing innocent people.
what some people will do to other people. Why?
Very interesting post, and even more interesting is that you have pictures. I remember we were not allowed to take pictures while on duty in Angola, but then again I was a soldier serving in 7th SAI at the time. Fresh out of school. These pictures bring back to mind that in war no one wins. South Africa lost it's objectives and Angola is one of the most corrupt and }poor countries in Africa. Of course that doesn't apply to Dos Santos and Jao Lourenco. The people of Angola and South Africa are still poor and down trodden. Thank you for the post.
Thank you for posting @gavvet.
Appreciate this series on the South African Border War with its interesting photographs and commentary.
I hate war, war always gives profit for politicians and innocent people killed...
When a purpose is not understood, abuse is inevitable. Thanks @gavvet
Thanks for sharing with us. Well arranged and informative too.
@gavvet love your post..weapons of war, the history of south the article..
kindly see my post on blessing of southafrica...kindly give some time to read my post..hoping for your kind heart to see my post..
this is the messages of the lord to south africa and on your nation..hoping to please see my post..
God Bless south Africa and the nation of Africa..To God be the glory..let it be peace on the nation of south Africa..
Thanks for all. Please vote, participate and follow up if that does not bother you. Thank you again
amigo #resteemia at your service
mines are a sh!t, because it's hidden & can kill a person in a sec. nice work @gavvet
'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'
Land Mines are the decorous thing .
mines mines
great post!!
Interesting history
south africa , wow
may be.
be careful with such objects ..
Someone put mine in order to kill someone else. But the person who laid the mines died first.
I think the use of a landmine is prohibited in jeneva convention treaty.
Great post @gavvet,Interesting history.
Don't want to know how many of those mines are still lying in the field.
Great post thank for sharing
bit of trading info :)
War never ends, I am waiting gou to Mars... (
nice ride with a feeling that nothing is gonna happen #buffalo
Great Words to live by!!!!
the war is getting more sophisticated, the suffering is getting bigger. Actually who wants to take advantage with the war in afrika ???
thanks @ gavvet.
Wow warning....
How about in myanmar
Geez those mines do some devastating damage. Must have been a bear to clear all those mines.
do know about rohinga issue in Myanmar? @gavvet
this is much lives has been lost..many families suffer from the war..