Weekend Recap

in #weekend2 years ago

Hi Friends,

I had a good weekend and hope each of you did as well.

We celebrated the Martin Luther King Jr holiday on Monday, so it was a long weekend here in the US.

On Saturday, we had a lot of rain, so we went to the mall and arcade as a family. We also tried to go bowling, but ended up giving up after there was a long wait at the lanes - I guess everyone else had the same idea! We watched some football and had empanadas for dinner - a good day!

Sunday was a busy one - I did some nonprofit volunteering for a big portion of the day, and my wife had a coaches meeting for my daughters tee ball league in the evening so the day went by much too fast. We did get In N Out for dinner though, so that was a great way to cap off the day.

On Monday, we took it easy in the morning, then spent most of the day outside when the weather got a lot better. I did a grocery run while my wife and kids made cookies, which also was good. We played more darts and pop guns in the evening as well:


Overall, a good weekend!

Thanks for coming by,


Weekends are good here thanks to the sunny and warm weather. However, we have been yearning for rain or snow, and this week it will be warmer. It has already been a strange winter so far.