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RE: Why do 5 of the Top 20 Witnesses have less Hive Power than Me?

in #witnesses3 years ago

One of the solutions (the best one?), is more competition and free market. We need more people running witness nodes and dedication. I hear hive node is not as expensive these days.

Why dont you start a witness?


Why don't I start a witness?

I honestly don't know - it's never occurred to me, not really my speciality!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People can help you with the setup ... easy :)

How could you set one up?

@rishi556 wrote a good guide for setting up a witness node a couple months ago iirc @scholaris

Thanks! I look forward to reading it!

I dont know, but I can say to you to ask some of the other witness like gerber, or raymond for bro, or the rishi post above :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I did thank you! Rishi has a great discussion about it and Ervin-Lemark is also documenting his pursuit as a witness.