Rise of the Tomb Raider from the perspective of a woman who last played Tomb Raider: Anniversary

in #game7 years ago (edited)

My first and (till this year) last Lara Croft I've ever played was Tomb Raider: Anniversary, which I won in one competition that once ran on Czech TV. That's why I apologize to all the fans of this busty beauty for my inexperience, but my parents did not allow me to play games, so my only chance was during the holidays.

I played Tomb Raider for the last time at the age of 14, when I tried to kill the boredom of the holiday in grandparents. I was a terrible noob, I could not play using the keyboard properly, so playing it was very tough for me, and in the final, I had to get instruction to get through T-Rex and challenging puzzles.

I didn't finish it. I ended in the level (maybe some of you remember) where Lara is in some shaft with lava on its bottom, and she has to jump from the platform to the platform. To make it harder, there are gargoyles spitting fire, and the platform on which you are standing slides into the wall, as well as all the bars, the rings for the hook, etc., were hiding after a while too. Well, for a 14-year-old girl who can not play properly, it was insurmountable, so after a few broken keyboards and monitors, I dropped the game almost before the end.

I played another Lara this year. My boyfriend recommended me to play the Rise of the Tomb Raider, so after this short introduction, I wanted to share with you my impressions from the perspective of the woman who played only Tomb Raider: Anniversary. Resp. My indignation. Perhaps you can understand me.

Where is busting Angelina Jolie?

Who do I play for? Where are silicones? Where's the top and shorts (OK, it's cold)? What is this gentle beauty? Yeah, I'm a girl, but I'd rather see Angelina's bust. An animated character may not die, so why change the actress?

Why does she automatically jump from swing and rods?

At the age of 14, I really enjoyed spinning on the pole. At least ten turns. And I liked to swing on the rope until Lara vomit herself. Why does not she do it now?

Crafting ammunition and first aid?

Come on, why to make it so easy? Is Lara a game for kids? Where is the challenge when you died a couple of times to collect the first aid kits?


Lara upgraded to RPG? Some of the skills I did not even use.

Survival insticts? Why?

They can paint pink all important objects directly. Where is a challenge to find where to jump, etc.?

Snow and ice, all the time just snow and ice.

All the while I hoped I would get to the other location from the ice kingdom. Bad luck. Okay, she was in the desert once, but it was too short.

Where are monsters?

Do I really have to kill people only? And a helicopter with people in it. And a bear. And wolves. I wanted some monsters like in the Tomb Raider: Anniversary.

The map.

The man was always so excited in Tomb Raider: Anniversary when he accidentally found some treasure or when he finally managed to get it, but now? Everything is on the map so search for treasures = BOREDOM.

I bet I have forgotten something.

I finished this game this week. I do not like the fact that Lara is now like RPGs I know from playing on the console. According to me, the game lacks the challenge. However, despite all the hates I really enjoyed it. Besides, I found out that I was no longer such a noob.

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May the seed be with you! :D



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- Mahatma Gandhi

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Thanks, I would check it out :)

i once completed the original tomb raider game, the graphics were not as good as now but still amazing for me, and so atmospheric, i loved the egyptian parts, i havent played the others in years, but i found out last year the original game is available on the iphone so i got it and it brought back so many memories but my finger skills are not what they used to be so i definitely wont finish it on my phone but great to see it again and carry it with me :)

I'm just thinking about trying to play it again to see if I can finish it now (eight years later) :D I can not imagine the controls on the phone, so I will remain faithful to the computer :)

at the time i finished the original there were times i would see Lara running through temples and jungles in my sleep, that was a strange feeling, it is the only game i have finished i guess one was enough for me, if someone had said at that time that you could play the same game on a mobile phone in the future i would have looked at them like they had 2 heads lol.

Definitely! And there is also online version http://xproger.info/projects/OpenLara/ only the controls are not so user-friendly :D
I don't remember dreaming about some game. I think I have dreams only about some stressful stuff in my life like school, work...

well your schoolwork needs to be your focus just remember the roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet :)

Definitely but I have bad dreams only when there is some assignment, on which I worked to the morning and still didn't finished it. Then the whole night I think about what I should change etc. even when it is late because it is after the deadline.

It might not be much consolation but i still have the odd strange dream (not quite nightmares) about my schooldays and i have been in work 30 years lol, i suppose the pressures of our formative years stay with us through life :)

@pipiczech I've recognized that when it appears to be like terrible, just stepping absent for your moment would make all the primary difference on the earth.

Great post. I didn't play this particular game, just the first few once, but I occasionally sin and like to watch other people play it on YouTube. But I was obsessed with the 4th game when I was a teenager, but got stuck on the pyramids and couldn't pass them.

Thank you! I am glad that I am not the only one who got stuck somewhere :D
I would like to play and finish all Tomb Raider games once, because I really like adventures.

Me too. But I don't have the time for it.

This is a very critical but varied summary of the game. I understand your consternation but keep in mind that this is a younger, less seasoned Lara Croft. :c) The T-Rexes and stuff come later (or earlier) in the series.

You claim that it has less challenge. Not having played it I cannot contradict you - but sometimes the loss in difficulty is a result of better game design in the accessibility department.

By any chance, does the game's settings allow you to turn off certain features that make things less challenging? If not then your point stands stronger.

Also - I personally don't think that there is anything very wrong with different games in the same series having different levels of difficulty - as such allows a series to appeal to a broader audience. There is, however, a right and wrong way to go about it.

(Got through TR2 with just the original (infinite ammo) pistols (and a lot of reloads) - Got my butt kicked by TR3 ...well - up until the CD-reader died ^_~)

I thought there would be someone who would argue with me :D
I didn't switch off anything, because if it were there, then I would use it. It was just a sum of what is different.

I understand that the creators want to go with time, but again I find it unnecessary to switch to another concept and make Lara an RPG (In Witcher, Geralt has his witcher sense, he collects herbs for potions, skills, and so on. The same is main heroine in Horizon Zero Dawn - I do not remember her name - she also has the gadget to see tracks, she crafts ammunition, collects herbs ...). There are so many games like this here, so why to create the same one with Lara? At least the Uncharted is not an RPG.

I thought Lara was about the main story line, not about collectibles. I would probably collect them on the console just for the trophy but on the computer? I have no motivation.

I don't know if I'd call this an argument - but I certainly introduce a different perspective to the mix. :c)

Again, from my out-dated perspective of the TR games - such were 3D platformer-shooter-adventures - certainly with a level-design and narrative driven kind of play. Whether a designer can remain 100% true to that concept and justify so many games in a series without a degree of expansion and innovation - is debatable - but all kinds of games have seen growth as the potential of the platform evolved - including classics such as Mario.

I would quite agree that certain design decisions with the latest installment of TR were contrived (the Hunger-Games-inspired shift to a bow for the traditionally dual pistol-wielding protagonist) - and I'd agree that the top-down digital map inclusion was not what it could have been (it would have been more authentic to implement it in a pocket journal - reflecting areas already seen - in rough-to-more detailed format). I would even agree that some accessibility features shouldn't have been turned on by default - or could have been implemented much more subtly (such as in the form of "visualizing" certain less intuitive stunts).

However having such optionally in the game enriches the game for certain players - and experimenting with new techniques could lay the groundwork for better games further down the line.

Thank you kindly for both the response and critique @pipiczech. ^_^

What an exhausting comment again :D
Now I am playing the previous episode - Tomb Raider - and I found it funny that there are almost the same puzzles like in the last game. E.g., using strong wind to destroy some obstacles or to get to the treasure. There should be something new.

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