You won't die
Having never run naked
Under the stars
In the long grass
Of a summers night
~ Atticus
𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒, 𝒟𝑒𝓃𝒾𝓈𝑒 ❤️
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

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Time is something we all could do with more of even me in retirement there never seems to be enough of it and you can never buy more of it
Of course sleep uses up so much valuable time in fact I remember seeing something recently that said the average person sleeps for 26 years in there life plus add another 7 years trying to get to sleep
Dang it really adds up I guess that is based on getting 8 hours sleep a day which I have never come close to but now getting closer some nights I get 7 hours sleep
What a beautiful area for a walk I am one who my knees let me know running was no longer a good option for me mind you I can’t blame my bad knees all on running rugby and motocross was hard in them also
But walking I find nit only good exercise for the body but great exercise and relaxation gir the mind
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
Sleep has always taken up a lot of people's time. Teenagers especially. They either run on pure adrenaline and no sleep or can sleep 20 hours straight some days. :) I guess it added up and divided accordingly.
I am sleeping more than I used to, but, less than I need to. It is about as close to the truth as I can come.
Rugby probably did more damage than the running did! That is almost a given. :) OMG Motocross too? Yes.. Running would be a treat for them! Oh, to be young and invincible again. I say that, but, would I make the same choices? Probably. Hindsight is always 20/20 - the good thing about it, yes? Walking is one of the joys that doessn't cost a thing and gives you free reward every time you go.
Thanks for hosting the #WednesdayWalk! We all love it!
Indeed rugby motocross and an accident on the confidence course in the army all did the damage far more than running ever did
But motocross and rugby indeed if I went back I would do it all again lol
But walking fir me is both exercises relaxation and to a degree meditation
Life is undoubtably all about balance. When talking about time, the correct balance shifts from day to day it seems.
Funny about the feeding the fowl sign. Can you believe here they destroy the geese eggs. They claim we have too many. Perhaps the same could be said about those people lol.
That is blasphemy! I cannot believe that! While I don't love them all the time, I would never purposedly kill them. :( What is wrong with people?
Balance can definitely be a tricky thing. I constantly struggle with it.
Beautiful natural shots. Looks like some fine forest bathing experience :)
Haha! That is a perfect expression for it! I hope you are having a great day! (evening anyway) Are you experiencing a heatwave for the rest of the week? Crazy weather for sure. It was -4 C two days ago, 21C today.
Balance, Mother Nature. You are out of balance. :)
It´s actually an official term, came from Japan ;)
Yeah, we have been having some unusually warm weather here too. Not 20+ C yet though :D
Thank you! I still get NatGeo in the magazine subscription. My parents bought a ten-year subscription I think. :) I like the digital, but, I get to touch the pictures. :)
I missed this entire article. It was truly interesting, and yes. I agree. The bluebells in the first shot really got me ready for my forest to explode. It is quite the experience.
Time has always been a problem since we invented watches! In the movie "Underground" by Emir Kusturica there is a very imaginative solution, a watch with 32 hours instead of 24 :)
Of course the motives of the movie character are far from altruistic, actually this whole set up is made to deceive a small group of people but it might work :)
Lovely post, as always!
Haha! If only, right?
We do tend to burn the candles at both ends some days, don't we? You are in Crete, yes? A much milder, very beautiful country. We are still working off winter and should be headed into spring. Of course, my photography leaves a lot to be desired, especially when I look at yours and your lovely mates, but, I am a work in progress. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. Much appreciated.
You are most welcome :)
Can't wait to see those paths green with life again.. not to mention the cherry blossoms that I am sure you will post about in good time. Won't be long I hope! 🙃
Hi, Brad! Thanks for stopping over. I am so lazy! (actually, I have been so terrible about posting lately, running out of time!!!) Anyway. I appreciate your presence.
You and me both. Winter is a tad ugly there as we haven't gotten but a dusting of snow and so, it is a little dreary. Spring is right around the corner and my cherry trees in my yard have buds and they are getting plumper every day. Squee~!!
Oh, you will surely get tired of the Cherry Blossoms, although, that seems impossible, no? Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words.
How are you?? Mwah!
Time is an illusion. It does not really exist. Only in the physical world. But we are not really physical. We existed before we were born on Earth, and we will continue to exist after our physical human bodies die. Both being "born" and "dying" ("death") are just/only transitions.
There is only the present and the eternity. So there is infinite "time". Or no time, because it is not measurable.
A good related topic is the Near-Death Experience (NDE). There are thousands. Even from scientists.
I already mentioned many times in various comments on the Hive blockchain, and you already know this, but I would gladly recommend to anyone the website of NDERF (Near-Death Experience Research Foundation). Currently this is the largest NDE website on the internet. At the time of the writing of this comment, there are 5009 NDEs on this website, and it is being constantly/regularly updated.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
I have read about this and I can totally agree. Contemplating about it can make us deal with life's struggles easier as everything is just a journey , a transition.
I have read both sides of the argument and will say that it is a good place to start if you are curious. Thanks for dropping the link to NDERF for everyone.
@creativemary That puts a whole different feeling on life, for sure.
What wonderful spring pictures! It's a joy to see nature awakening!
As for time, I could only deduce one rule for myself: sleep is more important than all business. An extra hour spent on sleep is two hours, which I save, because I am not dumb and not slow because of lack of sleep:)
Very well put! How many of us skip sleep in order to get more done? In fact, we are cheating ourselves on clarity in thinking and doing. Indeed!
Still, a little more time now and then would really help. :)
It is still winter here, although we didn't really have much of a winter. Some of the leaves never left the trees! I imagine it will arrive sooner than later, our long-awaited spring. You had a very little winter this year, did you not?
I look forward to spring every year, the renewal of life. It is always too beautiful! Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤️
What a lovely walk !
If there is something I love about this country is the amount of trails and the way they take care of them. All with their own special charm. The one you are hiking on looks very nice and well maintained.
With respect to time, what remains is to make the most of it by giving lots of love to those who love us, and not waste it in foolishness.
I think I had never seen those fence around. Ill pay more attention next time I am out !
Thank you! You are always so kind and thoughtful in your words.
This is a nice trail, but, winter does not become it. :) It will be incredible in the spring, as is most of the world, yes? They will do a nice clean-up when the spring comes and put fresh bark or rock, whichever is right for the area. It's almost here! Those fences are more common near the old Civil War Battlefields but, I want to say they have some in Ohio because they did have skirmishes there, although no major battles were fought there.
Amen. Best answer yet. Thank you! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
what remains ????? wtf? what we have left/ all we need to do 😅 Anyways , fortunately you got it
I was quoting your words. I thought they were perfect. :)
Yes, I know, What I felt was that my wording " what remains" was not good! 😂 I did not like how it sounded once i read it !
I know what you meant. You are too hard on yourself. :)) You should see my Spanish!
"I thought they were perfect".Thank you . I didnt think that , that's why i tried to reword it ! Greetings , nice lady !
Wow, those are some great photos. That looks like a really cool place to take a walk. My wife and I do a lot of walking in the summer but it is mostly on the paved paths at our local park. Some of the unpaved places just get a bit too muddy. There are some old forest trails I want to take her to sometime. We used to go there when I was a kid and I have fond memories of them.
It is a pretty cool place, although not so much in the winter. It is on the muddy side and the springs are running a little bit, but, once spring comes, it is simply beautiful! It might be that I am spoiled as to how it looks in the other three seasons... add a little snow and it is pure magic.
Old forest trails are so fun. I really love to get out into them. This part here is an old Civil War Battlefield. There are quite a few around here and they always make for interesting hikes. Here is an old unmarked gravestone from that era.
Oh wow, that is really cool. At least if they aren't preserving them they are not building on them. I know up on Mackinaw Island they have a battlefield from the War of 1812 or something like that and it is now a golf course :P
They actually are preserving them. They have original buildings on the property and farms. They also have a Civil War Cemetery. The only reason this one is like this was that it was unearthed recently in the woods. They will either put a fence around it or relocate it, but, my money is on the fence. They like to keep history real.
I have been to Mackinac Island and cannot believe they erased history for a golf course. Pfft.
That's what it's all about, isn't it!?!?! My wife and I went for a walk on Monday for Valentine's Day and it was such a refreshing way to spend time together. We love being in nature and hiking.
Great choice on saving your knees.....mine absolutely HATE me...lololol
I love being in nature too. There is something so refreshing about spending time with Mother Nature. She never lets you down. I get a rush of adrenaline just being out in it. (okay a tiny one, but, still!) It really is the small things, see?
Saving the knees wasn't always how I felt, I have just seen too many of my friends getting knee replacements, and they are too young to be broken like that. :) Do you remember when knees didn't get worn out until you were granny age? Now, I see 25 year old. Yikes!
I hope you are taking good care of your knees! I still run, but, not like I used to. :)
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Nature was so on my mind for my #wednesdaywalk as well @dswigle and if you find out where Time is sold, let me know. I keep trying to find it on Amazon, but it seems it's not deliverable ;) I hope you have a wonderful day.
Amazon!!!! You know I forgot to check them, but, now I can just skip it. I promise! When I find some, you will be the first person I share it with!
Hi, Donna! Better weather for the rest of the week! We are actually getting to 21C today! Hello! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a nice day!
Nobody can buy time, but we can try to trick it... somehow escape from time's attention so it leaves us alone ;) But it happens just sometimes.
Same here, it is not always easy to juggle between, work, play (whatever we play, for example, a musical instrument 🎶) family, hive... but I suppose we just have to love what we do and in order how we feel, and all seems achievable. 😇
It is true! If we really want to do something, we find a way. The only thing I ever worry about is to do nothing well, but, that is what balance is all about, fitting in the important things and leaving enough left over for you.
Even if buying time may be easier, some days!
Always a delight to see you here. Have an amazing day!
One important thing I see when I have these lack of time days ( weeks and months haha) is the trigger. The motivation to do something. Then we can "select" the priorities more easily, actually without thinking we are able to achieve something that was just impossible to think about. The trigger helped to find the right time, even if it seems we dont have it.
Have a great day too, in my place it is already evening now :))
So much to do, so little time! But i guess these and more makes life very interesting to live in.
Beautiful pictures, wonderful write up. Always a flower and always a poet!
You know I forgot the flower last night, right? Yikes. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words. It is kind of messy looking in the winter, but, spring is so close I can almost see it!
I hope all is well in your world today! Have a great evening!
Beautiful peaceful area. Is it like a park?
Thank you for sharing @dswigle..
It is on part of an old Civil War Battlefield. It is pretty much maintained by the Department of Interior, although most are left in its natural state. That is so funny. I was just thinking about you and Splinterlands the other day. :)
Don't forget us on the dark side here. :) Hello, lovely! I hope you are doing well!
Thank you for replying. I am well thanks. Thinking about your knees, I am nearing the 60's, it comes with some aches and pains. 😃
The beauty of nature is incomparable. The more we live with nature the more we get healthy. I just find it peaceful when I’m visiting provinces where it’s full of trees and mountains.
That is so true! Nothing compares to nature! Having nature in your life gives you a different outlook, especially when we consider the peace it gives our soul.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words. It is always good to see you. Have a peaceful night ahead.
Thanks for sharing your walk. I learned something new today - Zigzag fence, these are cool.
It looks like spring is coming your way!
Thank you. I have found I learn something every day, however small. Thank you for coming along for the walk, it is always more fun with company. ;)
Have a wonderful day!
@dswigle very beautiful nature scenery, we taks care of nature,nature will take care of us, such an atmosphere will be more comfortable, take the time to walk. Like it, thank you very much.
Nature does take care of us, indeed! It is a two-way relationship. The better we take care of them, the more she does for us.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Have a nice day.
Thank you for the same, have a nice day. Greetings.
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Thanks for the beer!
wow, nice photography.
Thank you!
This is really passionate.. I like this. I am motivated.
Time is what we would all like more of what a beautiful place for a jog the beauty of nature all around you.
Hi Denise, I am dropping in to take a peek at what some of my old friends have been up to since I took a major sabbatical from Social Media to do some personal R&R and enjoy some time to just be alone with me. I see you are still inspiring others as always and sharing from your beautiful heart. I have thought of you often over this past year. I hope all is well with you and your family. love and hugs Sunscape
Nice, i like this.
Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to read. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer. Much appreciated!