
I will bring my cattle prod for you next time.

Yeek, I promise to improve!!! :0D

This is acceptable! LOLOL untitled.gif

I would be mighty pissed if I, as part of the army was called in to sweep half an inch of snow! Lol :OD

This is called shouldering.

It's a really valued technique that ensures that when a line is moving as one - they are truly in a mindset where they share the same goal, same vision, same execution.

At the end of the exercise- they go back and look at the lines of snow left behind to see where there was a disruption in the groupthink.

Then, they do it again, and again, until they can have one clear plow - with no snow left behind.

Each person is not only responsible for making sure that their "plow" is clean - but that they aren't adding to the next person's "plow" by slacking off.

At the same time, they are also responsible for catching any excess that is inadvertently left behind by the people to the right and left.

It is extremely difficult to do - because as you can see, when one turns to the left or right - to help those beside them - they cannot help but create more of a burden to the person they turn away from.

It requires trust, and dependability, and responsibility, and I'm completely making all of this up because I have too much time on my hands but thanks for listening.


Hahahah, I was reading this thinking, *fucking hell. It still sounds shit!

But it was entertaining nonetheless! :OD

It happens. We're all human.

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i am so much more than human. hehehe

hi @scholaris.pob :)

It's the end times I tell ya!


shoving a cow out of a window is the best that tenor gifs provide. LOLOLOL

Lol. Now it takes on a sinister turn!!

is it though?

is it?


Haha, its the devils child!

hehehehehe you can't teach a child to smile like that!!!

That is like - inherent evil LOLOLOL

That kind of smile only comes from children reared on the milk of satan!

i just barked with laughter

Where is PETA when you need them? LOL

right?!?!?! this cow is like...

OMG! That was so funny. I am still laughing... Oh, wait. I shouldn't laugh.

Boom!!! @meesterboom What happened? Do you need more ink?

Yes, the ink is all clumpy and not flowing smoothly enough!

Happens to the best of us!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Life has a habit of getting in the way ;OD

Just add water! Or beer! Works like a charm.

I usually add beer then wine. Its murder though as It means I am desperate for the toilet all the time in wor after such a magnificent breakfast :OD