Cooking Potato With Tomato Gravy and Pakcoy For Dinner

Fresh, sweet and a bit sour can be a gravy choice for dinner that is light on the tongue but comfortable.



Eat to live. Don't live to eat. Those are two different things. My late mom always reminded me about that. Yeah for sure we shouldn't be driven by the constant desire to eat. Eat mindfully.

I always remind myself to always be aware of what I am going to eat. This will be very useful for me to be grateful and accept what I have in the present. In fact, there are many people out there who cannot eat 3 times a day.


Eat what we have, not what we want. This principle is also very useful to apply in a household to teach us to eat happily without complaining whatever we have at that time.

So, for today, for dinner, there is one tomato left, no chili in my refrigerator. Thankfully, I still have fresh vegetables and potatoes. I often feel guilty towards my husband if I can't serve him what he likes. This time there was no chili and maybe he would complain.

I complained to my husband. Maybe it won't be spicy tonight. My husband just smiled. "No problem," he said. "Besides, we only eat for a while and tomorrow we will defecate." 😂

Oh well, he can always make me laugh. He was right. There's nothing to worry about. It's okay not to eat what we want. The food is only in our bodies for a short time and the next day we will expel it. 🤣✌️

Oops sorry for the joke! It came from my husband! Okay, come join me in cooking! I will combine pak choy with potatoes in tomato gravy. Of course this is suitable for those of you who don't like spicy.


This time I will cook fresh hydroponic pak choy. Oh, what a charming pak choy. ❤️

The Ingredients


  • 1 potato
  • one handful of pakchoy
  • 1 red tomato, or you can use 2 tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 4 cloves of small red onions, chopped
  • 2 bay leaves
  • celery leaves to taste
  • 2-5 cm of cinnamon stalk
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sweetener to balance the sour and savory taste
  • 250-400 ml of water for gravy according to the thick consistency of the sauce you like


Cooking Instructions

Preparing Veggies



Peel the potatoes, and cut the potatoes into cubes. Also, prepare your favorite green vegetables which will be mixed with potatoes in tomato gravy.

Here I use baby pak choy. So I don't need to cut them into small pieces.

Making Tomato Puree



Blend a tomato in 400 ml water. You can also use 2 tomatoes if the texture is too runny. I only have one tomato supply left this time. So this is all I can do.

Cooking Potatoes



First, heat a little cooking oil. Then add chopped garlic and chopped red onion. Also, add bay leaves and cinnamon stalk.



Then, add potatoes with a little water. Cook them for the first 5 minutes. Then, add the pak choy and cook again for 3-5 minutes.

Adding Tomato Puree



Add tomato puree when the vegetables are cooked. Also, add salt, pepper, sweetener, and chopped celery. Take them to simmer then remove them.





Serve them while warm. You can also add vermicelli if you don't feel full.

For me and my husband, that is enough. I like tomato gravy which is fresh and not thick on my tongue. But if you prefer thick gravy, you can add corn flour when cooking the gravy.

For this recipe, it's enough for us (two portions) for dinner. Feeling grateful for the loving simplicity of our time at home ❤️

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


Hi @anggreklestari, I'm over here visiting, I was a bit distant and I'm already enjoying the good content. I laughed a lot with your husband's jokes, but his words are true, of course your mom's words are true too. Thanks for the thoughts before presenting your delicious dish, they are very necessary to keep in mind, you have to eat with conscience and be content with what you have. Also with little you can eat delicious as you demonstrate with your preparation. Excellent food.

A hug for you 🌷

Although I have never experienced your food live, I absolutely love your food. Because the way you serve it is very rich. Feeling really hungry. Really like to sit next to you and taste this dish.

The vegetable 🥗 looks so fresh. What we need for healthy living. And love potatoes 🥔 a lot. Thanks for sharing this beautiful lunch recipe. Compliments 🎄.

It looks so healthy and beautiful, chef! As I always say, healthy food can also look interesting and you make it so.

The veggies look so fresh and beautiful as though one can eat them without cooking. Lovely presentation as usual. I too like my meals spicey.🔥🤩

I love the crunchiness of bakchoy.. But I don't know why people at home doesn't like this veggie 😅m.
This looks yummy

I think that I have to record that part of "Eat to live and not live to eat" and the other part of "Eat what we have and not what we want" Really both phrases are very wise. I also find it incredible how with few ingredients you have prepared a dish that looks very beautiful and that provokes to eat what you did. I am following some of your recipes to see which one suits the location where I live to try to make it.

Thank you for your time to reading my recipe and the stories behind. You can replace the veggies to the veggies around you. Make sure the veggies are your fav, so the taste is not weird 😊

I love the presentations of your dishes, dear friend @anggreklestari, this one looks exquisite and great.
It's good that you prepared this recipe with what you had in the refrigerator, that's great.
I appreciate that you share the ingredients and the way to make it.
Have a great day

hello, jlufer. I always made stock for daily meals for my family. so I rarely go to the market. saving time. :)

have a great day

Simple but you served it so well sis. It made me wonder the taste of it...

I love how fresh the ingredients are. This recipe is so healthy. Really good.

Yeah when I saw hydroponik veggies, I always buy them 😊


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Yes we should eat to live don't live to eat.
I really like your proverb.
Overall nice post dear.