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RE: Flowers from Sirao Flower Garden

in Photography Lovers • 3 years ago

Why exactly are you in a mental mess? I guess it will take you a week as well to attend to your comments😂
Anyway, do come out of your mental issues soon.
I was even shocked when I opened your post and saw the minute read lol, I have to check again if I was deceived by my eyes.
I am sure you know why I said that hahaha.
These are lovely collections by the way. And its really been some days since I read from you.


I'm always like this. Always in a mental mess. Some days, I'm just good at suppressing it. Some days, I'm just wondering somewhere.

It won't go away soon. I'm just dealing with it as is.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Hmmm, well, I wouldn't say but I really think it can go away just that you have already recorded your mental mess in your subconscious mind and you make it become your thing that is why you have accepted it that way.
If it is not stopping you from doing your daily activities then I guess we just have to leave you to it.

What I mean by mental mess is that I can't focus on one task. I just hop from one activity to another without really accomplishing anything. And it frustrates me so much.

hahahahaha, now I understand, you made me think something else. Well, it happens cause I go through that sometimes lol