If you're new to Hive, you might not realise that for many years, curators like me have been reading posts and deciding on their worth in terms of upvotes and engagement. For most curators in most communities, at least the ones I speak to on a regular basis, a good post is about effort and originality. For many, it's about personal stories that make the post human.
There is a lot of work that goes into curation on HIVE.
We care less about grammar and more about people. We are very aware than many are writing in their second, third, or fourth language. We go out of our way to celebrate, reward and bring attention to people, especially newbies and the lesser known Hivers. We check their engagement history and know the ones who make an effort to connect with others. We check their post history, seeing whether it's consistant with what they've posted before. When we suspect it's been copied from elsehwere, we'll check. We often have conversations with people if they're doing the wrong thing, giving them opportunities to do better. There's a whole heap of work to make sure that people are doing the right thing.
Why? Because, of course, there's a reward pool.
It's incredibly unfair that people gain rewards for work that isn't theres or is very poor effort when others are working hard to do their best. We see it as theft. When a bad player is upvoted, that takes away from the good players.

Image Co Created in Stable Diffusion
There's also outside scrutiny. We ask ourselves about Hive's reputation. If people think we are full of shit posts and plagiarism, how does that impact onboarding and the HIVE price?
For the last year, curators have been spotting posts written by AI.
In simple terms, that's an artificial intelligence, not a human one.
Remember what I said about how curators valuing the humanness of a post? The people stories?
I've talked to many people over the months since AI written content started appearing on Hive. The two things that keep coming up is reward pool rape and lack of human stories.
If you want to mess with curators, go ahead. Just don't complain when you get downvoted or muted.
Now here's the kicker. People do complain when their AI generated content gets flagged, and more than often firstly deny it, then make excuses, then argue that AI content has value.
Let's agree with a couple of things to start with: AI language models are wonderful tools for adjusting grammar, helping structure work, and saving time. We understand that, and we empathise with people who feel self conscious about writing in English and use tools like Grammarly or translator apps to polish their work. In fact, we have absolutely no issue with these tools.
But what we're not okay with is people using AI to come up with the ideas, or write the post based on an idea.
What some people are shocked about is how we can tell. Without giving away our secrets, we've been around a bit, and we have some tools that help us check. We're also not stupid.
Here's a few scenarios that alert us:
- A user that often writes in poor English suddenly writes a post with perfect grammar.
- A user write generic content such as 'How to Grow Tomatoes'
- Certain language cues within the content suggest it's not genuine
- There is very little engagement with the post - comments might be met with a simple 'thankyou' rather than engaging with the content on a deeper level.
- When we ask CHAT GPT a similiar question based on the post eg 'how to grow onions' it will be eerily similiar.
After that, if it comes up as AI generated on a checker, it'll then be ignored, muted, downvoted or reported.
Of course, the whole world arguing about the legitimacy of AI written content, and worrying it will be hard to tell very soon.
But this is HIVE.
Why should you be rewarded for low effort when someone else has put in the effort?
Is saying it's 'my idea', but the AI wrote the post, a legit reason to be lazy and not write the post yourself?
If the community rules say 'no AI generated content', what makes you ignore that?
What makes it so hard for you to keep being human, putting in human effort, on a social media that rewards human stories?
It's more black and white than you think.
With Love,
Are you on HIVE yet? Earn for writing! Referral link for FREE account here
Writing original content is good for the soul. I truly enjoy the hours spent (in notepad), creating something where nothing existed before, but at times I can be really hard on myself as a content creator.
I write and rewrite, spellcheck and let each post "simmer" before publishing. But it never fails, hours later I'll be responding to a comment and dang if I don't see grammatical errors! "How did that get past me!" It happens every. single. time.
People can gush about the content, but all I see are the errors. Then I have to go back in and do cleanup.
It's actually embarrassing and I rush in to edit, hoping no one noticed it. I think I get so excited when the post is nearing completion that I really want to get done and that's when things start to slip.
The instructor in my literature class told me that this is a sign that one is a writer, because they all go through this. "You're a writer, you care!" she said with a smile. And that human struggle of sharpening your text is one of the things that the "copyists" are cheating themselves out of by chasing the quick buck and refusing to grow as a writer. A pox on all their houses! :)
I write content with the intent that it will be found on Google and attract people to Hive. I don't think about upvotes at all, if it happens, it's nice, but my focus is on growing Hive and enjoying myself as a content creator, AND getting better as a writer.
I can still remember during the Steemit days, reading a post from a South Asian guy who worked in the village store. The English wasn’t perfect, but no matter, it didn’t have to be. He told a compelling story of the people he interacted with each and every day.
He thought no one in the west would be interested in village life, but I was transfixed and told him to continue. His writing had a beauty in its own way. No AI necessary.
In the old days here I'd edit endlessly until it gleamed. Now I allow the mistakes slide... It's human. It's okay. The interaction is better than the perfection.
Deserves to get downvoted to oblivion.
The thing that gets me is that they often deny as you say and them try to justify but really, they know it's wrong.
Yeah, takes bravery to admit you're wrong. Pride gets in the way.
And not the good kind of Lion pride!!
I'll be downvoting AI content...have been for a while now. I'll continue also, without remorse.
Yep. United front x
This is the key to why I am on Hive and exactly the reason why many others are and will what bring the best creators here. I don't care about mass adoption. Quality and authenticity over quantity everytime.
EXACTLY. Someone got shitty with me the other day and said it'd force people off HIVE. Whatever. It won't be people on Hive... It'll be AI!
If people choose to leave, that's their choice that will make it a better place for those that stay :-)
Totally agree. When people threaten to leave it kinda makes me laugh, like everyone who ended up on Blurt.
Well said girl!
People use all sort of stupid excuse about using AI on Hive, and some are either ultra morons or think Hive curators are.
If they still don't get the message, they can justs goodbye to Hive and take the 2cents that haven't been downvoted by the community with them
We need more such posts. Azircon did one last week. We need to get the message across.
Yeah that's why I did it, as someone said on his post that more curators need to write posts like this. I didn't want to cause drama with a strong view but turns out most people are on board.
It'll not be a place I will remain when AI takes firm hold.
Absolutely not. Fuck that.
You mirror my sentiments. It's sad, but is the reality of the situation.
Thanks for your support mate, had you in my head as I wrote this.
Thanks for sharing. As an artist it is very important for me to separate real art from AI "art". AI is not art. There is no soul. There are no emotions. Same for writing a real human story.
I can see merit in AI art, as long as it's attributed. Some people out a lot of effort into promoting, concepts, etc to bring a vision to life. Being honest is key.
Technically Hive claims to be a social network, but it really isn't. It's a blogging platform, because most of the social side is done elsewhere, like on Discord. Hive already has a bad reputation because of the strict rules, which is why adoption hasn't happened. I know this because I've literally used every single blockchain social out there and most of those using them will never come here, because of the reputation as an Oligarchy. Also, it doesn't accept the average content that came about from the original social networks, so isn't actually a social competitor.
Just keep that in mind as your opinion evolves.
I keep everything in mind and am well aware of this side of the story of course. I've also been on some other social platforms and seen their flaws too. Hive has it's flaws but I don't see how strict rules about AI content is an issue. I don't think Hive is a competitor to other social platforms and nor should it be. It's it's own thing. I don't use Discord much these days.
You personally isn't really relevant. It's about the average Hive user. As for flaws of the other platforms, sure that's a given. The issue isn't their flaws. The issue is Hive's flaws that keep them away from coming here. Hive's strict moderation is a huge part of the reason, which goes way beyond the minorities stance on AI. Make no mistake, it is the minorities stance that rules the platform because of stake and that's why Hive can never truly be decentralized. That fact is very noticeable and makes Hive look like a bait an switch, so ppl don't take it seriously. Hence why growth doesn't happen.
Ok, I am back to be more direct. I think you big wigs are hurting, not helping Hive...
No worries. I get that argument too. Still, I don't think it helps HIVE to have a reputation of being full of AI written content. :)
I’m in the minority I’m sure on this, but I really don’t care what’s written or who wrote it as long as I am engaged and interested. if it turns out that a bot or ai wrote it well that’s cool. If a human wrote it, that’s cool too. And if a dog wrote it well, then I’m up voting it for forever.
Well the day a dog writes a blog can you let me know? I'll be into that.
I see your point. If an AI chat bot wrote something amazing it's probably as good as anything a lot of people write here and thus perhaps worthy of an upvote. Still, if it takes away from people actually making an effort and being honest, then...
I guess it's transparency that is my issue. Just fkn write 'this post was written by CHAT GPT' OR 'I co wrote this with Jasper'. Honesty, y'all.
pff noone thanks for one's curation..
people just circlejerk
? Sorry don't understand your sentence in context of article.
okay, I'm sorry
I just think most people are not really grateful - especially for the alive, organic - but that may be a modern illness
or even 'human' condition
thank you for the reply
Always grateful, always trying to give back 💚💚
Hahaha good one. Now just wait for their coherent response on the matter. ;o)
Generated will always stay generated no matter what.
Even tho I'm a bit of fan of AI photography, never used it myself as I'm enjoying my own "product", could never be proud on something that isn't mine.
From time to time I ask Grammarly for help or Google translate, as English is my second language, only for the sake of not repeating myself with similar sentences, or I forget how that word goes.
"Never adorn yourself with borrowed plums"
Unfortunately AI will bring more troubles than goods, cause human race strive to abuse everything that technology brings.
Fantastic idiom there. Totally understand use of grammarly etc to find tune.
We definitely live in interesting times. Abuse is exactly it - and it's up to us to keep an eye on it. I fully expect this post to be a little controversial but then again most people ultimately see it as a big ethical no no.
Robots do not recognize ethics, neither some people, otherwise Planet would be in totally different - better place.
Let's hope this is gonna pass like every trend we had so far, few months of noise and then nothing.
-Hi! Some people often see the mistakes in a few words without giving the chance to give justice after reading the whole content. I am also using Grammarly and google docs for the reason that I can make the format of my article appear better but still what I write is mostly about my life and routines. The use of everything is not the same in different individuals, that is why those who are against the use of Al think first if it's used to abuse or simply just to make the article better. Before we downvote anything that people spend their efforts and time on it, we should analyze everything first! Harshness in anything destroys the Hive, because of misunderstanding or just lacking sympathy with others. Even before my son @czander experienced harassment here from the founder of the community and after some time his account was "EXPIRED". He he he!
You may visit his account even his last post to see what I am saying here. But I thank God, and I see it as a blessing in disguise because he got spared from cruelty at a young age. But what I am thinking is the other users here, this can happen over and over again. Thank you for raising this topic here. I dont know if what I said is valid in this topic! Have a blessed day!🙏
Most curators don't - they like to reward effort even if it's second language. And we don't care about Grammarly, that's fine.
Do you mean your son was accused of using AI and he only used Grammarly?
-Blessed Sunday!🙏To tell you honestly? I don't know what exactly the mistake was in this case. If my son committed mistake, is it a passes for him to receive verbal harrashment? Like "idiot" after he asked why he was got muted? Well for me it's kind of a bullying, say it I am biased because I am his mother.. I will stand for it. But God sees the heart and mind of an innocent mistake.
If you have the patience to read this and post links inside the post maybe you will understand and you may also tell me if I made a mistake, and I will accept my fault
In this post is the complete details of everything.
Thanks a lot! May God bless you more!🙏
I bet things are getting tough for curators with Chat GPT and other AI tools. I don't envy your position.
I agree with you no effort no reward.
I am glad to see so many of these warning posts now. I guess I read at least three in the last couple of weeks.
Maybe these posts will help new Hivers.
Make sure you tell someone .. even if you DM me link in Discord.
I sure will when I spot a suspect post.
¿Why? why the hell every freaking authoritarian control freak is always trying to convert everyone into a despicable snitch? ¿WTF?
Are you saying I'm an authoritarian control freak? Lol. Love it. I'll take that on the chin for sure. Absolute freedom is all well and good, but I'm on the part of the spectrum that dislikes dishonesty and laziness and people getting rewarded for it, so, meh, whatever.
I don't think it's 'despicable snitch' when it's trying to protect greater good, but totally recognise that we might be coming from different angles there, though I'm sure we ultimately see eye to eye on quite a few things! :)
Hey, sorry for the delay in replying babe. But I know that you know that I know you pretty well. And I know that you have a sufficiently lofty sense of humor to stand well my provocative comments. And thus, I know you can take my dexterous jabs on your chin without harm you. I certainly know you don't have a crystal jaw. ;o)
I was just using you as a reflector and projector for all those who have no sense of humor at all and might try to refute my daredevil comment because you made it too easy for me. But no one showed up, no one dared. LoL
So, excuse me if that comment may have been perceived as too harsh and confrontational. I was really trying to hold back and save more harshness in case you or someone else responded to my a bit longer comment at the bottom of this post.
Nonetheless, my remark that every authoritarian control freak always try to turn everyone into a despicable snitch, still stands! };)
Oh phew, I actually immediately felt a little confronted and upset but I try my best not to react from that place, take a deep breath and see the intention and thoughts behind it, which didn't take me long in the end haha. I know exactly where you're coming from and completely understand it. I do think we're probably coming from the same place really, as most of us are in the end, though it doesn't always seem like it given the debates that arise here from time to time :).
Totally get that, and I will totally keep an eye on that side of my being-on-Hive-ness, as always!!
Everyone here knows you are a smart girl with a good intuition and a fine sense of humor. And it is better for you that you convince yourself of the same thing regardless of the eventual ironic tricks & sarcastic thrusts of an old fox like me who likes to stir things up to create a good debate from which we can all learn something new and really valuable. I just guess I've gotten already really old and now the "choral" voices singing in unison in the same tone are starting to boring me and bother me a bit too much. };)
I bet that's the case! I am clear that you actually do your homework and you really do your tours through the corridors and cells of our "social network" on the blockchain. How couldn't you being doing your homework, living in Australia surrounded by so many eerie animals, reptiles, insects and weird, dangerous and poisonous bugs everywhere? That's what I would call first-hand experience. Hahahaha
Of course we have come from the same place. And I fully understand that some, because they are still young, suddenly accept jobs and responsibilities in a place performing some difficult tasks & unpleasant labours which are not natural for them. But that in order to please their bosses, sometimes many of them lose track of where they are standing and may think that they have arrived at a different and more privileged place that prevents them from continuing to be the same person from the original place where they started.
Me, who I am already quite old and fortunately retired and away from all that crap, sometimes I can't help but advise them to buy a compass right away.
Excellent! and just continue to carry out your work with fairness and good judgment and do not allow anyone to ruin your lofty sense of humor. Not even from an old curmudgeon and Cranky Gandalf like me. :)
It's truly unfair for us who puts effort on writing our posts. Whatever consequences may the curators or the hive communities will give them, I think they deserve that. I'm always amaze of the efforts that the curators, admins, and witnesses put in Hive to protect the platform and help it grow. Thank you for all the hard work. We'll be helping in ways that we know to return the favor.
Bless xxx
I feel so human when I join Hive as I was able to share my personal experiences and connect with other people as well. I also noticed that my writing has improved little by little. So it is just so sad to hear that there are these AI things that exist, that are taken advantage of by some. Well, it's their choice. Hopefully, they'll realize sooner that blogs or any write-ups get more meaningful if we write them on our own.
Well they won't get as far as they hoped xx
I didnt had to read the post to know this was coming in hot, I agree, AI shouldn't be use to generate blog post specially on Hive, I dont have a saying how it can be detected since I dont know how that works, at least I know that if someone using perfect grammar like "up-to-date" who writes like that?? that makes you raise your eyebrows, for now I have been more selective on what I upvote, Hive would have to come up with a system that flag content depending on its structure but as AI progress that will become harder I agree with the no AI generated content movement but really have no idea how it could be stop
Yeah it's a hard one. I guess the point of this post was to say curators are keeping an eye out so anyone trying should know that. Ever since I've been here people have kept an eye on plagiarism and they'll keep doing it for AI too.
Well written and there is truth there.
The effort people put in gets well rewarded, of course time of day and when it appears can also matter, but the main thing is to enjoy the work you are writing about. Even if you only get a couple of $ on it then it's the blogging being enjoyed that helps someone keep going no matter what.
AI generated content is going to keep appearing, it has its value in some areas and has uses, but using it to write your post because you won't yourself.. yeah nah mate, that's lazy!
Lazy and dishonest, ugh.
Hive IS about personal stories. It’s the only way we can connect. We grow together and are part of a story… past, present and future!
Let’s stay a little bit longer human.
Again ¿Why? Why the hell couldn't you also connect with others by writing and narrating things about what you know? About what you don't know? About what you question? About what do you believe about anything and all or do you simply want to share "stuff" with others in search of their own opinion and feedback to learn something new without necessarily having to reveal anything personal about your life or having to give up your privacy and anonymity so that others mistakenly think that it is valuable? Yeah, I'm all ears and genuinely interested in your feedback! };)
This is what's cool on Hive. The efforts the curators are putting on every article that was publish here. I am actually and always thankful that some really take time to read everyone's article.
And to those people who do bad things just to milk some reward, continue doing that and you will regret how you just let go of this once in a lifetime opportunity that came to you.
We miss a lot but we try our best and we care about helping new users too.
Seen a few posts regarding AI recently, It can be a beneficial tool but I agree, using pure AI content with no source is taking away from the creativity.
The main thing that sparked my concern, was the emphasis on HUMAN content, very discriminatory towards us sloths and other animals of Hive!
Mostly, the fact I'm a sloth? !LOL !PIZZA !MEME
Mate I'm always happy to admit I'm wrong. But sounds like you are a sloth pretending to be human, so if you want to be human, you need to follow our laws x
Alright you got me!
I wana be like you oo oo,
I wana walk like you,
I talk like you
Haha now I'll have that in my head all day 🎵🎶
There’s worse ear worms to have! For some reason “I know a song that’ll get stuck in your head, stuck in your head, stuck in your head” was stuck in my head most of the day.
Hope you have a great day!
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The A-gull and B-gull weren't quite right.
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I myself using grammarly to correct my wrong grammars and spellings, I am using chatGPT for other purposes and I can agree it's one of a kind AI writing tool, I've been writing here on Hive for atleast 4 months before but I stopped and now I return, just sad to say that I was left behind and doesn't receive any curation for my recent post but I believe I need to start over again, it's all a matter of gaining my reputation again here on Hive.
Don't be using AI to create content, it'll not go well.
I'm using chatGPT sir but not here on Hive, all my previous content are all created by my experience and knowledge.😁
That's good to hear.
AI generated content has become a bane to writing platforms that rewards the members for their content.
Unfortunately there are a lot of people who will always try to find a way to game any system to earn a little more bucks a little more faster.
I'm glad to see that a lot fo Hive members and curators are making a stand against AI-generated and plagiarized content.
We try our best!
That's just plain laziness and absolutely unethical! Certainly not what Hive is all about!
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When you ask the poster "how are you?" and they respond "how am I what?"... Perfectly logical answer but not very human!!! Hahaha
At least you know I'm real. If I got a robot to go surfing and take action Cam footage, I'm pretty sure it would do a better job! Hahaha
As a curator for more than two years at Hive, I must do this:

I very much agree with your writing.
Love it! I've been silently wondering how much of what I read is AI written, my English, or rather I am not good enough to notice. For me personally, it's almost worse with imagery but I won't get into that...
Using language translators and writing tools such as Grammarly is OK. I've seen many people here encourage and recommend them to new Hivers and to Hivers whose first language is not English. Using these tools is not a problem.
The problem comes with informative posts which were generated by a ChatGPT-style AI. I've been suckered into upvoting a few of those posts, myself, and I felt cheated when I discovered where my upvotes went.
AI is supposed to be a tool, but whoever uses this tool-- as with any other tool ever made-- needs to know the proper way to use it. What is the proper way for us as Hivers to use AI? Heck if I know.
Transparency should play a major role here. Just as we need to source the images we use and content from outside Hive (even memes?), we need to know what we're dealing with without needing to be detectives.
No one is obligated to upvote any content, and that includes content "enhanced" by AI. Just as important is for us not to deceive any readers when they encounter this content.
I'll keep away from using ChatGPT-style AI as long as I can, but I know that over time I may find myself part of a group becoming smaller with each passing day.
hmm what has happened, I keep seeing posts today from Hive OGs about AI.
ah well I don't see the need to use it, unless I want to be a cheating bastard. I am not, so don't.
AI has been around for years, I remember at Uni designing an Expert System in Chemical Engineering. Those evolved into AI now.
Touch wood, we haven't seen it in Silver Bloggers, but anyone using AI which is cheating at the end of the day can't complain about getting shafted.
I think a couple started writing about it and then people were saying that OGs should speak out more so people know. It's a good thing I reckon... It's gotta be done and I reckon SB may not have got it yet as old people don't know how to use AI... KIDDING!!!!!!
haha oh you smartarse 🤣🤣🤣
As far as I'm concerned, artificial intelligence is equivalent to cheating and it's the same as plagiarism, I also believe that for our fantastic Hive ecosystem it is totally harmful.
Those who use it deserve no rewards of any kind; I think my English sucks and, being Italian, I write better in my mother tongue.
If some foreign user writes badly in my language but something intense, real and personal I would much prefer it to a post written in perfect Italian by an artificial intelligence, maybe he will have good grammar but it leaves nothing, it does not convey emotions and it has no value to me.
I've always thought that the first value of Hive was given by people and I still believe it, I hope this is a widespread idea and not just a few Hivers.
Standing here just for the rewards is not something that makes sense, it takes passion and heart to get results.
It's my opinion, but that's how I see it.
this!!! 🔼🔼🔼🔼 @erikah
wow, this is just so on point, jus his afternoon, i was having a conversation with a friend, about neoxian post on hive watchers, regarding it as unnecessary, like it scares newbees away.
what i told her was, hive watchers are doing the perfect job, by checking content originality and creativeness which on the other hand trains you on how to be a great content creator, so i immediately had to share this post and also called her to check it out too.
this post just cleared my doubt, and i must appreciate you for taking the time to highlight some of the most important keys to note in a good post
Thanks, I'm really glad you found it of use and shared it. Hive watchers do a great job even though people don't like it. I honestly think Hive would be a shit place without them.
I honestly think Hive would be a shit place without them.
definiely...totally agree
wow, this is just so on point, jus his afternoon, i was having a conversation with a friend, about neoxian post on hive watchers, regarding it as unnecessary, like it scares newbees away.
what i told her was, hive watchers are doing the perfect job, by checking content originality and creativeness which on the other hand trains you on how to be a great content creator, so i immediately had to share this post and also called her to check it out too.
this post just cleared my doubt, and i must appreciate you for taking the time to highlight some of the most important keys to note in a good post
Amen to every word.
Thanks mate x It's good to see how many people support me on that one. I thought I'd get some argument but nope.
Cutting corners seems to be the new normal.
I totally agree with you. I like the idea of people putting in effort and using their creativity and being reward - that is what it is all about. It is great that you have tools which are not obvious to detect this. I know we cannot stop technological development but we can find a way to ensure that there is no abuse here on Hive.
I appreciate you writing this. AI generated text posted for rewards undermines everything we have created little-by-little. It threatens our core existence.
Thanks. Someone said on your post that more people should say it, and I took it to heart. I thought that I might get some kickback but seems a lot of us that are invested here are on the same page. xx
Screw the lazy and half ass, hell it’s not even quarter ass, effort people put into an AI prompt then post.
I was pretty proud of myself, I found a slew of AI content that one author put out and I cleared the rewards on them and told them politely why it’s not accepted here. They have since stopped on their one account, likely doing it on others. Still was good to whack that mole! Lol. Speaking of which, I saw a post the other day that was of this caliber and I gave the user a warning. I need to go back and figure out if they heeded my warning. If not I’ll need some down vote help!
Hahah yeah it feels good, I got someone to zero a few out as I couldn't make it. I felt like God ahhahah....
Yeah let me know. Also go tell azircon as he's got the power to zero. Just drop the link on one of his posts and tell him.
¡WTF! ...and you still have the "ballz" to say this publicly and feel proud of it eh? ¡Holy shit!
Ha, I guess we are both guilty of having strong opinions at times, though it might seem jarring! The 'felt like God' bit was just being facetitious :)
But yeah, if they're dishonest posts they deserve to be zero'd. I'm more on the side of warn first, dv/mute later, and always on side of benefit of the doubht, but sometimes I see long histories of it in the user's feed so it's clearly intentional.
Ah, another nutty controversial debate for HIVE!
Yeah I know, I know you were being facetitious. I could see your tongue on cheek there. Although it strikes me that no one else came to your defense. That's why I say that many people in this place do not have the slightest sense of humor as to dare to come up with something funny to easy things down.
In my opinion, no one really deserves to have their posts zeroed under no circumstances as long as they are trying to share some content that is interesting, entertaining, informative or invite to think. You can learn something new from everything and this practice should not be discouraged.
Nonetheless dishonesty and the proven intent to defraud the community with pure bullshit out of plain greed, selfishness and petty interests... yes, that should be discouraged at all costs once demonstrated.
You are welcome!
I don't think we could be on the same page more! :) xx
Hesr! Here!
How can you possibly have proper interaction when you aren't writing the post?
Everyone knows it's wrong
If they didnt, thd would proudly source it like anything else
I'm fine with vetoing content made by AI , intelligent people driven work is one of the values of Hive this goes against this. Even with art it is not the same to spend days waiting for paint to dry or hour after hour drawing in digital, to be in the marketplace with an image generated in minutes. It's about Hive, it's about respect and fairness for all.
Content created by artificial intelligence has value... but not in Hive. This is a social network after all, basically the magic of Hive is to connect with all those people who share the same interests as you. Not just writing shitty content without using your brain or feelings.
Anyway, those people who are simply here to withdraw money are the same people who sentence themselves out of greed. Created content with AI or not, they will end up being discovered :)
Reading your article made me remember when I started on the other platform and where I first struggled to find what to do and when I finally decided to write about movies, series and soccer, it took me a while to learn to organize my ideas and try to capture them in the best way possible in my publications.
Now I see that there will surely be those who create a new account on Hive and decide to use any AI tool that exists and make any article just by using a few words.
I won't say it bothers me because each one decides what to do and I just hope that curators like you can know what actions to take.
Not to be too critical, but I feel the same about AI art. Granted what I've seen is sometimes cool, but I FAR prefer original art...
I love AI art 😂😂 But it can be BAD as well. I have sooo much fun with it because I can't paint or draw!! It brings to life things I couldn't ....I spend hours on it 😂😂😂😂 Mainly with mushrooms 😂😂😂
All this AI content is still "robotic", perfectly flawed, some people can just spot it from a mile away. The writing is dry, lacks the human touch, the human flaw, as well as the humane disposition and heart.
And how can one claim that such writing is their own? Anyone can type in a prompt, and the results will all be quite similar.
Good to know how much work is being done to distribute the reward pool as fair as possible
It's very wrong for posts of low content to get upvoted. If we continue to entertain poor posts and posts that are valueless then Hive would be looking down upon. Thanks for creating this awareness.
Reciba un cordial saludo, en un vídeo que realice y publique en otra plataforma hablé un poco sobre el uso de la IA en la creación de contenido y el miedo que le genera alguna personas ser reemplazadas por este tipo de herramientas, y yo les comentaba que era todo lo contrario porque ahora los creadores de contenido van a tener más valor y serán más valioso que en tiempos anteriores ya que muchos no vamos a consumir contenido generado por la IA y si le vamos prestar más atención y vamos a valorar más el contenido humano y original, luego creare un nuevo podcast referente a esto y lo comparto con la comunidad, excelente la información que suministras para los que nos estamos iniciando en Hive. Muchas gracias.
I still think it's frustrating. It's just another way people try to milk the system.
Ah! now that's a pretty arrogant statement my dear @riverflows. ¡Just get off your high horse!
You "curators" are really funny in your twisted way of thinking and evaluating or quantifying the true value of a post to be upvoted on and rewarded. And as for the downvotes, who the hell grant you "curators" and high HP hodlers the right to steal the "curation" rewards from those who differ from your sick way of thinking and actually upvoted such content?
In my case, I really don't give a fuck if a post has been written by an AI, a translator (another form of AI) or by a human to be upvoted by me. As long as the content may be interesting, useful, insightful, enlightening, smart, well thought out through a witty prompt to the bot to redact the damn thing with a valuable message to convey, these will count with my support.
I have never downvoted or downvote any publication at all. ¿Why would I do that? If I don't like it or I don't find it valuable, I just don't upvote it and reward it and that's it. I just will keep going in the search for something with value to vote for. As simple as that.
I am not also a "curaitorr" eh? ¡Of course I am one! The only difference is that I am a free agent. A freaking "curator" free from the pressures and whims of your owners & masters who impose an agenda on you and prevent you from exercising your free will on the matter. Because it's a freaking job for you! Can't you see it?
I wonder from where the hell came and did you get the idea to write this post? Everything you have written here today did not come to you from what others have already thought and written about it? Where do you get the ideas and inspiration to create something if not from what others have already thought, said and created before you?
Why do you have to care if said ideas and inspiration came entirely from a human mind or were perpetrated by an AI that was obviously triggered through a human with a witty and accurate question or prompt to generate and write such idea? ¿What's really the difference? ¿WTF is "Original Content" anyway?
Rules are made to be broken. Especially the stupid and pointless ones. And that's why there are only two options, either, ignore them or fight them so that they change them for a more just and reasonable ones. };)
Cheers!! :)